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IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM97)

when: May 4, 2021

Time: 2pm (UTC)


Time: May 4, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 837 2278 7799
Passcode: 924837

Agenda TM97

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM96
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings
  8. CSP Status (BM)
  9. IVOA renewals:
    • New Exec Chair and vice Chair
    • TCG WG/IG
  10. IVOA support on archiving the Arecibo heritage data (BB)
  11. IVOA presentation to the ODS Inter-Relational Subcommittee (BB)
  12. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Catalog to Support Open Science (BB)
  13. AOB
    • NLVO membership
  14. Date of next Exec meeting
  15. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects




Australia-VO (ASVO)





CADC has placed a deposit on the venue ADASS-2022 in Victoria. We are working with University of Toronto and University of Victoria to host this meeting. Due to long-lead times for conference venues the ADASS-2022 LoC is requesting details on possible IVOA Interop attached to ADASS-2022 (incuding possible executive session).

CVO will be pursuing 'CoreTrustSeal' certification within a cohort of Canadian data repositories that are moving through this process together. Expect CTS process to finish by end of summer 2021.


The Euro-VO activities are in part supported by the ESCAPE project ( Work Package 4 of ESCAPE "Connecting ESFRI to EOSC using the Virtual Observatory" recently held a number of events:


France VO

OV-France held its annual meeting 22-23 March 2021 with strong participation of the French astronomy community:








Within the revision of all INAF projects promoted by the new President, has been proposed as a "programme" (long-term project), coordinated and funded by INAF with the formal participation of ASI (SSDC - Space Science Data Center). Participants are 23 staff from 7 INAF institutes, ASI-SSDC and the University of Padova. Evaluation is expected by the end of August.

In preparation for the proposal two virtual meetings were organised: an information webinar (8 March) to update the community on the IVOA activities and accomplishments and on the role (44 participants), and a workshop (28 April) for a technical discussion and preparation for the future events: the IVOA Interop and the ESCAPE/CEVO Hands-on Meeting for Data Providers (25 participants).



Report from the TCG

Interop planning underway - TCG met on April 20

  • Interop is May 25-28 (Tu-Fri) - JE working schedule - session input request deadline for WG/IG was 4/23
  • 2 workshops within the Interop - GWS/Theory - Science Platforms (4 sessions requested) & DM - DataModel Workshop (3 sessions requested)
  • - Folks in Europe have used this social site for meeting up during workshops - Henrik volunteered to set it up for the Interop; we'll give it a try
  • Steve Groom reminded the group that we had discussed in the past having an Intro session on the IVOA early in the Interop. Henrik volunteered to lead such an session - we suggested that Monday may be the right time for it prior to the start of the Interop on Tuesday. It may fit in the first day too -- we'll see how the schedule comes together.
  • Bruno suggested we get back with the AstroPy/IVOA Interations and PyVO; Several groups have added Astroquery interfaces to their archives and have had a lot of traffice as a result; Let's discuss how PyVO can become a Coordinated package in Astropy; Bruno suggested we invite several of the AstroPy developers. Bruno agreed to lead the coordination of the session
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Topic revision: r7 - 2021-05-04 - ChenzhouCui
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