Difference: InterOpMay2017Apps (1 vs. 22)

Revision 222017-05-18 - PierreFernique

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3' pdf
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3' pdf
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3' pdf
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3' pdf

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3' pdf
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3' pdf
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3' pdf
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3' pdf
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron & Pierre Le Sidaner Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3' pdf
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3' pdf pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494917420" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6070056" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914074" name="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" path="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" size="7482507" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODebian.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914652" name="VODebian.pdf" path="VODebian.pdf" size="1191063" user="OleStreicher" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494919398" name="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" path="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" size="14050089" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494922436" name="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" path="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" size="250477" user="MargaridaCastroNeves" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494945235" name="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" path="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" size="2432051" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494985130" name="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" path="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" size="372276" user="SeverinGaudet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mantelet_taplib.pdf" attr="" comment="Updates about the ADQL-/UWS-/TAP-Libraries + Ucidy + Trailer of T.ED." date="1494991132" name="mantelet_taplib.pdf" path="mantelet_taplib.pdf" size="184883" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="authentification.pdf" attr="" comment="authentication" date="1494992899" name="authentification.pdf" path="authentification.pdf" size="1018956" user="PierreLeSidaner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="authcap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494994073" name="authcap.pdf" path="authcap.pdf" size="50569" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Apps2-TBoch-HiPS-experiments.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1495031117" name="Apps2-TBoch-HiPS-experiments.pdf" path="Apps2-TBoch-HiPS-experiments.pdf" size="16522955" user="ThomasBoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20170517_ESASky_news_JWST_SSO_astropy.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1495076766" name="20170517_ESASky_news_JWST_SSO_astropy.pdf" path="20170517_ESASky_news_JWST_SSO_astropy.pdf" size="16235435" user="PierreFernique" version="1"

Revision 212017-05-18 - PierreFernique

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3' pdf
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3' pdf
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3' pdf
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3' pdf

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3' pdf
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3' pdf
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3' pdf
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron & Pierre Le Sidaner Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3' pdf
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3' pdf pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494917420" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6070056" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914074" name="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" path="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" size="7482507" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODebian.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914652" name="VODebian.pdf" path="VODebian.pdf" size="1191063" user="OleStreicher" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494919398" name="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" path="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" size="14050089" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494922436" name="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" path="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" size="250477" user="MargaridaCastroNeves" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494945235" name="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" path="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" size="2432051" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494985130" name="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" path="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" size="372276" user="SeverinGaudet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mantelet_taplib.pdf" attr="" comment="Updates about the ADQL-/UWS-/TAP-Libraries + Ucidy + Trailer of T.ED." date="1494991132" name="mantelet_taplib.pdf" path="mantelet_taplib.pdf" size="184883" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="authentification.pdf" attr="" comment="authentication" date="1494992899" name="authentification.pdf" path="authentification.pdf" size="1018956" user="PierreLeSidaner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="authcap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494994073" name="authcap.pdf" path="authcap.pdf" size="50569" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Apps2-TBoch-HiPS-experiments.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1495031117" name="Apps2-TBoch-HiPS-experiments.pdf" path="Apps2-TBoch-HiPS-experiments.pdf" size="16522955" user="ThomasBoch" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="20170517_ESASky_news_JWST_SSO_astropy.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1495076766" name="20170517_ESASky_news_JWST_SSO_astropy.pdf" path="20170517_ESASky_news_JWST_SSO_astropy.pdf" size="16235435" user="PierreFernique" version="1"

Revision 202017-05-17 - ThomasBoch

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3' pdf
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3' pdf
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3' pdf
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3' pdf

