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> > | IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM93) | |||||||
when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Logistichttps://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/92300715225?pwd=N0svd1hmbG1jQkt0QkdJWGx1VGVHUT09 Meeting ID: 923 0071 5225 Passcode: 240939
Agenda TM93
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Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VO (ASVO)The five nodes of the ASVO has been very active in the last few months. Here are some of the highlights:
Euro_VOEuro VO activities continue in the ESCAPE project which is coming up for mid-term review in Q3 2020. This project is facilitating the development and implementation of VO technologies in the large astronomy infrastructures (labelled ESFRI in Europe). The training activities have been impacted by COVID-19 which has prevented the hands-on VO school being held. Options for a virtual event are being investigated. A list of activities can be found one the ESCAPE WP4 wiki pages (https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP4_-_CEVO).
ESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itA report on the work performed by VObs.it for the management of IVOA documentation services, the management of IVOA Documents and mailing archive, and the transfer of the IVOA Registry of Registries (service and management) to CADC is available ( report_TM93.pdf). Ukraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
This is a 2nd reminder to inform you that the *IVOA Northern Fall Interop meeting will be Nov 16-20* and ask you to "Save the Date" to participate in the meeting. The meeting organization will be similar to our May Interop meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service, and Etherpad for live notes and questions. We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread (no parallel sessions) and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted so that if you miss a session you can go back and view it. We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone. We envision asking the community for topics/presentations as we did last time and welcome your participation. We plan to make a slight adjustment to the Northern spring meeting and welcome the option of smaller presentations with >1 presenter in a session. We are meeting now and will followup with more details in a few weeks. We look forward to another engaging IVOA meeting in November.
Best Regards, Report from the Working GroupsThe first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started.
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when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Logistichttps://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/92300715225?pwd=N0svd1hmbG1jQkt0QkdJWGx1VGVHUT09 Meeting ID: 923 0071 5225 Passcode: 240939
Agenda TM93
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Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VO (ASVO)The five nodes of the ASVO has been very active in the last few months. Here are some of the highlights:
Euro_VOEuro VO activities continue in the ESCAPE project which is coming up for mid-term review in Q3 2020. This project is facilitating the development and implementation of VO technologies in the large astronomy infrastructures (labelled ESFRI in Europe). The training activities have been impacted by COVID-19 which has prevented the hands-on VO school being held. Options for a virtual event are being investigated. A list of activities can be found one the ESCAPE WP4 wiki pages (https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP4_-_CEVO).
ESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itA report on the work performed by VObs.it for the management of IVOA documentation services, the management of IVOA Documents and mailing archive, and the transfer of the IVOA Registry of Registries (service and management) to CADC is available ( report_TM93.pdf). Ukraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
This is a 2nd reminder to inform you that the *IVOA Northern Fall Interop meeting will be Nov 16-20* and ask you to "Save the Date" to participate in the meeting. The meeting organization will be similar to our May Interop meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service, and Etherpad for live notes and questions. We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread (no parallel sessions) and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted so that if you miss a session you can go back and view it. We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone. We envision asking the community for topics/presentations as we did last time and welcome your participation. We plan to make a slight adjustment to the Northern spring meeting and welcome the option of smaller presentations with >1 presenter in a session. We are meeting now and will followup with more details in a few weeks. We look forward to another engaging IVOA meeting in November.
Best Regards, Report from the Working GroupsThe first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started.
when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Logistichttps://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/92300715225?pwd=N0svd1hmbG1jQkt0QkdJWGx1VGVHUT09 Meeting ID: 923 0071 5225 Passcode: 240939
Agenda TM93
Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VO (ASVO)The five nodes of the ASVO has been very active in the last few months. Here are some of the highlights:
Euro_VOEuro VO activities continue in the ESCAPE project which is coming up for mid-term review in Q3 2020. This project is facilitating the development and implementation of VO technologies in the large astronomy infrastructures (labelled ESFRI in Europe). The training activities have been impacted by COVID-19 which has prevented the hands-on VO school being held. Options for a virtual event are being investigated. A list of activities can be found one the ESCAPE WP4 wiki pages (https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP4_-_CEVO).
ESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.it | ||||||||
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< < | A report on the work performed by VObs.it for the management of IVOA documentation services, the management of IVOA Documents and mailing archive, and the transfer of the IVOA Registry of Registries (service and management) to CADC is available ( VObsIT_report_TM93.pdf). | |||||||
> > | A report on the work performed by VObs.it for the management of IVOA documentation services, the management of IVOA Documents and mailing archive, and the transfer of the IVOA Registry of Registries (service and management) to CADC is available ( report_TM93.pdf). | |||||||
Ukraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
This is a 2nd reminder to inform you that the *IVOA Northern Fall Interop meeting will be Nov 16-20* and ask you to "Save the Date" to participate in the meeting. The meeting organization will be similar to our May Interop meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service, and Etherpad for live notes and questions. We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread (no parallel sessions) and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted so that if you miss a session you can go back and view it. We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone. We envision asking the community for topics/presentations as we did last time and welcome your participation. We plan to make a slight adjustment to the Northern spring meeting and welcome the option of smaller presentations with >1 presenter in a session. We are meeting now and will followup with more details in a few weeks. We look forward to another engaging IVOA meeting in November.
Best Regards, Report from the Working GroupsThe first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started.
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when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Logistichttps://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/92300715225?pwd=N0svd1hmbG1jQkt0QkdJWGx1VGVHUT09 Meeting ID: 923 0071 5225 Passcode: 240939
Agenda TM93
Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VO (ASVO)The five nodes of the ASVO has been very active in the last few months. Here are some of the highlights:
Euro_VOEuro VO activities continue in the ESCAPE project which is coming up for mid-term review in Q3 2020. This project is facilitating the development and implementation of VO technologies in the large astronomy infrastructures (labelled ESFRI in Europe). The training activities have been impacted by COVID-19 which has prevented the hands-on VO school being held. Options for a virtual event are being investigated. A list of activities can be found one the ESCAPE WP4 wiki pages (https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP4_-_CEVO).
ESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.it | ||||||||
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< < | A report on the work performed by VObs.it for the management of IVOA documentation services, the management of IVOA Documents and mailing archive, and the transfer of the IVOA Registry of Registries (service and management) to CADC is available ( VObsIT_report_TM93.pdf). | |||||||
> > | A report on the work performed by VObs.it for the management of IVOA documentation services, the management of IVOA Documents and mailing archive, and the transfer of the IVOA Registry of Registries (service and management) to CADC is available ( VObsIT_report_TM93.pdf). | |||||||
Ukraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
This is a 2nd reminder to inform you that the *IVOA Northern Fall Interop meeting will be Nov 16-20* and ask you to "Save the Date" to participate in the meeting. The meeting organization will be similar to our May Interop meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service, and Etherpad for live notes and questions. We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread (no parallel sessions) and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted so that if you miss a session you can go back and view it. We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone. We envision asking the community for topics/presentations as we did last time and welcome your participation. We plan to make a slight adjustment to the Northern spring meeting and welcome the option of smaller presentations with >1 presenter in a session. We are meeting now and will followup with more details in a few weeks. We look forward to another engaging IVOA meeting in November.
Best Regards, Report from the Working GroupsThe first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started.
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when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Logistichttps://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/92300715225?pwd=N0svd1hmbG1jQkt0QkdJWGx1VGVHUT09 Meeting ID: 923 0071 5225 Passcode: 240939
Agenda TM93
Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VO (ASVO)The five nodes of the ASVO has been very active in the last few months. Here are some of the highlights:
Euro_VOEuro VO activities continue in the ESCAPE project which is coming up for mid-term review in Q3 2020. This project is facilitating the development and implementation of VO technologies in the large astronomy infrastructures (labelled ESFRI in Europe). The training activities have been impacted by COVID-19 which has prevented the hands-on VO school being held. Options for a virtual event are being investigated. A list of activities can be found one the ESCAPE WP4 wiki pages (https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP4_-_CEVO).
ESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.it | ||||||||
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> > | A report on the work performed by VObs.it for the management of IVOA documentation services, the management of IVOA Documents and mailing archive, and the transfer of the IVOA Registry of Registries (service and management) to CADC is available ( VObsIT_report_TM93.pdf). | |||||||
Ukraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
This is a 2nd reminder to inform you that the *IVOA Northern Fall Interop meeting will be Nov 16-20* and ask you to "Save the Date" to participate in the meeting. The meeting organization will be similar to our May Interop meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service, and Etherpad for live notes and questions. We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread (no parallel sessions) and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted so that if you miss a session you can go back and view it. We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone. We envision asking the community for topics/presentations as we did last time and welcome your participation. We plan to make a slight adjustment to the Northern spring meeting and welcome the option of smaller presentations with >1 presenter in a session. We are meeting now and will followup with more details in a few weeks. We look forward to another engaging IVOA meeting in November.
