Difference: IvoaExecMeetingTM97 (1 vs. 12)

Revision 122021-05-05 - FabioPasian


IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM97)

when: May 4, 2021

Time: 2pm (UTC)


Time: May 4, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 2278 7799
Passcode: 924837

Agenda TM97

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM96
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings
  8. CSP Status (BM)
  9. IVOA renewals:
    • New Exec Chair and vice Chair
    • TCG WG/IG
  10. IVOA support on archiving the Arecibo heritage data (BB)
  11. IVOA presentation to the ODS Inter-Relational Subcommittee (BB)
  12. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Catalog to Support Open Science (BB)
  13. AOB
  14. Date of next Exec meeting
  15. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects




Australia-VO (ASVO)





CADC has placed a deposit on the venue ADASS-2022 in Victoria. We are working with University of Toronto and University of Victoria to host this meeting. Due to long-lead times for conference venues the ADASS-2022 LoC is requesting details on possible IVOA Interop attached to ADASS-2022 (incuding possible executive session). The Interop is being planned for the days before the ADASS-2022 meeting at the same hotel as we have used for previous IVOA Interop in Victoria (Laurel Point)

CVO will be pursuing 'CoreTrustSeal' certification within a cohort of Canadian data repositories that are moving through this process together. Expect CTS process to finish by end of summer 2021.


The Euro-VO activities are in part supported by the ESCAPE project (https://projectescape.eu). Work Package 4 of ESCAPE "Connecting ESFRI to EOSC using the Virtual Observatory" recently held a number of events:


France VO

OV-France held its annual meeting 22-23 March 2021 with strong participation of the French astronomy community: http://www.france-ov.org/twiki/bin/view/JOURNEESSpecifiques/Reunion2021









Within the revision of all INAF projects promoted by the new President, VObs.it has been proposed as a "programme" (long-term project), coordinated and funded by INAF with the formal participation of ASI (SSDC - Space Science Data Center). Participants are 23 staff from 7 INAF institutes, ASI-SSDC and the University of Padova. Evaluation is expected by the end of August.
Within the revision of all INAF projects promoted by the new President, VObs.it has been proposed as a "programme" (long-term project), coordinated and funded by INAF with the formal participation of ASI (SSDC - Space Science Data Center). Participants are 23 staff from 7 INAF sites, ASI-SSDC and the University of Padova. Evaluation is expected by the end of August.
In preparation for the proposal two virtual meetings were organised: an information webinar (8 March) to update the community on the IVOA activities and accomplishments and on the VObs.it role (44 participants), and a workshop (28 April) for a technical discussion and preparation for the future events: the IVOA Interop and the ESCAPE/CEVO Hands-on Meeting for Data Providers (25 participants).
In preparation for the proposal, two virtual meetings were organised: an information webinar (8 March) to update the community on the IVOA activities and accomplishments and on the VObs.it role (44 participants), and a workshop (28 April) for a technical discussion and preparation for the future events: the IVOA Interop and the ESCAPE/CEVO Hands-on Meeting for Data Providers (25 participants).
  The Italian community was invited to participate in the newcomers' sessions organised on Monday 24 May during the Interop by the EduIG.



Report from the TCG

Interop planning underway - TCG met on April 20

  • Interop is May 25-28 (Tu-Fri) - JE working schedule - session input request deadline for WG/IG was 4/23
  • Pre-Interop Edu session on May 24 - Intro to the IVOA - Henrik/Dave Morris
    • Steve Groom reminded the group that we had discussed such a session in the past.
  • 2 workshops within the Interop - GWS/Theory - Science Platforms (3 sessions) & DM - DataModel Workshop (3 sessions) - same time each day
  • gather.town - Folks in Europe have used this social site for infomal meet ups during workshops - Henrik volunteered to set it up for the Interop; we'll give it a try
  • Bruno suggested we get back with the astropy group - He's organizing a CSP session
  • We have 133 participants as of this morning; 9 abstracts submitted (as of 4/30)
  • Draft Schedule:
  • Will send an email out to the Interop with another reminder and highlighting the program this week.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1618949562" name="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" path="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" size="23234" user="FrancescaCivano" version="1"

Revision 112021-05-04 - FrancescaCivano


IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM97)

when: May 4, 2021

Time: 2pm (UTC)


Time: May 4, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 2278 7799
Passcode: 924837

Agenda TM97

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM96
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings
  8. CSP Status (BM)
  9. IVOA renewals:
    • New Exec Chair and vice Chair
    • TCG WG/IG
  10. IVOA support on archiving the Arecibo heritage data (BB)
  11. IVOA presentation to the ODS Inter-Relational Subcommittee (BB)
  12. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Catalog to Support Open Science (BB)
  13. AOB
  14. Date of next Exec meeting
  15. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects




Australia-VO (ASVO)





CADC has placed a deposit on the venue ADASS-2022 in Victoria. We are working with University of Toronto and University of Victoria to host this meeting. Due to long-lead times for conference venues the ADASS-2022 LoC is requesting details on possible IVOA Interop attached to ADASS-2022 (incuding possible executive session). The Interop is being planned for the days before the ADASS-2022 meeting at the same hotel as we have used for previous IVOA Interop in Victoria (Laurel Point)

CVO will be pursuing 'CoreTrustSeal' certification within a cohort of Canadian data repositories that are moving through this process together. Expect CTS process to finish by end of summer 2021.


