TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaDataModel>IVOADMSpectraWP (revision 16)EditAttach

Data Models for Spectral Data

Here we have various efforts to model 1D spectra , spectra with photometry and spectral timeseries . The corresponding protocol that uses Spectrum medata is the Simple Spectral Access (SSA) protocol , ++Proposed Recommendation

This version is an update of the previous recommendation(2007). It corrects minor notation inconsitencies between the data model (this specification) and the related protocol(SSA). This will be aligned now with the SSA v1.1 document.

Request for Comments for this specification shares the same page as the RFC for SSAv1.1 at:

++REC documents

  • Spectrumv1.03 IVOA Recommendation 2007-10-29

++Drafts in preparation

  • Spectrumv1.2 new release draft 2011-03-19

An extension of Spectrum DM in order to support Photometry metadata and time series is in preparation .

Relevant links

Implementations description

SSA is considered as the main reference implementation for Spectrum DM . It is widely implemented in the VO ( check with VO registry)

Document Revision

After the Garching Interop meeting in Nov 2009, some discrepancies in the Utype lists were reported between Spectrum DM document and the SSA protocol document. See the request changes summary page here.

Updated version currently checked in the DM wg group available below

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted ascending Date Who Comment
PDFpdf PR-SpectrumDM-1.1-20110318.pdf r1 manage 413.2 K 2011-05-04 - 18:39 MireilleLouys Proposed Recommendation for Spectrum v1.1
PDFpdf WD-SpectrumDM-1.1-20110318.pdf r1 manage 413.2 K 2011-05-04 - 18:38 MireilleLouys Spectrum data model revision v1.1
PDFpdf WD-SpectrumDMv1.2-20110319.pdf r1 manage 466.0 K 2011-03-29 - 13:49 MireilleLouys Spectrum v1.2 with Timeseries and PhotCal support
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Topic revision: r16 - 2011-05-04 - MireilleLouys
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