Best Regards, Report from the Working GroupsThe first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started.
when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Logistichttps://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/92300715225?pwd=N0svd1hmbG1jQkt0QkdJWGx1VGVHUT09 Meeting ID: 923 0071 5225 Passcode: 240939
Agenda TM93
Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VO (ASVO)The five nodes of the ASVO has been very active in the last few months. Here are some of the highlights:
ChiVOCVO | ||||||||
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Euro_VOEuro VO activities continue in the ESCAPE project which is coming up for mid-term review in Q3 2020. This project is facilitating the development and implementation of VO technologies in the large astronomy infrastructures (labelled ESFRI in Europe). The training activities have been impacted by COVID-19 which has prevented the hands-on VO school being held. Options for a virtual event are being investigated. A list of activities can be found one the ESCAPE WP4 wiki pages (https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP4_-_CEVO).
ESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itUkraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
This is a 2nd reminder to inform you that the *IVOA Northern Fall Interop meeting will be Nov 16-20* and ask you to "Save the Date" to participate in the meeting. The meeting organization will be similar to our May Interop meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service, and Etherpad for live notes and questions. We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread (no parallel sessions) and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted so that if you miss a session you can go back and view it. We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone. We envision asking the community for topics/presentations as we did last time and welcome your participation. We plan to make a slight adjustment to the Northern spring meeting and welcome the option of smaller presentations with >1 presenter in a session. We are meeting now and will followup with more details in a few weeks. We look forward to another engaging IVOA meeting in November.
Best Regards, Report from the Working GroupsThe first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started.
when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Logistichttps://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/92300715225?pwd=N0svd1hmbG1jQkt0QkdJWGx1VGVHUT09 Meeting ID: 923 0071 5225 Passcode: 240939
Agenda TM93
Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VO (ASVO)The five nodes of the ASVO has been very active in the last few months. Here are some of the highlights:
Euro_VOEuro VO activities continue in the ESCAPE project which is coming up for mid-term review in Q3 2020. This project is facilitating the development and implementation of VO technologies in the large astronomy infrastructures (labelled ESFRI in Europe). The training activities have been impacted by COVID-19 which has prevented the hands-on VO school being held. Options for a virtual event are being investigated. A list of activities can be found one the ESCAPE WP4 wiki pages (https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP4_-_CEVO).
ESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itUkraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
This is a 2nd reminder to inform you that the *IVOA Northern Fall Interop meeting will be Nov 16-20* and ask you to "Save the Date" to participate in the meeting. The meeting organization will be similar to our May Interop meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service, and Etherpad for live notes and questions. We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread (no parallel sessions) and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted so that if you miss a session you can go back and view it. We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone. We envision asking the community for topics/presentations as we did last time and welcome your participation. We plan to make a slight adjustment to the Northern spring meeting and welcome the option of smaller presentations with >1 presenter in a session. We are meeting now and will followup with more details in a few weeks. We look forward to another engaging IVOA meeting in November.
Best Regards, Report from the Working GroupsThe first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started.
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when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Logistichttps://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/92300715225?pwd=N0svd1hmbG1jQkt0QkdJWGx1VGVHUT09 Meeting ID: 923 0071 5225 Passcode: 240939
Agenda TM93
Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VO (ASVO)The five nodes of the ASVO has been very active in the last few months. Here are some of the highlights:
ChiVOCVO | ||||||||
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Euro_VOEuro VO activities continue in the ESCAPE project which is coming up for mid-term review in Q3 2020. This project is facilitating the development and implementation of VO technologies in the large astronomy infrastructures (labelled ESFRI in Europe). The training activities have been impacted by COVID-19 which has prevented the hands-on VO school being held. Options for a virtual event are being investigated. A list of activities can be found one the ESCAPE WP4 wiki pages (https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP4_-_CEVO).
ESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itUkraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
This is a 2nd reminder to inform you that the *IVOA Northern Fall Interop meeting will be Nov 16-20* and ask you to "Save the Date" to participate in the meeting. The meeting organization will be similar to our May Interop meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service, and Etherpad for live notes and questions. We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread (no parallel sessions) and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted so that if you miss a session you can go back and view it. We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone. We envision asking the community for topics/presentations as we did last time and welcome your participation. We plan to make a slight adjustment to the Northern spring meeting and welcome the option of smaller presentations with >1 presenter in a session. We are meeting now and will followup with more details in a few weeks. We look forward to another engaging IVOA meeting in November.
Best Regards, Report from the Working GroupsThe first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started.
when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Logistichttps://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/92300715225?pwd=N0svd1hmbG1jQkt0QkdJWGx1VGVHUT09 Meeting ID: 923 0071 5225 Passcode: 240939
Agenda TM93
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Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VO (ASVO)The five nodes of the ASVO has been very active in the last few months. Here are some of the highlights:
ChiVOCVOEuro_VOEuro VO activities continue in the ESCAPE project which is coming up for mid-term review in Q3 2020. This project is facilitating the development and implementation of VO technologies in the large astronomy infrastructures (labelled ESFRI in Europe). The training activities have been impacted by COVID-19 which has prevented the hands-on VO school being held. Options for a virtual event are being investigated. A list of activities can be found one the ESCAPE WP4 wiki pages (https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP4_-_CEVO).
ESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itUkraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
This is a 2nd reminder to inform you that the *IVOA Northern Fall Interop meeting will be Nov 16-20* and ask you to "Save the Date" to participate in the meeting. The meeting organization will be similar to our May Interop meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service, and Etherpad for live notes and questions. We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread (no parallel sessions) and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted so that if you miss a session you can go back and view it. We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone. We envision asking the community for topics/presentations as we did last time and welcome your participation. We plan to make a slight adjustment to the Northern spring meeting and welcome the option of smaller presentations with >1 presenter in a session. We are meeting now and will followup with more details in a few weeks. We look forward to another engaging IVOA meeting in November.
Best Regards, Report from the Working GroupsThe first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started.
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when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Logistichttps://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/92300715225?pwd=N0svd1hmbG1jQkt0QkdJWGx1VGVHUT09 Meeting ID: 923 0071 5225 Passcode: 240939
Agenda TM93
Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
ArVO | ||||||||
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AstroGridAustralia-VO (ASVO)The five nodes of the ASVO has been very active in the last few months. Here are some of the highlights:
BRAVOChina-VO | ||||||||
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ChiVOCVOEuro_VO | ||||||||
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< < | Euro VO activities continue in the ESCAPE project which is coming up for mid-term review in Q3 2020. This project is facilitating the development and implementation of VO technologies in the large astronomy infrastructures (labelled ESFRI in Europe). The training activities have been impacted by COVID-19 which has prevented the hands-on VO school being held. Options for a virtual event are being investigated. A list of activities can be found one the ESCAPE WP4 wiki pages (https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP4_-_CEVO). | |||||||
> > | Euro VO activities continue in the ESCAPE project which is coming up for mid-term review in Q3 2020. This project is facilitating the development and implementation of VO technologies in the large astronomy infrastructures (labelled ESFRI in Europe). The training activities have been impacted by COVID-19 which has prevented the hands-on VO school being held. Options for a virtual event are being investigated. A list of activities can be found one the ESCAPE WP4 wiki pages (https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP4_-_CEVO). | |||||||
ESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itUkraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
This is a 2nd reminder to inform you that the *IVOA Northern Fall Interop meeting will be Nov 16-20* and ask you to "Save the Date" to participate in the meeting. The meeting organization will be similar to our May Interop meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service, and Etherpad for live notes and questions. We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread (no parallel sessions) and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted so that if you miss a session you can go back and view it. We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone. We envision asking the community for topics/presentations as we did last time and welcome your participation. We plan to make a slight adjustment to the Northern spring meeting and welcome the option of smaller presentations with >1 presenter in a session. We are meeting now and will followup with more details in a few weeks. We look forward to another engaging IVOA meeting in November.
Best Regards, Report from the Working GroupsThe first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started.