The Euro-VO activities are in part supported by the ESCAPE project (https://projectescape.eu). Work Package 4 of ESCAPE "Connecting ESFRI to EOSC using the Virtual Observatory" recently held a number of events:


France VO

OV-France held its annual meeting 22-23 March 2021 with strong participation of the French astronomy community: http://www.france-ov.org/twiki/bin/view/JOURNEESSpecifiques/Reunion2021









Within the revision of all INAF projects promoted by the new President, VObs.it has been proposed as a "programme" (long-term project), coordinated and funded by INAF with the formal participation of ASI (SSDC - Space Science Data Center). Participants are 23 staff from 7 INAF institutes, ASI-SSDC and the University of Padova. Evaluation is expected by the end of August.

In preparation for the proposal two virtual meetings were organised: an information webinar (8 March) to update the community on the IVOA activities and accomplishments and on the VObs.it role (44 participants), and a workshop (28 April) for a technical discussion and preparation for the future events: the IVOA Interop and the ESCAPE/CEVO Hands-on Meeting for Data Providers (25 participants).
In preparation for the proposal two virtual meetings were organised: an information webinar (8 March) to update the community on the IVOA activities and accomplishments and on the VObs.it role (44 participants), and a workshop (28 April) for a technical discussion and preparation for the future events: the IVOA Interop and the ESCAPE/CEVO Hands-on Meeting for Data Providers (25 participants).
  The Italian community was invited to participate in the newcomers' sessions organised on Monday 24 May during the Interop by the EduIG.



Report from the TCG

Interop planning underway - TCG met on April 20

  • Interop is May 25-28 (Tu-Fri) - JE working schedule - session input request deadline for WG/IG was 4/23
  • Pre-Interop Edu session on May 24 - Intro to the IVOA - Henrik/Dave Morris
    • Steve Groom reminded the group that we had discussed such a session in the past.
  • 2 workshops within the Interop - GWS/Theory - Science Platforms (3 sessions) & DM - DataModel Workshop (3 sessions) - same time each day
  • gather.town - Folks in Europe have used this social site for infomal meet ups during workshops - Henrik volunteered to set it up for the Interop; we'll give it a try
  • Bruno suggested we get back with the astropy group - He's organizing a CSP session
  • We have 133 participants as of this morning; 9 abstracts submitted (as of 4/30)
  • Draft Schedule:
  • Will send an email out to the Interop with another reminder and highlighting the program this week.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1618949562" name="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" path="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" size="23234" user="FrancescaCivano" version="1"

Revision 102021-05-04 - FabioPasian


IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM97)

when: May 4, 2021

Time: 2pm (UTC)


Time: May 4, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 2278 7799
Passcode: 924837

Agenda TM97

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM96
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings
  8. CSP Status (BM)
  9. IVOA renewals:
    • New Exec Chair and vice Chair
    • TCG WG/IG
  10. IVOA support on archiving the Arecibo heritage data (BB)
  11. IVOA presentation to the ODS Inter-Relational Subcommittee (BB)
  12. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Catalog to Support Open Science (BB)
  13. AOB
  14. Date of next Exec meeting
  15. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects




Australia-VO (ASVO)





CADC has placed a deposit on the venue ADASS-2022 in Victoria. We are working with University of Toronto and University of Victoria to host this meeting. Due to long-lead times for conference venues the ADASS-2022 LoC is requesting details on possible IVOA Interop attached to ADASS-2022 (incuding possible executive session). The Interop is being planned for the days before the ADASS-2022 meeting at the same hotel as we have used for previous IVOA Interop in Victoria (Laurel Point)

CVO will be pursuing 'CoreTrustSeal' certification within a cohort of Canadian data repositories that are moving through this process together. Expect CTS process to finish by end of summer 2021.


The Euro-VO activities are in part supported by the ESCAPE project (https://projectescape.eu). Work Package 4 of ESCAPE "Connecting ESFRI to EOSC using the Virtual Observatory" recently held a number of events:


France VO

OV-France held its annual meeting 22-23 March 2021 with strong participation of the French astronomy community: http://www.france-ov.org/twiki/bin/view/JOURNEESSpecifiques/Reunion2021









Within the revision of all INAF projects promoted by the new President, VObs.it has been proposed as a "programme" (long-term project), coordinated and funded by INAF with the formal participation of ASI (SSDC - Space Science Data Center). Participants are 23 staff from 7 INAF institutes, ASI-SSDC and the University of Padova. Evaluation is expected by the end of August.