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3' pdf
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3' pdf
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3' pdf
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron & Pierre Le Sidaner Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3' pdf
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3' pdf pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494917420" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6070056" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914074" name="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" path="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" size="7482507" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODebian.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914652" name="VODebian.pdf" path="VODebian.pdf" size="1191063" user="OleStreicher" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494919398" name="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" path="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" size="14050089" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494922436" name="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" path="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" size="250477" user="MargaridaCastroNeves" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494945235" name="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" path="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" size="2432051" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494985130" name="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" path="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" size="372276" user="SeverinGaudet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mantelet_taplib.pdf" attr="" comment="Updates about the ADQL-/UWS-/TAP-Libraries + Ucidy + Trailer of T.ED." date="1494991132" name="mantelet_taplib.pdf" path="mantelet_taplib.pdf" size="184883" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="authentification.pdf" attr="" comment="authentication" date="1494992899" name="authentification.pdf" path="authentification.pdf" size="1018956" user="PierreLeSidaner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="authcap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494994073" name="authcap.pdf" path="authcap.pdf" size="50569" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Apps2-TBoch-HiPS-experiments.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1495031117" name="Apps2-TBoch-HiPS-experiments.pdf" path="Apps2-TBoch-HiPS-experiments.pdf" size="16522955" user="ThomasBoch" version="1"

Revision 192017-05-17 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3' pdf
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3' pdf
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3' pdf
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3' pdf

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3' pdf
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3' pdf
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron & Pierre Le Sidaner Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3' pdf
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3' pdf
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3' pdf pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494917420" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6070056" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914074" name="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" path="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" size="7482507" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODebian.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914652" name="VODebian.pdf" path="VODebian.pdf" size="1191063" user="OleStreicher" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494919398" name="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" path="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" size="14050089" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494922436" name="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" path="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" size="250477" user="MargaridaCastroNeves" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494945235" name="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" path="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" size="2432051" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494985130" name="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" path="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" size="372276" user="SeverinGaudet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mantelet_taplib.pdf" attr="" comment="Updates about the ADQL-/UWS-/TAP-Libraries + Ucidy + Trailer of T.ED." date="1494991132" name="mantelet_taplib.pdf" path="mantelet_taplib.pdf" size="184883" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="authentification.pdf" attr="" comment="authentication" date="1494992899" name="authentification.pdf" path="authentification.pdf" size="1018956" user="PierreLeSidaner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="authcap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494994073" name="authcap.pdf" path="authcap.pdf" size="50569" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"

Revision 182017-05-17 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3' pdf
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3' pdf
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3' pdf
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3' pdf

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3' pdf
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3' pdf
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron & Pierre Le Sidaner Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3' pdf
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3' pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494917420" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6070056" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914074" name="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" path="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" size="7482507" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODebian.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914652" name="VODebian.pdf" path="VODebian.pdf" size="1191063" user="OleStreicher" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494919398" name="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" path="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" size="14050089" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494922436" name="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" path="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" size="250477" user="MargaridaCastroNeves" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494945235" name="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" path="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" size="2432051" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494985130" name="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" path="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" size="372276" user="SeverinGaudet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mantelet_taplib.pdf" attr="" comment="Updates about the ADQL-/UWS-/TAP-Libraries + Ucidy + Trailer of T.ED." date="1494991132" name="mantelet_taplib.pdf" path="mantelet_taplib.pdf" size="184883" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="authentification.pdf" attr="" comment="authentication" date="1494992899" name="authentification.pdf" path="authentification.pdf" size="1018956" user="PierreLeSidaner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="authcap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494994073" name="authcap.pdf" path="authcap.pdf" size="50569" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"

Revision 172017-05-17 - PierreLeSidaner

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3' pdf
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3' pdf
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3' pdf
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3' pdf