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< < | IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM93) | |||||||
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when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Logistichttps://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/92300715225?pwd=N0svd1hmbG1jQkt0QkdJWGx1VGVHUT09 Meeting ID: 923 0071 5225 Passcode: 240939
Agenda TM93
Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGrid | ||||||||
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< < | Australia-VO | |||||||
> > | Australia-VO (ASVO) | |||||||
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The five nodes of the ASVO has been very active in the last few months. Here are some of the highlights:
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BRAVOChina-VOChiVOCVOEuro_VOEuro VO activities continue in the ESCAPE project which is coming up for mid-term review in Q3 2020. This project is facilitating the development and implementation of VO technologies in the large astronomy infrastructures (labelled ESFRI in Europe). The training activities have been impacted by COVID-19 which has prevented the hands-on VO school being held. Options for a virtual event are being investigated. A list of activities can be found one the ESCAPE WP4 wiki pages (https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP4_-_CEVO).
ESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itUkraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
This is a 2nd reminder to inform you that the *IVOA Northern Fall Interop meeting will be Nov 16-20* and ask you to "Save the Date" to participate in the meeting. The meeting organization will be similar to our May Interop meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service, and Etherpad for live notes and questions. We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread (no parallel sessions) and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted so that if you miss a session you can go back and view it. We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone. We envision asking the community for topics/presentations as we did last time and welcome your participation. We plan to make a slight adjustment to the Northern spring meeting and welcome the option of smaller presentations with >1 presenter in a session. We are meeting now and will followup with more details in a few weeks. We look forward to another engaging IVOA meeting in November.
Best Regards, Report from the Working GroupsThe first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started.
when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Logistichttps://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/92300715225?pwd=N0svd1hmbG1jQkt0QkdJWGx1VGVHUT09 Meeting ID: 923 0071 5225 Passcode: 240939
Agenda TM93
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Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VOBRAVOChina-VOChiVOCVOEuro_VO | ||||||||
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> > | Euro VO activities continue in the ESCAPE project which is coming up for mid-term review in Q3 2020. This project is facilitating the development and implementation of VO technologies in the large astronomy infrastructures (labelled ESFRI in Europe). The training activities have been impacted by COVID-19 which has prevented the hands-on VO school being held. Options for a virtual event are being investigated. A list of activities can be found one the ESCAPE WP4 wiki pages (https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP4_-_CEVO). | |||||||
ESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itUkraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
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Dear VO Community, This is a 2nd reminder to inform you that the *IVOA Northern Fall Interop meeting will be Nov 16-20* and ask you to "Save the Date" to participate in the meeting. The meeting organization will be similar to our May Interop meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service, and Etherpad for live notes and questions. We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread (no parallel sessions) and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted so that if you miss a session you can go back and view it. We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone. We envision asking the community for topics/presentations as we did last time and welcome your participation. We plan to make a slight adjustment to the Northern spring meeting and welcome the option of smaller presentations with >1 presenter in a session. We are meeting now and will followup with more details in a few weeks. We look forward to another engaging IVOA meeting in November.
Best Regards, Report from the Working GroupsThe first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started.
when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Logistichttps://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/92300715225?pwd=N0svd1hmbG1jQkt0QkdJWGx1VGVHUT09 Meeting ID: 923 0071 5225 Passcode: 240939
Agenda TM93
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Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VOBRAVOChina-VOChiVOCVOEuro_VOESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itUkraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
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Dear VO Community, This is a 2nd reminder to inform you that the *IVOA Northern Fall Interop meeting will be Nov 16-20* and ask you to "Save the Date" to participate in the meeting. The meeting organization will be similar to our May Interop meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service, and Etherpad for live notes and questions. We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread (no parallel sessions) and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted so that if you miss a session you can go back and view it. We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone. We envision asking the community for topics/presentations as we did last time and welcome your participation. We plan to make a slight adjustment to the Northern spring meeting and welcome the option of smaller presentations with >1 presenter in a session. We are meeting now and will followup with more details in a few weeks. We look forward to another engaging IVOA meeting in November.