In preparation for the proposal two virtual meetings were organised: an information webinar (8 March) to update the community on the IVOA activities and accomplishments and on the VObs.it role (44 participants), and a workshop (28 April) for a technical discussion and preparation for the future events: the IVOA Interop and the ESCAPE/CEVO Hands-on Meeting for Data Providers (25 participants).
In preparation for the proposal two virtual meetings were organised: an information webinar (8 March) to update the community on the IVOA activities and accomplishments and on the VObs.it role (44 participants), and a workshop (28 April) for a technical discussion and preparation for the future events: the IVOA Interop and the ESCAPE/CEVO Hands-on Meeting for Data Providers (25 participants).
The Italian community was invited to participate in the newcomers' sessions organised on Monday 24 May during the Interop by the EduIG.



Report from the TCG

Interop planning underway - TCG met on April 20

  • Interop is May 25-28 (Tu-Fri) - JE working schedule - session input request deadline for WG/IG was 4/23
  • Pre-Interop Edu session on May 24 - Intro to the IVOA - Henrik/Dave Morris
    • Steve Groom reminded the group that we had discussed such a session in the past.
  • 2 workshops within the Interop - GWS/Theory - Science Platforms (3 sessions) & DM - DataModel Workshop (3 sessions) - same time each day
  • gather.town - Folks in Europe have used this social site for infomal meet ups during workshops - Henrik volunteered to set it up for the Interop; we'll give it a try
  • Bruno suggested we get back with the astropy group - He's organizing a CSP session
  • We have 133 participants as of this morning; 9 abstracts submitted (as of 4/30)
  • Draft Schedule:
  • Will send an email out to the Interop with another reminder and highlighting the program this week.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1618949562" name="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" path="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" size="23234" user="FrancescaCivano" version="1"

Revision 92021-05-04 - JjKavelaars


IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM97)

when: May 4, 2021

Time: 2pm (UTC)


Time: May 4, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 2278 7799
Passcode: 924837

Agenda TM97

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM96
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings
  8. CSP Status (BM)
  9. IVOA renewals:
    • New Exec Chair and vice Chair
    • TCG WG/IG
  10. IVOA support on archiving the Arecibo heritage data (BB)
  11. IVOA presentation to the ODS Inter-Relational Subcommittee (BB)
  12. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Catalog to Support Open Science (BB)
  13. AOB
    • NLVO membership
  1. Date of next Exec meeting
  2. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects




Australia-VO (ASVO)





CADC has placed a deposit on the venue ADASS-2022 in Victoria. We are working with University of Toronto and University of Victoria to host this meeting. Due to long-lead times for conference venues the ADASS-2022 LoC is requesting details on possible IVOA Interop attached to ADASS-2022 (incuding possible executive session).
CADC has placed a deposit on the venue ADASS-2022 in Victoria. We are working with University of Toronto and University of Victoria to host this meeting. Due to long-lead times for conference venues the ADASS-2022 LoC is requesting details on possible IVOA Interop attached to ADASS-2022 (incuding possible executive session). The Interop is being planned for the days before the ADASS-2022 meeting at the same hotel as we have used for previous IVOA Interop in Victoria (Laurel Point)
  CVO will be pursuing 'CoreTrustSeal' certification within a cohort of Canadian data repositories that are moving through this process together. Expect CTS process to finish by end of summer 2021.


The Euro-VO activities are in part supported by the ESCAPE project (https://projectescape.eu). Work Package 4 of ESCAPE "Connecting ESFRI to EOSC using the Virtual Observatory" recently held a number of events:


France VO

OV-France held its annual meeting 22-23 March 2021 with strong participation of the French astronomy community: http://www.france-ov.org/twiki/bin/view/JOURNEESSpecifiques/Reunion2021









Within the revision of all INAF projects promoted by the new President, VObs.it has been proposed as a "programme" (long-term project), coordinated and funded by INAF with the formal participation of ASI (SSDC - Space Science Data Center). Participants are 23 staff from 7 INAF institutes, ASI-SSDC and the University of Padova. Evaluation is expected by the end of August.

In preparation for the proposal two virtual meetings were organised: an information webinar (8 March) to update the community on the IVOA activities and accomplishments and on the VObs.it role (44 participants), and a workshop (28 April) for a technical discussion and preparation for the future events: the IVOA Interop and the ESCAPE/CEVO Hands-on Meeting for Data Providers (25 participants).







