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Texttxt r1 manage 0.4 K 2006-05-19 - 21:21 JohnTaylor Example Python script for use with the AstroRuntim
PDFpdf FOV_demo_slides.pdf r1 manage 426.5 K 2006-05-18 - 19:00 ThomasBoch Field of View demonstration
PowerPointppt HEASARCdemos.ppt r1 manage 550.0 K 2006-05-16 - 21:48 TomMcGlynn  
PowerPointppt IVOA-App2.ppt r1 manage 773.5 K 2006-05-17 - 00:29 MatthewGraham VOEvent client software
PDFpdf PLASTIC_topcat_aladin_demo_slides.pdf r1 manage 640.3 K 2006-05-18 - 17:14 ThomasBoch Aladin/TOPCAT interop. using PLASTIC
Unknown file formatodp TheAstroRuntime.odp r1 manage 1023.5 K 2006-05-17 - 16:58 JohnTaylor The Astro Runtime
PDFpdf TheAstroRuntime.pdf r1 manage 932.1 K 2006-05-17 - 16:59 JohnTaylor  
PowerPointppt TheAstroRuntime.ppt r1 manage 1077.0 K 2006-05-17 - 17:01 JohnTaylor  
PowerPointppt VODA_IVOA_May2006.ppt r1 manage 1656.0 K 2006-05-17 - 18:52 JohanLindroos VODA presentation
PDFpdf VOQuest.pdf r1 manage 322.2 K 2006-05-17 - 13:30 InakiOrtiz VOQuest presentation
PowerPointppt Victoria2006.ppt r1 manage 817.5 K 2006-05-18 - 19:47 PierreFernique VOApp.compareTo(Plastic)
PDFpdf VisIVO_PLASTIC_IVOA_Victoria2006.pdf r1 manage 482.6 K 2006-05-19 - 21:01 AlessandroCosta  
PowerPointppt WCSFixer.ppt r1 manage 591.5 K 2006-05-16 - 22:10 MikeFitzpatrick  
PDFpdf WorldWindAndSTOMP.pdf r1 manage 2539.3 K 2006-05-18 - 17:14 RyanScranton  
Unknown file formatodp plasticIVOA.odp r1 manage 484.1 K 2006-05-17 - 16:38 JohnTaylor Plastic
PDFpdf plasticIVOA.pdf r1 manage 860.8 K 2006-05-17 - 16:39 JohnTaylor Plastic
PowerPointppt plasticIVOA.ppt r1 manage 582.0 K 2006-05-17 - 16:40 JohnTaylor  
PowerPointppt victoria_presentation.ppt r1 manage 2104.5 K 2006-05-18 - 23:22 NicolasMoreau  
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Topic revision: r36 - 2006-05-19 - JohnTaylor
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