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Registry Model for Applications
This page summarizes the models for applications within the "tiger team"
The v10 registry schema had no specific data model that described applications, so a new model has been proposed. The general goals of this model are to support;
- General metadata about an application - e.g. Source code language. A initial set of metadata were suggested at the October 2005 Interop meeting
- Information about what VOStandards and data formats the application supports;
- Concepts of
- Desktop application - with URIs to support automatic download and launching where possible
- Software library.
- Applications that can be run as services - e.g. CEA.
- Can easily be extended to incorporate the registration of applications with new facilities - e.g. the PLASTIC system for desktop interaction between applications.
Application model
The UML model of how the new Application type fits into the registry schema is presented below
CEA Model in detail
In addition for the UWS specification of a remotely invocable application the CEA model (with some enhancements) will be adopted. The UML for this model is presented below.
- CEA Application:
A set of schema that implement the models presented above are attached to this page
- app_v1b2_schema.zip: application model schema v1.0b2 includes changes necessary because of the release candidate 10 of the main VOResouce schema from the RegUpgradeSummer2006. Mainly a change to the CEA parameter definition sub element names.
The details of the attached files
- General application model - The application model schema is defined in
- VOApplication.xsd - contains the following important type defintions (amongst others)
- basic Application type and metadata as a subtype of vr:Resource.
- DesktopApplication -- the resource definition of an application that can be downloaded and run.
- SoftwareLibrary -- software that does not execute, but can be used to build other software.
- CEA schema - define applications that are typically called remotely as web services - though the model is suitable for use by applications running in other containers. The schema have been split over serveral namespaces for historical reasons, and some consolidation is possible still especially combination of CeaBase.xsd and CEAParameterDefintion.xsd. Note that CEATypes.xsd contains types used exclusively in the CEA web service WSDL definition and as such is not strictly part of the registry schema set.
- Core Registry schema - core schema that are defined in RegDMServices are also included in this file for easy download into a single directory.
- example instances -- note that these files each contain several registry records that validate against RegistryInterface-v1.0.xsd.
- application.xml - definitions of various types of desktop applications and libraries
- cea.xml - definition of SExtractor wrapped as a CEA application.
- sia.xml - defining the SIAP in CEA terms.
XMLSpy Schema documentation
-- PaulHarrison - 10 Mar 2006