Report from the TCG

Interop planning underway - TCG met on April 20

  • Interop is May 25-28 (Tu-Fri) - JE working schedule - session input request deadline for WG/IG was 4/23
  • Pre-Interop Edu session on May 24 - Intro to the IVOA - Henrik/Dave Morris
  • Pre-Interop Edu session on May 24 - Intro to the IVOA - Henrik/Dave Morris
    • Steve Groom reminded the group that we had discussed such a session in the past.
  • 2 workshops within the Interop - GWS/Theory - Science Platforms (3 sessions) & DM - DataModel Workshop (3 sessions) - same time each day
  • gather.town - Folks in Europe have used this social site for infomal meet ups during workshops - Henrik volunteered to set it up for the Interop; we'll give it a try
  • Bruno suggested we get back with the astropy group - He's organizing a CSP session
  • We have 133 participants as of this morning; 9 abstracts submitted (as of 4/30)
  • Draft Schedule:
  • Draft Schedule:

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1618949562" name="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" path="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" size="23234" user="FrancescaCivano" version="1"

Revision 82021-05-04 - JanetEvans


IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM97)

when: May 4, 2021

Time: 2pm (UTC)


Time: May 4, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 2278 7799
Passcode: 924837

Agenda TM97

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM96
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings
  8. CSP Status (BM)
  9. IVOA renewals:
    • New Exec Chair and vice Chair
    • TCG WG/IG
  10. IVOA support on archiving the Arecibo heritage data (BB)
  11. IVOA presentation to the ODS Inter-Relational Subcommittee (BB)
  12. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Catalog to Support Open Science (BB)
  1. AOB
  1. AOB
    • NLVO membership
  1. Date of next Exec meeting
  2. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects




Australia-VO (ASVO)





CADC has placed a deposit on the venue ADASS-2022 in Victoria. We are working with University of Toronto and University of Victoria to host this meeting. Due to long-lead times for conference venues the ADASS-2022 LoC is requesting details on possible IVOA Interop attached to ADASS-2022 (incuding possible executive session).

CVO will be pursuing 'CoreTrustSeal' certification within a cohort of Canadian data repositories that are moving through this process together. Expect CTS process to finish by end of summer 2021.


The Euro-VO activities are in part supported by the ESCAPE project (https://projectescape.eu). Work Package 4 of ESCAPE "Connecting ESFRI to EOSC using the Virtual Observatory" recently held a number of events:


France VO

OV-France held its annual meeting 22-23 March 2021 with strong participation of the French astronomy community: http://www.france-ov.org/twiki/bin/view/JOURNEESSpecifiques/Reunion2021









Within the revision of all INAF projects promoted by the new President, VObs.it has been proposed as a "programme" (long-term project), coordinated and funded by INAF with the formal participation of ASI (SSDC - Space Science Data Center). Participants are 23 staff from 7 INAF institutes, ASI-SSDC and the University of Padova. Evaluation is expected by the end of August.

In preparation for the proposal two virtual meetings were organised: an information webinar (8 March) to update the community on the IVOA activities and accomplishments and on the VObs.it role (44 participants), and a workshop (28 April) for a technical discussion and preparation for the future events: the IVOA Interop and the ESCAPE/CEVO Hands-on Meeting for Data Providers (25 participants).







Report from the TCG

Interop planning underway - TCG met on April 20

  • Interop is May 25-28 (Tu-Fri) - JE working schedule - session input request deadline for WG/IG was 4/23
  • 2 workshops within the Interop - GWS/Theory - Science Platforms (4 sessions requested) & DM - DataModel Workshop (3 sessions requested)
  • gather.town - Folks in Europe have used this social site for meeting up during workshops - Henrik volunteered to set it up for the Interop; we'll give it a try
  • Steve Groom reminded the group that we had discussed in the past having an Intro session on the IVOA early in the Interop. Henrik volunteered to lead such an session - we suggested that Monday may be the right time for it prior to the start of the Interop on Tuesday. It may fit in the first day too -- we'll see how the schedule comes together.
  • Bruno suggested we get back with the AstroPy/IVOA Interations and PyVO; Several groups have added Astroquery interfaces to their archives and have had a lot of traffice as a result; Let's discuss how PyVO can become a Coordinated package in Astropy; Bruno suggested we invite several of the AstroPy developers. Bruno agreed to lead the coordination of the session
  • Pre-Interop Edu session on May 24 - Intro to the IVOA - Henrik/Dave Morris
    • Steve Groom reminded the group that we had discussed such a session in the past.
  • 2 workshops within the Interop - GWS/Theory - Science Platforms (3 sessions) & DM - DataModel Workshop (3 sessions) - same time each day
  • gather.town - Folks in Europe have used this social site for infomal meet ups during workshops - Henrik volunteered to set it up for the Interop; we'll give it a try
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1618949562" name="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" path="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" size="23234" user="FrancescaCivano" version="1"

Revision 72021-05-04 - ChenzhouCui


IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM97)

when: May 4, 2021

Time: 2pm (UTC)