Best Regards, Report from the Working GroupsThe first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started.
when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Logistichttps://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/92300715225?pwd=N0svd1hmbG1jQkt0QkdJWGx1VGVHUT09 Meeting ID: 923 0071 5225 Passcode: 240939
Agenda TM93
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Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VOBRAVOChina-VOChiVOCVOEuro_VOESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itUkraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
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This is a 2nd reminder to inform you that the *IVOA Northern Fall Interop meeting will be Nov 16-20* and ask you to "Save the Date" to participate in the meeting. The meeting organization will be similar to our May Interop meeting. We will use Zoom as our shared remote service, and Etherpad for live notes and questions. We are planning to keep presentations to a single thread (no parallel sessions) and save a good amount of the time for your input and discussion. Sessions will be recorded and posted so that if you miss a session you can go back and view it. We will work to schedule sessions with reasonable times during the day for 2 of the 3 sessions a day in your time zone. We envision asking the community for topics/presentations as we did last time and welcome your participation. We plan to make a slight adjustment to the Northern spring meeting and welcome the option of smaller presentations with >1 presenter in a session. We are meeting now and will followup with more details in a few weeks. We look forward to another engaging IVOA meeting in November.
Best Regards, | |||||||
Report from the Working GroupsThe first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started.
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< < | IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM92) | |||||||
> > | IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM93) | |||||||
when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Logistic | ||||||||
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< < | Draft Agenda TM92 | |||||||
> > | https://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/92300715225?pwd=N0svd1hmbG1jQkt0QkdJWGx1VGVHUT09 | |||||||
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< < | 1. Roll Call and Agenda 2. Minutes of TM92 3. Review of Exec ACTIONS 4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only] 5. Overall CSP report 6. Overall TCG Status 7. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item] 8. Working group/Interest group nominations (from May 2020) | |||||||
> > | Meeting ID: 923 0071 5225 | |||||||
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< < | 9. Last meeting request from TCG | |||||||
> > | Passcode: 240939 | |||||||
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< < | 11. CODATA initiatives on units of measure | |||||||
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> > | Agenda TM93 | |||||||
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14. Date of next Exec meeting 15. Review of New Action Items | |||||||
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Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VOBRAVOChina-VOChiVOCVOEuro_VOESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itUkraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG | ||||||||
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Report from the Working GroupsThe first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started.
when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:30 (UTC)
Draft Agenda TM92
1. Roll Call and Agenda 9. Last meeting request from TCG
11. CODATA initiatives on units of measure 12. Future Interop meetings:
14. Date of next Exec meeting 15. Review of New Action Items Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VOBRAVOChina-VOChiVOCVOEuro_VOESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itUkraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
Report from the Working Groups | ||||||||
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The first EduIG VM was held successfully on Aug 31. At the virtual meeting we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe. Roughly following the COVID-19 outbreak timeline, 7 speakers were invited from 5 different continents to share their experiences and feelings. Feedback for the VM are very positive. It was the result of close collaboration among IVOA EduIG, IAU DAEPO WG and IAU OAD office. Further collaboration projects were initiated at the workshop. The following discussion has started. | |||||||
when: Sep 15, 2020 | ||||||||
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< < | Time: 14:50 (UTC) | |||||||
> > | Time: 14:30 (UTC) | |||||||
Draft Agenda TM92
1. Roll Call and Agenda 9. Last meeting request from TCG
11. CODATA initiatives on units of measure 12. Future Interop meetings:
14. Date of next Exec meeting 15. Review of New Action Items Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VOBRAVOChina-VOChiVOCVOEuro_VOESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itUkraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
Report from the Working Groups
when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:50 (UTC)
Draft Agenda TM92
1. Roll Call and Agenda 9. Last meeting request from TCG
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< < | 10. Future Interop meetings: | |||||||
> > | 10. IAU-OAD project "Astronomy from Archival Data" partnership with IVOA | |||||||
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11. CODATA initiatives on units of measure
12. Future Interop meetings: | |||||||
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< < | 12. AOB 13. Date of next Exec meeting 14. Review of New Action Items | |||||||
> > | 13. AOB 14. Date of next Exec meeting 15. Review of New Action Items | |||||||
Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VOBRAVOChina-VOChiVOCVOEuro_VOESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itUkraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
Report from the Working Groups
when: Sep 15, 2020Time: 14:50 (UTC)
Draft Agenda TM92
1. Roll Call and Agenda 9. Last meeting request from TCG
13. Date of next Exec meeting 14. Review of New Action Items Reports from the ProjectsArgentina-NOVA
AstroGridAustralia-VOBRAVOChina-VOChiVOCVOEuro_VOESAFrance VOGAVO HVOJVORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVobs.itUkraine_VOUSVOAReport from the TCG
Report from the Working Groups