IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM87)

when: October 10, 2019, 2-4pm local time

where: ADASS Venue (Martini Plaza) Room 11


IVOA exec FM87
Hosted by CXC Data Systems
Thursday, Oct 10, 2019 8:00 am | 3 hours | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Meeting number: 738 831 158
Password: FM87
Join by phone
1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)
1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 738 831 158

Netherlands toll free: 0800 022 3584


Draft Agenda FM87

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM86
  3. Review of ACTIONS
  4. Project Reports
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s)
  7. Renewal of IVOA Exec Chair and Vice Chair roles
  8. IVOA codes of conduct
  9. CAOM
  10. Future Interops: Sydney May 2020 (Simon O'Toole)
  11. Date of next Exec meeting
  12. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects











France VO - Action Spécifique Observatoires Virtuels France (ASOV)


The GAVO Data Centers in Heidelberg and Potsdam keep maintaining and developing services. The most notable new data collection since the Paris is a mirror of the Byurakan survey developed jointly between ArVO and GAVO, which is can, in particular, be used to train for the Gaia RP/BP spectra. As usual, significant efforts also went into keeping our Registry services (RegTAP and GlotTS) up to date and keeping the whole Registry system tidy (e.g., having role="std" on all interfaces that should have it, throwing out ancient ProtoSpectralAccess capabilities).

On the software development side, numerous minor fixes and improvements went into our publication suite DaCHS, with release 1.4 planned for shortly after the Groningen Interop. Among items similar packages might want to take up are generate_series and tablesample to ADQL and an informative HTTP server header (talk during this Interop).

We also wrote and expanded software related to drafting Vocabularies in the VO 2, in particular the converters from various inputs to draft-compliant files, as well as a consumer/validator in python.

The new Vocabularies standard also was the main focus of our standards work. In addition, we prepared what we think should finally be the RegTAP 1.1 recommendation, moved ahead the catalog of ADQL user defined functions, helped with writing a proper standards text for EPN-TAP, and worked a bit on VODataService 1.2 (mainly STC coverage). We also started on SimpleDALRegExt 1.3 (essentially adding auxiliary capabilities). Also, we looked at existing implementations of TAP clients using authentication and will report on our findings at this Interop.

Thanks to the efforts of an international group of developers with major GAVO contributions, the current Debian release 10 ("buster") packages several VO client applications, including Aladin, TOPCAT, and pyVO, greatly facilitating the installation and maintenance on Debian and its derivatives.

Updates on what GAVO is doing are posted on a roughly monthly basis on https://blog.g-vo.org.







  • SVO Data Centre
    • Development of pipelines to ingest science-ready data into the Calar Alto and GTC VO-compliant archives
  • VO-science: 4 refereed papers including SVO staff.
    • The ssos pipeline: Identification of Solar System objects in astronomical images (2019A&C....2800289M)
    • Extended halo of NGC 2682 (M 67) from Gaia DR2 (2019A&A...627A.119C)
    • J-PLUS: Discovery and characterisation of ultracool dwarfs using Virtual Observatory tools (2019A&A...627A..29S).
    • The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Different roads to radii and masses of the target stars (2019A&A...625A..68S) → Featured Science Publication in IVOA Newsletters

  • Tools: VOSA
    • Ten new refereed papers using VOSA (since May 2019)
    • More than 500 new users have analysed ~ 1 000 000 objects in 2019.
  • E&O
    • Development and maintenance of VO-compliant archives for the amateur community (e.g. https://sdc.cab.inta-csic.es/ObCP)





  • Completed the Chandra Source Catalog production - CSC2.0 is planned for an October release. VO services including Simple cone search (Csc2scs), Simple image access protocol (Csc2siap), Table access protocol (Csc2tap) will also be released. An intuitive user interface utilizing WWT is also planned for released and is being demoed along with all of the interfaces to CSC2 at the Chandra Booth at ADASS.

  • A Focus demo at ADASS is planned titled: High Impact Data Availability using Community Standards and Tools - the Chandra Experience; High impact tools and products made available to the community with takeup of IVOA standards will be highlighted. 2 examples are HIPs products of our archive data that provide interactive visualization of Chandra images and use of WWT where we have added a customized layer to provide an interactive interface to the Chandra Source Catalog.

  • Continued support for the IVOA RofR operations - validation of Registries and implementation of actions from a telecon ealier this year were completed.

  • Wrapped up efforts on the Measurement & Coordinate Data Model and brought them to RFC on 9/13; the Transform mode is close behind



  • Took a lead in reinvigorating the development of pyvo within the Astropy community.
  • Added auth support to pyvo suitable for LSST, CADC, and ESAC.
  • Prototyped a SODA server written in Python.
  • Worked with the new STC2 standards to investigate serialization forms. This has led to discovery of some issues with the proposed standards.

Report from the TCG

Report from the Working Groups

Topic attachments
I Attachment History ActionSorted descending Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf ACTIONS_for_FM87.pdf r1 manage 14.4 K 2019-09-30 - 20:30 FrancescaCivano  
PDFpdf RVO_2019_report.pdf r1 manage 94.4 K 2019-10-07 - 15:17 FrancescaCivano RVO report 2019

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