Time: May 4, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 2278 7799
Passcode: 924837

Agenda TM97

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM96
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings
  8. CSP Status (BM)
  9. IVOA renewals:
    • New Exec Chair and vice Chair
    • TCG WG/IG
  10. IVOA support on archiving the Arecibo heritage data (BB)
  11. IVOA presentation to the ODS Inter-Relational Subcommittee (BB)
  12. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Catalog to Support Open Science (BB)
  13. AOB
    • NLVO membership
  1. Date of next Exec meeting
  2. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects




Australia-VO (ASVO)





CADC has placed a deposit on the venue ADASS-2022 in Victoria. We are working with University of Toronto and University of Victoria to host this meeting. Due to long-lead times for conference venues the ADASS-2022 LoC is requesting details on possible IVOA Interop attached to ADASS-2022 (incuding possible executive session).

CVO will be pursuing 'CoreTrustSeal' certification within a cohort of Canadian data repositories that are moving through this process together. Expect CTS process to finish by end of summer 2021.


The Euro-VO activities are in part supported by the ESCAPE project (https://projectescape.eu). Work Package 4 of ESCAPE "Connecting ESFRI to EOSC using the Virtual Observatory" recently held a number of events:


France VO

OV-France held its annual meeting 22-23 March 2021 with strong participation of the French astronomy community: http://www.france-ov.org/twiki/bin/view/JOURNEESSpecifiques/Reunion2021









Within the revision of all INAF projects promoted by the new President, VObs.it has been proposed as a "programme" (long-term project), coordinated and funded by INAF with the formal participation of ASI (SSDC - Space Science Data Center). Participants are 23 staff from 7 INAF institutes, ASI-SSDC and the University of Padova. Evaluation is expected by the end of August.

In preparation for the proposal two virtual meetings were organised: an information webinar (8 March) to update the community on the IVOA activities and accomplishments and on the VObs.it role (44 participants), and a workshop (28 April) for a technical discussion and preparation for the future events: the IVOA Interop and the ESCAPE/CEVO Hands-on Meeting for Data Providers (25 participants).



Report from the TCG

Interop planning underway - TCG met on April 20

  • Interop is May 25-28 (Tu-Fri) - JE working schedule - session input request deadline for WG/IG was 4/23
  • 2 workshops within the Interop - GWS/Theory - Science Platforms (4 sessions requested) & DM - DataModel Workshop (3 sessions requested)
  • gather.town - Folks in Europe have used this social site for meeting up during workshops - Henrik volunteered to set it up for the Interop; we'll give it a try
  • Steve Groom reminded the group that we had discussed in the past having an Intro session on the IVOA early in the Interop. Henrik volunteered to lead such an session - we suggested that Monday may be the right time for it prior to the start of the Interop on Tuesday. It may fit in the first day too -- we'll see how the schedule comes together.
  • Bruno suggested we get back with the AstroPy/IVOA Interations and PyVO; Several groups have added Astroquery interfaces to their archives and have had a lot of traffice as a result; Let's discuss how PyVO can become a Coordinated package in Astropy; Bruno suggested we invite several of the AstroPy developers. Bruno agreed to lead the coordination of the session

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1618949562" name="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" path="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" size="23234" user="FrancescaCivano" version="1"

Revision 62021-05-04 - MarkAllen


IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM97)

when: May 4, 2021

Time: 2pm (UTC)


Time: May 4, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 2278 7799
Passcode: 924837

Agenda TM97

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM96
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings
  8. CSP Status (BM)
  9. IVOA renewals:
    • New Exec Chair and vice Chair
    • TCG WG/IG
  10. IVOA support on archiving the Arecibo heritage data (BB)
  11. IVOA presentation to the ODS Inter-Relational Subcommittee (BB)
  12. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Catalog to Support Open Science (BB)
  13. AOB
  14. Date of next Exec meeting
  15. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects




Australia-VO (ASVO)





CADC has placed a deposit on the venue ADASS-2022 in Victoria. We are working with University of Toronto and University of Victoria to host this meeting. Due to long-lead times for conference venues the ADASS-2022 LoC is requesting details on possible IVOA Interop attached to ADASS-2022 (incuding possible executive session).

CVO will be pursuing 'CoreTrustSeal' certification within a cohort of Canadian data repositories that are moving through this process together. Expect CTS process to finish by end of summer 2021.


The Euro-VO activities are in part supported by the ESCAPE project (https://projectescape.eu). Work Package 4 of ESCAPE "Connecting ESFRI to EOSC using the Virtual Observatory" recently held a number of events:


France VO


OV-France held its annual meeting 22-23 March 2021 with strong participation of the French astronomy community: http://www.france-ov.org/twiki/bin/view/JOURNEESSpecifiques/Reunion2021

OV-France held its annual meeting 22-23 March 2021 with strong participation of the French astronomy community: http://www.france-ov.org/twiki/bin/view/JOURNEESSpecifiques/Reunion2021









Within the revision of all INAF projects promoted by the new President, VObs.it has been proposed as a "programme" (long-term project), coordinated and funded by INAF with the formal participation of ASI (SSDC - Space Science Data Center). Participants are 23 staff from 7 INAF institutes, ASI-SSDC and the University of Padova. Evaluation is expected by the end of August.

