DM work package : Photometry

  • coordination : M.Louys (CDS, LSIIT,Université de Strasbourg), J.Salgado (ESAC)

Please check the discussion page at PhotDiscussion and provide your comments and suggestions.

+ Use Cases for Photometric metadata A set of Use-cases provided by the Take-up Committee on 2009, Nov 13rd after the Garching Interoperability meeting can be browsed here UseCase

+ Discussion on the basic concepts of a Photometry data model

Documents attached below gather suggestions on how to represent Photometric metadata and tackles the problem of SED representations.

Latest IVOA WD for Photometry Data Model (Calibration) is present at: IVOA Photometry DM v0.3

+ Photometry DM UML


+ Photometry Points and SED representations On going drafts for SEDs and representation of photometric points are also available at Jonathan's page:

Gathering photometry information for catalog is covered in :

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf NOTE-PPDMDesc-0.1-20101202.pdf r1 manage 129.5 K 2010-12-03 - 17:36 SebastienDerriere Photometric Data Measurements Descriptions
PDFpdf PhotDM-20101126.pdf r1 manage 159.1 K 2010-11-30 - 13:07 MireilleLouys Note on Photometry Data Model by jcm
PNGpng Photometry_05052011.png r1 manage 64.2 K 2011-05-09 - 14:15 JesusSalgado Photometry DM UML
PDFpdf SEDDM-20101125.pdf r1 manage 51.9 K 2010-11-30 - 13:06 MireilleLouys Note on SED Data Model by jcm
PDFpdf WD-PhotDM-0.2-20101129.pdf r1 manage 241.6 K 2010-11-30 - 22:54 MireilleLouys Photometry data model WD by J. Salgado et al.
Microsoft Word filedoc WD-PhotDM-0.3-20110509.doc r1 manage 857.5 K 2011-05-09 - 14:56 JesusSalgado IVOA WD Photometry DM v0.3 doc version
PDFpdf WD-PhotDM-0.3-20110509.pdf r1 manage 536.3 K 2011-05-09 - 14:11 JesusSalgado IVOA WD Photometry DM v0.3

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaDataModel > PhotometryDataModel
Topic revision: r15 - 2011-05-12 - MireilleLouys
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