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3' pdf
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3' pdf
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron & Pierre Le Sidaner Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3' pdf
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3' pdf
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494917420" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6070056" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914074" name="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" path="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" size="7482507" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODebian.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914652" name="VODebian.pdf" path="VODebian.pdf" size="1191063" user="OleStreicher" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494919398" name="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" path="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" size="14050089" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494922436" name="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" path="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" size="250477" user="MargaridaCastroNeves" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494945235" name="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" path="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" size="2432051" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494985130" name="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" path="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" size="372276" user="SeverinGaudet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mantelet_taplib.pdf" attr="" comment="Updates about the ADQL-/UWS-/TAP-Libraries + Ucidy + Trailer of T.ED." date="1494991132" name="mantelet_taplib.pdf" path="mantelet_taplib.pdf" size="184883" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="authentification.pdf" attr="" comment="authentication" date="1494992899" name="authentification.pdf" path="authentification.pdf" size="1018956" user="PierreLeSidaner" version="1"

Revision 162017-05-17 - GregoryMantelet

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3' pdf
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3' pdf
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3' pdf
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3' pdf

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3' pdf
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3' pdf
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3' pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494917420" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6070056" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914074" name="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" path="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" size="7482507" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODebian.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914652" name="VODebian.pdf" path="VODebian.pdf" size="1191063" user="OleStreicher" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494919398" name="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" path="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" size="14050089" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494922436" name="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" path="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" size="250477" user="MargaridaCastroNeves" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494945235" name="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" path="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" size="2432051" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494985130" name="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" path="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" size="372276" user="SeverinGaudet" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mantelet_taplib.pdf" attr="" comment="Updates about the ADQL-/UWS-/TAP-Libraries + Ucidy + Trailer of T.ED." date="1494991132" name="mantelet_taplib.pdf" path="mantelet_taplib.pdf" size="184883" user="GregoryMantelet" version="1"

Revision 152017-05-17 - SeverinGaudet

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3' pdf
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3' pdf
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3' pdf
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3' pdf

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3' pdf
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3' pdf
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494917420" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6070056" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914074" name="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" path="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" size="7482507" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODebian.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914652" name="VODebian.pdf" path="VODebian.pdf" size="1191063" user="OleStreicher" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494919398" name="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" path="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" size="14050089" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494922436" name="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" path="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" size="250477" user="MargaridaCastroNeves" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494945235" name="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" path="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" size="2432051" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494985130" name="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" path="Authentication_in_apps_SG.pdf" size="372276" user="SeverinGaudet" version="1"

Revision 142017-05-16 - PierreFernique

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3' pdf
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3' pdf
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3' pdf
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3' pdf

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3'  
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3' pdf
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494917420" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6070056" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914074" name="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" path="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" size="7482507" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODebian.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914652" name="VODebian.pdf" path="VODebian.pdf" size="1191063" user="OleStreicher" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494919398" name="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" path="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" size="14050089" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494922436" name="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" path="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" size="250477" user="MargaridaCastroNeves" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494945235" name="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" path="AladinV10-Fernique.pdf" size="2432051" user="PierreFernique" version="1"

Revision 132017-05-16 - MargaridaCastroNeves

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3' pdf
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3' pdf
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3' pdf
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3'  
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3' pdf

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3'  
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494917420" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6070056" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914074" name="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" path="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" size="7482507" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODebian.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914652" name="VODebian.pdf" path="VODebian.pdf" size="1191063" user="OleStreicher" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494919398" name="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" path="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" size="14050089" user="PierreFernique" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494922436" name="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" path="splat_slapvamdc.pdf" size="250477" user="MargaridaCastroNeves" version="1"

Revision 122017-05-16 - PierreFernique

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3'  
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3' pdf
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3' pdf
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3' pdf
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3'  

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3'  
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494917420" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6070056" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914074" name="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" path="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" size="7482507" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODebian.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914652" name="VODebian.pdf" path="VODebian.pdf" size="1191063" user="OleStreicher" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494919398" name="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" path="moc-rdbms-8.pdf" size="14050089" user="PierreFernique" version="1"

Revision 112017-05-16 - FrancoisXavierPineau

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3'  
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3' pdf
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3' pdf
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3'  

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3'  
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494898084" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6069905" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494917420" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6070056" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914074" name="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" path="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" size="7482507" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODebian.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914652" name="VODebian.pdf" path="VODebian.pdf" size="1191063" user="OleStreicher" version="1"