In preparation for the proposal two virtual meetings were organised: an information webinar (8 March) to update the community on the IVOA activities and accomplishments and on the VObs.it role (44 participants), and a workshop (28 April) for a technical discussion and preparation for the future events: the IVOA Interop and the ESCAPE/CEVO Hands-on Meeting for Data Providers (25 participants).



Report from the TCG

Interop planning underway - TCG met on April 20

  • Interop is May 25-28 (Tu-Fri) - JE working schedule - session input request deadline for WG/IG was 4/23
  • 2 workshops within the Interop - GWS/Theory - Science Platforms (4 sessions requested) & DM - DataModel Workshop (3 sessions requested)
  • gather.town - Folks in Europe have used this social site for meeting up during workshops - Henrik volunteered to set it up for the Interop; we'll give it a try
  • Steve Groom reminded the group that we had discussed in the past having an Intro session on the IVOA early in the Interop. Henrik volunteered to lead such an session - we suggested that Monday may be the right time for it prior to the start of the Interop on Tuesday. It may fit in the first day too -- we'll see how the schedule comes together.
  • Bruno suggested we get back with the AstroPy/IVOA Interations and PyVO; Several groups have added Astroquery interfaces to their archives and have had a lot of traffice as a result; Let's discuss how PyVO can become a Coordinated package in Astropy; Bruno suggested we invite several of the AstroPy developers. Bruno agreed to lead the coordination of the session

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1618949562" name="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" path="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" size="23234" user="FrancescaCivano" version="1"

Revision 52021-05-04 - FranckLePetit


IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM97)

when: May 4, 2021

Time: 2pm (UTC)


Time: May 4, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 2278 7799
Passcode: 924837

Agenda TM97

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM96
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings
  8. CSP Status (BM)
  9. IVOA renewals:
    • New Exec Chair and vice Chair
    • TCG WG/IG
  10. IVOA support on archiving the Arecibo heritage data (BB)
  11. IVOA presentation to the ODS Inter-Relational Subcommittee (BB)
  12. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Catalog to Support Open Science (BB)
  13. AOB
  14. Date of next Exec meeting
  15. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects




Australia-VO (ASVO)





CADC has placed a deposit on the venue ADASS-2022 in Victoria. We are working with University of Toronto and University of Victoria to host this meeting. Due to long-lead times for conference venues the ADASS-2022 LoC is requesting details on possible IVOA Interop attached to ADASS-2022 (incuding possible executive session).

CVO will be pursuing 'CoreTrustSeal' certification within a cohort of Canadian data repositories that are moving through this process together. Expect CTS process to finish by end of summer 2021.


The Euro-VO activities are in part supported by the ESCAPE project (https://projectescape.eu). Work Package 4 of ESCAPE "Connecting ESFRI to EOSC using the Virtual Observatory" recently held a number of events:


France VO


OV-France held its annual meeting 22-23 March 2021 with strong participation of the French astronomy community: http://www.france-ov.org/twiki/bin/view/JOURNEESSpecifiques/Reunion2021










Within the revision of all INAF projects promoted by the new President, VObs.it has been proposed as a "programme" (long-term project), coordinated and funded by INAF with the formal participation of ASI (SSDC - Space Science Data Center). Participants are 23 staff from 7 INAF institutes, ASI-SSDC and the University of Padova. Evaluation is expected by the end of August.

In preparation for the proposal two virtual meetings were organised: an information webinar (8 March) to update the community on the IVOA activities and accomplishments and on the VObs.it role (44 participants), and a workshop (28 April) for a technical discussion and preparation for the future events: the IVOA Interop and the ESCAPE/CEVO Hands-on Meeting for Data Providers (25 participants).



Report from the TCG

Interop planning underway - TCG met on April 20

  • Interop is May 25-28 (Tu-Fri) - JE working schedule - session input request deadline for WG/IG was 4/23
  • 2 workshops within the Interop - GWS/Theory - Science Platforms (4 sessions requested) & DM - DataModel Workshop (3 sessions requested)
  • gather.town - Folks in Europe have used this social site for meeting up during workshops - Henrik volunteered to set it up for the Interop; we'll give it a try
  • Steve Groom reminded the group that we had discussed in the past having an Intro session on the IVOA early in the Interop. Henrik volunteered to lead such an session - we suggested that Monday may be the right time for it prior to the start of the Interop on Tuesday. It may fit in the first day too -- we'll see how the schedule comes together.
  • Bruno suggested we get back with the AstroPy/IVOA Interations and PyVO; Several groups have added Astroquery interfaces to their archives and have had a lot of traffice as a result; Let's discuss how PyVO can become a Coordinated package in Astropy; Bruno suggested we invite several of the AstroPy developers. Bruno agreed to lead the coordination of the session

