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PDFpdf 20090528-Arviset-RegistryCurationTools.pdf r1 manage 89.0 K 2009-05-28 - 09:33 ChristopheArviset  
PDFpdf IVOAMay09RWGPlenary1.pdf r2 r1 manage 409.0 K 2009-05-25 - 08:07 RayPlante  
PowerPointppt IVOAMay09RWGPlenary1.ppt r2 r1 manage 218.0 K 2009-05-25 - 08:06 RayPlante  
PDFpdf IVOAMay09RWGPlenary2.pdf r1 manage 334.4 K 2009-05-28 - 23:34 RayPlante  
PowerPointppt IVOAMay09RWGPlenary2.ppt r1 manage 150.0 K 2009-05-28 - 23:36 RayPlante  
PowerPointppt IVOAMay2009.ppt r1 manage 10015.5 K 2009-05-28 - 09:12 DavidSchade  
PDFpdf InterOpMay08RWGSession2.pdf r1 manage 295.7 K 2009-05-26 - 12:03 RayPlante  
PowerPointppt InterOpMay08RWGSession2.ppt r1 manage 126.5 K 2009-05-27 - 13:45 RayPlante  
PDFpdf InterOpMay08RWGSession3.pdf r1 manage 307.3 K 2009-05-28 - 08:50 RayPlante  
PowerPointppt InterOpMay08RWGSession3.ppt r1 manage 135.5 K 2009-05-28 - 08:51 RayPlante  
PDFpdf InterOpMay09RWGSession1.pdf r1 manage 347.0 K 2009-05-25 - 13:57 RayPlante  
PowerPointppt InterOpMay09RWGSession1.ppt r1 manage 138.5 K 2009-05-25 - 13:59 RayPlante  
Texttxt Interop2008MayRWGNotes1.txt r2 r1 manage 3.8 K 2009-05-27 - 13:27 RayPlante  
PDFpdf NVOSS09Validation.pdf r1 manage 365.6 K 2009-05-27 - 22:18 TomMcGlynn  
PDFpdf StrasbourgRWG-Curation-Stebe.pdf r1 manage 87.5 K 2009-05-28 - 13:11 AurelienStebe  
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Topic revision: r15 - 2009-05-29 - RayPlante
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