Revision 102017-05-16 - FranckLePetit

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3'  
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3'
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3' pdf
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3' pdf
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3'  

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3'  
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494898084" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6069905" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914074" name="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" path="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" size="7482507" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODebian.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914652" name="VODebian.pdf" path="VODebian.pdf" size="1191063" user="OleStreicher" version="1"

Revision 92017-05-16 - OleStreicher

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3'  
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3'
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3'  
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3' pdf
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3'  

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3'  
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494898084" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6069905" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914074" name="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" path="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" size="7482507" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VODebian.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914652" name="VODebian.pdf" path="VODebian.pdf" size="1191063" user="OleStreicher" version="1"

Revision 82017-05-16 - FranckLePetit

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3'  
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3'  
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3'
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3'  
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3'  

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3'  
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494898084" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6069905" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494914074" name="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" path="ISMDB_InterOp17_Shanghai.pdf" size="7482507" user="FranckLePetit" version="1"

Revision 72017-05-16 - FrancoisXavierPineau

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3'  
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3'  
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3' pdf
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3'  
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3'  
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3'  

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3'  
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1494898084" name="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" path="CDS_HiPS_cat_FXPineau.pdf" size="6069905" user="FrancoisXavierPineau" version="2"

Revision 62017-05-15 - PierreFernique

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3'  
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3'  
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3'  
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3'  
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3'  
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3'  

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3'  
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  

Revision 52017-05-15 - PierreFernique

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 12'+3'  
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 12'+3'  
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 12'+3'  
Haijun Tian GPS1 via VO services 12'+3'  
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 12'+3'  
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 15'+3'  
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 15'+3'  
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 15'+3'  
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 15'+3'  
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 15'+3'  
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 12'+3'  

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3'  
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  

Revision 42017-05-14 - PierreFernique

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions (3nd draft schedule - 26th April 2017)


Application sessions


Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 12'+3'  
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 12'+3'  
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 12'+3'  
Haijun Tian GPS1 via VO services 12'+3'  
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 12'+3'  
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 12'+3'  

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3'  
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  

Revision 32017-04-26 - PierreFernique

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions (2st draft schedule - 26th April 2017)


Application sessions (3nd draft schedule - 26th April 2017)


Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 12'+3'  
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 12'+3'  
Haijun Tian GPS1 via VO services 12'+3'  
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 12'+3'  
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 12'+3'  

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3'  
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  

Revision 22017-04-26 - PierreFernique

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions (1st draft schedule - 24th April 2017)


Application sessions (2st draft schedule - 26th April 2017)


Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 12'+3'  
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Haijun Tian GPS1 via VO services 12'+3'  
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 12'+3'  
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 12'+3'  

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3'  
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 12'+3'  
CADC Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
Séverin Gaudet Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  

Revision 12017-04-24 - PierreFernique

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2017"

Application sessions (1st draft schedule - 24th April 2017)

Apps 1 - Tuesday May 16 - Room E - 14:00-15:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases 12'+3'  
François-Xavier Pineau HiPS catalog implementation at CDS 12'+3'  
Albert Shih & Regis Haigron Prototype of authentication architecture using ID federation even for non web application 12'+3'  
Haijun Tian GPS1 via VO services 12'+3'  
Franck Le Petit ISMDB - Interstellar Medium DataBase 12'+3'  
Ole Streicher Packaging VO applications for Debian 12'+3'  

Apps 2 - Wednesday May 17 - Room A - 11:00-12:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pierre Fernique Aladin v10 12'+3'  
Bruno Merín ESASky news: Solar System Objects, JWST footprints and astropy 12'+3'  
Thomas Boch Experimenting with HiPS: going beyond static image tiles 12'+3'  
Margarida Castro Neves Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO 12'+3'  
CADC Making a case for authentication support in applications 12'+3'  
Grégory Mantelet TAP-/UWS-/ADQL-Libs updates 12'+3'  
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