Documents dealing with Spectral Line Lists

(Add pages as necessary)

SLAP Query Interface Draft Specification

General Working Drafts

  • new-ucd.pdf: Preliminary work on atomic and molecular UCDs

Specific sections related to topic

Needs for astrophysical use (general facts, line lists used by packages ...)

Description of available databases

Various useful documents

Meetings' presentations

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size DateSorted descending Who Comment
PDFpdf SLAP_0.5.pdf r2 r1 manage 255.1 K 2006-05-18 - 02:18 JesusSalgado SLAP query interface v0.5
PDFpdf new-ucd.pdf r1 manage 57.9 K 2005-04-18 - 17:30 MarieLiseDubernetTuckey Preliminary work on atomic and molecular UCDs
PDFpdf stellar-solar-ism.pdf r1 manage 37.4 K 2005-03-31 - 07:12 MarieLiseDubernetTuckey Needs for stellar, solar and ISM studies
PDFpdf NoteEMSpectrum-20040520.pdf r1 manage 85.2 K 2005-03-29 - 12:56 MarieLiseDubernetTuckey see UCD WG : notes on EM spectra
PDFpdf WD-UCDlist-20040823.pdf r1 manage 125.8 K 2005-03-29 - 12:51 MarieLiseDubernetTuckey see UCD WG : explanations on UCDs
PDFpdf pune.pdf r1 manage 61.9 K 2005-03-29 - 14:09 MarieLiseDubernetTuckey InterOpSep2004 meeting
Texttxt ucd1p-words.txt r1 manage 47.9 K 2005-03-29 - 12:46 MarieLiseDubernetTuckey see UCD WG : UCD1+ words

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Topic revision: r10 - 2006-05-18 - JesusSalgado
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