IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM68)

TM68 - Tue, 07 Mar 2017 - 15:00 UTC



Tuesday, March 07, 2017 @15:00 UTC

Agenda TM68

  1. Roll Call and Agenda (JE)
  2. Minutes of TM67
  3. Review of Actions
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Update on Northern Spring 2017 - Shanghai
  8. Discussion on new chair of the CSP
  9. Transition in US representation
  10. The 'Open Universe' initiative (http://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/psa/schedule/2017/workshop_italy_openuniverse.html)
  11. IVOA term expirations (see list below)
  12. Future Interop
    • Northern Spring 2017 - Shanghai, China (May 14-19)
    • Northern Automn 2017 - Santiago, Chile (Oct 27-29)
  13. Date of Next Exec Meeting
  14. AOBReview of Action Items
List of term expirations:
  • Positions with 12/2016 expiration with *no extension* available:
    • Education: Ch: Massimo Ramella
  • Positions with 5/2017 expiration with *no extension* available:
    • Time Domain: Ch: John Swinbank
  • Positions with 5/2017 expiration with *1 year extension* available:
    • Applications: Ch: Pierre Fernique, VCh: Tom Donaldson
    • Data Access: Ch: Francois Bonnarel, VCh: Marco Molinaro
    • Data Curation: Ch: Francoise Genova
    • Registry: Ch: Markus Demleitner







The “AstroCloud” project was concluded on Feb. 24, 2017, which was the main project of the China-VO during the last 4 years.





France VO

As usual, France-VO (the Action Spécifique Observatoires Virtuels or ASOV) opened a call for proposals to support travels to the IVOA Interoperability meetings, collaboration meetings between French teams and meetings on specific topics. The 2017 ASOV meeting will be held 15-16 March in Paris, with participants from Nice, Marseille, Montpellier, Toulouse, Grenoble, Besançon and Strasbourg, plus from Paris and Paris region labs. The meeting agenda (in French) is here: http://www.france-ov.org/twiki/bin/view/ASOVFrance/ReunionASOV2017. The meeting will be followed on 16 March by a "Semi-Hack-a-Thon" meeting allowing technical discussions among data providers, including but not only on the implementation of the VO framework. A "beginner training" on the implementation of the VO will be held on 17 March.










The project statuses and notes from the USVOA business meeting during the 229th AAS are available. Participating projects included: ADS, CXC, HEASARC, IRSA , JHU, LSST, MAST, NED, NOAO, and NRAO .

Highlights from the meeting were

  • New and updated services / applications
    • New serviceNOAO DataLab (beta 1)
    • SciServer updates: Altair, SkyQuery, Compute, SciDrive hookup to CasJobs
    • Iris 3.0: updated plotting and fitting interface (promoted from beta to release on 06Mar17)
    • SIA v2 service implemented in NED
    • MAST: ObsTAP available for all MAST observations. Hubble Source Catalog complete.
    • IRSA: Cone, TAP, and SIA services implemented.
  • Standards statuses:
    • VO-DML (VO Data Modeling Language) collaboration between CXC, JHU, STScI, and Univ. Strasbourg. Prototyping reference implementations to several formats and reworking syntax based on results.
    • HiPS (Hierarchical Progresssive Survey) work is planned at CXC and MAST.
    • CAOM (Common Archive Observation Model). While not a VO standard, US VOA participants are working to build interoperability with CAOM data.
  • Project goals for 2017+:
    • ADS: VO compliancy updates and to-do’s — call for suggestions / enhancements in ADS for interoperability with other services.
    • HEASARC: VO compliancy updates
    • JHU: VO-DML work, SciServer updates
    • IRSA: Cone, TAP, and SIA services implemented. Currently working SIA v2, SSA, VOWorkspace, and CAOM services/models
    • LSST: VO areas of interest – SCS, SIAP, and TAP access will (almost certainly) be enabled within the interfaces and workspace
    • Chandra CXC: working NDCubeDM, DatasetDM, STC2. HiPS implementation work.
    • NED: working on TAP interface to NED Object Database, with version 1.0 expected to be released in late 2017.
    • MAST: Currently working CAOM, VO-DML, TAP, and NAVO-indexing survey, with plans for AuthN/AuthZ, DataLink implementation, and HiPS

Report from the TCG

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Topic revision: r10 - 2017-03-07 - FrancoiseGenova
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