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1618949562" name="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" path="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" size="23234" user="FrancescaCivano" version="1"

Revision 42021-05-04 - MarkAllen


IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM97)

when: May 4, 2021

Time: 2pm (UTC)


Time: May 4, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 2278 7799
Passcode: 924837

Agenda TM97

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM96
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings
  8. CSP Status (BM)
  9. IVOA renewals:
    • New Exec Chair and vice Chair
    • TCG WG/IG
  10. IVOA support on archiving the Arecibo heritage data (BB)
  11. IVOA presentation to the ODS Inter-Relational Subcommittee (BB)
  12. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Catalog to Support Open Science (BB)
  13. AOB
  14. Date of next Exec meeting
  15. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects




Australia-VO (ASVO)





CADC has placed a deposit on the venue ADASS-2022 in Victoria. We are working with University of Toronto and University of Victoria to host this meeting. Due to long-lead times for conference venues the ADASS-2022 LoC is requesting details on possible IVOA Interop attached to ADASS-2022 (incuding possible executive session).

CVO will be pursuing 'CoreTrustSeal' certification within a cohort of Canadian data repositories that are moving through this process together. Expect CTS process to finish by end of summer 2021.


The Euro-VO activities are in part supported by the ESCAPE project (https://projectescape.eu). Work Package 4 of ESCAPE "Connecting ESFRI to EOSC using the Virtual Observatory" recently held a number of events:



France VO











Within the revision of all INAF projects promoted by the new President, VObs.it has been proposed as a "programme" (long-term project), coordinated and funded by INAF with the formal participation of ASI (SSDC - Space Science Data Center). Participants are 23 staff from 7 INAF institutes, ASI-SSDC and the University of Padova. Evaluation is expected by the end of August.

In preparation for the proposal two virtual meetings were organised: an information webinar (8 March) to update the community on the IVOA activities and accomplishments and on the VObs.it role (44 participants), and a workshop (28 April) for a technical discussion and preparation for the future events: the IVOA Interop and the ESCAPE/CEVO Hands-on Meeting for Data Providers (25 participants).



Report from the TCG

Interop planning underway - TCG met on April 20

  • Interop is May 25-28 (Tu-Fri) - JE working schedule - session input request deadline for WG/IG was 4/23
  • 2 workshops within the Interop - GWS/Theory - Science Platforms (4 sessions requested) & DM - DataModel Workshop (3 sessions requested)
  • gather.town - Folks in Europe have used this social site for meeting up during workshops - Henrik volunteered to set it up for the Interop; we'll give it a try
  • Steve Groom reminded the group that we had discussed in the past having an Intro session on the IVOA early in the Interop. Henrik volunteered to lead such an session - we suggested that Monday may be the right time for it prior to the start of the Interop on Tuesday. It may fit in the first day too -- we'll see how the schedule comes together.
  • Bruno suggested we get back with the AstroPy/IVOA Interations and PyVO; Several groups have added Astroquery interfaces to their archives and have had a lot of traffice as a result; Let's discuss how PyVO can become a Coordinated package in Astropy; Bruno suggested we invite several of the AstroPy developers. Bruno agreed to lead the coordination of the session

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1618949562" name="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" path="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" size="23234" user="FrancescaCivano" version="1"

Revision 32021-05-04 - FabioPasian


IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM97)

when: May 4, 2021

Time: 2pm (UTC)


Time: May 4, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 2278 7799
Passcode: 924837

Agenda TM97

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM96
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings
  8. CSP Status (BM)
  9. IVOA renewals:
    • New Exec Chair and vice Chair
    • TCG WG/IG
  10. IVOA support on archiving the Arecibo heritage data (BB)
  11. IVOA presentation to the ODS Inter-Relational Subcommittee (BB)
  12. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Catalog to Support Open Science (BB)
  13. AOB
  14. Date of next Exec meeting
  15. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects









Australia-VO (ASVO)




Australia-VO (ASVO)









  CADC has placed a deposit on the venue ADASS-2022 in Victoria. We are working with University of Toronto and University of Victoria to host this meeting. Due to long-lead times for conference venues the ADASS-2022 LoC is requesting details on possible IVOA Interop attached to ADASS-2022 (incuding possible executive session).

CVO will be pursuing 'CoreTrustSeal' certification within a cohort of Canadian data repositories that are moving through this process together. Expect CTS process to finish by end of summer 2021.




