Difference: 2018BRoadmap (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62018-12-10 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

IVOA Roadmap for 2018B

This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2018 between the College Park and Paris Interops.

Applications WG

  • Continue to engage with Astropy community
    • Offer support for VOTable in Astropy core
  • Astroquery VO registry module
VOTable Standards
  • Shepherd TIMESYS element proposal through the change process.
    • Changes need to include the 3 existing errata.
  • Work towards VODML-Mapping consesnsus.
  • Determine if there are other driving factors for a new VOTable version.
  • Encourage application support for client authentication, working with Grid and Web Services WG to outline the scope and details.
  • Continue to encourage HiPS providers to declare their services in the VO registry according to the <a target="_blank" href="http://ivoa.net/documents/HiPS/index.html" title="HiPS Standard">HiPS Standard</a>(section 5.3).

Data Access Layer WG

  • TAP-1.1
    • New PR reflecting decision
      • Alert community and update RFC accordingly
      • Update reference implementation and validator
    • Go REC and put TAPRegExt in RFC
  • SLAP-2.0
    • Release official WD, then wait “VO-DML” SSLDM-2.0
  • ObsLocTAP & ObjVisSAP
    • Progress WD
  • ADQL-2.1
    • Continue 2nd reference implementation
    • Tackle REGION issue
  • DataLink-1.1
    • Start revision on (subset?) of identified features
  • Services weather report SHOULD warnings: take a decision
  • Continue effort on polygon winding interoperability

Data Model WG

Priority model efforts:
  • Errata:
    • generate errata page for ObsCore-1.1 and migrate through process (early 2019)
    • generate errata for 2 STC-1.33 errata and migrate through process (early 2019)
  • Coords: Astronomical Coordinates and Coordinate Systems (Nov 2018)
  • Meas: Measurements and Errors (Dec 2018)
    • restore basic Velocity, correct Correlation Matrix
    • complete WD documentation, and distribute for review
  • Trans: WCS Transforms (Dec 2018)
    • restore transform operations needed by LSST, implemented by AST library
    • complete WD documentation, and distribute for review
  • WG concensus on coord, meas, trans model content, move to PR/RFC process (Jan-May 2019)
  • Provenance ( May 2019 )
    • review/address RFC comments
    • assess impact of compromise model on implementations
    • update model/document accordingly
    • update implementations
Secondary model efforts:
  • Dataset Metadata
    • no contention, ready to move forward when measurement model dependency is satisfied. ( May 2019 )
  • NDCube
    • no open issues, ready to move forward when dependencies are satisfied... most likely AFTER "STC" and Dataset are completed ( May 2019? )
  • SSDL-2.0
    • get volute workspace setup ( Jan 2019 )
    • vo-dml compliant model representation - WD ( May 2019 )
Upcoming model efforts:

Most of these projects are being driven by the time domain work and feedback from the 'Hack-a-thon" in Victoria with data providers exercising existing models. There are no hard goals for these projects at this point, but will be worked as a 'best effort' level

  • TimeSeries
    • continue working with TDIG to flesh out requirements for time domain data models and prototype/develop models as time and resources permit
  • PhotDM
    • Generate VO-DML compliant model; it is not yet clear if this is a major version update or minor.. the original model had gone far in this direction.
      • preliminary work has been done in Volute in preparation for Victoria demos
      • pick up from there with 'official' model project; modeler=Jesus, domain=??, tech=??
  • Characterisation
    • Migrate Characterisation to a VO-DML compliant model; this is a major project, at least in part motivated by time domain project needs
    • modeler=Francois/Mireille?, domain=??, tech=??
  • SourceDM
    • It is still unclear if a full SourceDM is required or useful at this point given the resources available.
    • A better approach might be to concentrate on the Entities which might be most useful TO a SourceDM, and work to get those entities included in the proper model (eg: meas ).

Grid and Web Services WG

For Paris:
  • VOSI best practices note
  • Science Platforms: call for standardization proposals on:
    • How to lookup registry capabilities for a platform
    • New capabilities applicable to science platforms
    • Container execution? Input Params? Output location?
  • Group Membership Services -- feedback from community, new working draft
  • XML Schema Versioning -- address known issues
  • Bring 2 VOSI erratum to TCG
  • Hold 2 or 3 GWS telecons
For consideration:
  • Work with DAL on potential VOSI-based table uploads
  • Extend Credential Delegation Protocol to include OAuth 2.0
  • See if ICRAR pyvospace implementation experience can improve VOSpace standard

Registry WG

  • RegTAP 1.1: Incorporate changes from Authentication/Authorization re TAP 1.1 and endpoints, including example queries
    • Work on reference implementation at MAST/NAVO
  • Continue work on VODataService 1.2 regarding MOCs in the Registry, present May 2019
  • Discovering Dependent Resources: Incorporate changes required by Authentication / Authorization re: TAP.
  • Standards Records: We will continue to work with the chairs of the other IVOA working groups to ensure that they register their standards as envisioned by StandardsRegExt
    • VOEventRegExt: A new approach to registering event streams is being developed within TDIG. Registry will contribute to this work, preliminary effort to be presented May 2019
  • Operations: We will keep making sure the registry system runs; in particular, we will address anomalies diagnosed by ESAVO especially including inconsistencies in the Registry of Registries
    • Registry will review validation done at the RofR level based on standards which have since been updated.
    • Registry will develop VOResource errata regarding # in identifiers, which causes validation failures
    • Registry maintainers will work on resolving OAI and Resource validation errors in their publishing registry implementations

Semantics WG

Data Curation & Preservation IG

Education IG

Knowledge Discovery IG

Operations IG

Solar System IG

Theory IG

Time Domain IG

Standard and Processes

Science Priorities

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