France VO




France VO





















Within the revision of all INAF projects promoted by the new President, VObs.it has been proposed as a "programme" (long-term project), coordinated and funded by INAF with the formal participation of ASI (SSDC - Space Science Data Center). Participants are 23 staff from 7 INAF institutes, ASI-SSDC and the University of Padova. Evaluation is expected by the end of August.

In preparation for the proposal two virtual meetings were organised: an information webinar (8 March) to update the community on the IVOA activities and accomplishments and on the VObs.it role (44 participants), and a workshop (28 April) for a technical discussion and preparation for the future events: the IVOA Interop and the ESCAPE/CEVO Hands-on Meeting for Data Providers (25 participants).




Report from the TCG

Interop planning underway - TCG met on April 20

  • Interop is May 25-28 (Tu-Fri) - JE working schedule - session input request deadline for WG/IG was 4/23
  • 2 workshops within the Interop - GWS/Theory - Science Platforms (4 sessions requested) & DM - DataModel Workshop (3 sessions requested)
  • gather.town - Folks in Europe have used this social site for meeting up during workshops - Henrik volunteered to set it up for the Interop; we'll give it a try
  • Steve Groom reminded the group that we had discussed in the past having an Intro session on the IVOA early in the Interop. Henrik volunteered to lead such an session - we suggested that Monday may be the right time for it prior to the start of the Interop on Tuesday. It may fit in the first day too -- we'll see how the schedule comes together.
  • Bruno suggested we get back with the AstroPy/IVOA Interations and PyVO; Several groups have added Astroquery interfaces to their archives and have had a lot of traffice as a result; Let's discuss how PyVO can become a Coordinated package in Astropy; Bruno suggested we invite several of the AstroPy developers. Bruno agreed to lead the coordination of the session

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1618949562" name="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" path="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" size="23234" user="FrancescaCivano" version="1"

Revision 22021-04-22 - JanetEvans


IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM97)

when: May 4, 2021

Time: 2pm (UTC)


Time: May 4, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 2278 7799
Passcode: 924837
Time: May 4, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 2278 7799
Passcode: 924837

Agenda TM97

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM96
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings
  8. CSP Status (BM)
  9. IVOA renewals:
    • New Exec Chair and vice Chair
    • TCG WG/IG
  10. IVOA support on archiving the Arecibo heritage data (BB)
  11. IVOA presentation to the ODS Inter-Relational Subcommittee (BB)
  12. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Catalog to Support Open Science (BB)
  13. AOB
  14. Date of next Exec meeting
  15. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects




Australia-VO (ASVO)





CADC has placed a deposit on the venue ADASS-2022 in Victoria. We are working with University of Toronto and University of Victoria to host this meeting. Due to long-lead times for conference venues the ADASS-2022 LoC is requesting details on possible IVOA Interop attached to ADASS-2022 (incuding possible executive session).

CVO will be pursuing 'CoreTrustSeal' certification within a cohort of Canadian data repositories that are moving through this process together. Expect CTS process to finish by end of summer 2021.



France VO











Report from the TCG

Interop planning underway - TCG met on April 20

  • Interop is May 25-28 (Tu-Fri) - JE working schedule - session input request deadline for WG/IG was 4/23
  • 2 workshops within the Interop - GWS/Theory - Science Platforms (4 sessions requested) & DM - DataModel Workshop (3 sessions requested)
  • gather.town - Folks in Europe have used this social site for meeting up during workshops - Henrik volunteered to set it up for the Interop; we'll give it a try
  • Steve Groom reminded the group that we had discussed in the past having an Intro session on the IVOA early in the Interop. Henrik volunteered to lead such an session - we suggested that Monday may be the right time for it prior to the start of the Interop on Tuesday. It may fit in the first day too -- we'll see how the schedule comes together.
  • Bruno suggested we get back with the AstroPy/IVOA Interations and PyVO; Several groups have added Astroquery interfaces to their archives and have had a lot of traffice as a result; Let's discuss how PyVO can become a Coordinated package in Astropy; Bruno suggested we invite several of the AstroPy developers. Bruno agreed to lead the coordination of the session
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1618949562" name="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" path="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" size="23234" user="FrancescaCivano" version="1"

Revision 12021-04-20 - FrancescaCivano


IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM97)

when: May 4, 2021

Time: 2pm (UTC)


Time: May 4, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 2278 7799
Passcode: 924837

Agenda TM97

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM96
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings
  8. CSP Status (BM)
  9. IVOA renewals:
    • New Exec Chair and vice Chair
    • TCG WG/IG
  10. IVOA support on archiving the Arecibo heritage data (BB)
  11. IVOA presentation to the ODS Inter-Relational Subcommittee (BB)
  12. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Catalog to Support Open Science (BB)
  13. AOB
  14. Date of next Exec meeting
  15. Review of New Action Items

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1618949562" name="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" path="Actions_for_TM97.pdf" size="23234" user="FrancescaCivano" version="1"
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