Program for May 2016 Interop in Cape Town, South Africa

Session Time Room Session Notes
Sunday May 8
  09:30–12:00 Manor House Meeting room TCG Meeting WG/IG Chairs/Vice-chairs
  12:00-12:30 Lunch    
  12:30-15:30 Manor House Meeting room TCG Meeting  
  15:30-16:00 Coffee Break    
  16:00–18:00 Manor House Meeting room IVOA Exec Meeting Exec + WG/IG Chairs/Vice-chairs
  18:00-20:00 Foyer Reception Exec + WG/IG Chairs/Vice-chairs
Monday May 9
1 09:00–09:10 Auditorium 1 & 2 Welcome and Logistics Patricia Whitelock
09:10–09:30   Opening by CEO NRF Molapo Qhobela
09:30–10:00   State of the IVOA Christophe Arviset
10:00–10:15   CSP report Mark Allen
  10:30-11:00 Break
2 11:00–11:30   State of the TCG Matthew Graham pdf
11:30–12:30 Auditorium 1 & 2 Charge to Working Groups WG/IG Chairs
  12:30–14:00 Lunch
3 14:00–15:30 Auditorium 1 Ops 1 Operations Review and Validation Ops IG
  Auditorium 2 Semantics Semantics WG
  15:30–16:00 Break
4 16:00–17:30 Auditorium 1 Apps 1 Apps WG
  Auditorium 2 Registry 1 Registry WG
Tuesday May 10
5 09:00–10:30 Auditorium 1 & 2 Focus session 1: Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects (Session Chair: Mark Allen)
  10:30–11:00 Break
6 11:00–12:30 Auditorium 1 & 2 Focus session 2: Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects (Session Chair: Pepi Fabbiano)
  12:30–14:00 Lunch
7 14:00–15:30 Auditorium 1 & 2 GWS 1 - Authentication & Authorization GWS WG, Apps WG
    Breakaway Theory Theory IG, DAL
  15:30–16:00 Break
8 16:00–17:30 Auditorium 1 & 2 DAL 1 DAL WG
Wednesday May 11
9 09:00–10:30 Auditorium 1 & 2 Focus session 3: Interoperability of data from major astronomy projects (Session Chair: Kai Polsterer)
  10:30–11:00 Break
10 11:00–12:30 Auditorium 1 & 2 Focus session 4 : splinter session discussions  
  12:30–13:30 Lunch (Short!)
  Breakaway 1 & 2 Exec meeting  
11 13:30 –15:00 Auditorium 1 & 2 DM 1 DM WG
    Breakaway GWS 2 GWS WG
  15:00 –15:30 Break
12 15:30–16:45 Auditorium 1 & 2 Registry 2 Registry WG
  Breakaway Time Domain TDIG, DAL
17:00 Bus to Conference Dinner
18:30-20:30 Conference dinner at SAAO
Thursday May 12
13 09:00–10:30 Auditorium 1 & 2 DAL 2 DAL WG
  10:30–11:00 Break
14 11:00–12:30 Auditorium 2 DM 2 DM WG
  Auditorium 1 DCP DCP WG
  12:30–14:00 Lunch
15 14:00–15:30 Auditorium 2 EduIG 1 Edu IG
    Auditorium 1 Knowledge Discovery KDD IG
  15:30 –16:00 Break
16 16:00–17:30 Auditorium 2 Apps 2 Apps WG
  Auditorium 1 splinter: PostgreSQL + pg_sphere development  
Friday May 13
17 09:00–10:30 Auditorium 1 & 2 Ops 2 Implementations and Etiquette Ops IG
  10:30–11:00 Break
18 11:00–12:30 Auditorium 1 & 2 EduIG 2: Education, Outreach, and Community Involvement Edu IG plenary
  12:30–13:30 Lunch (Short!)
19 13:30–14:30 Auditorium 1 & 2 Summary of Working and Interest Groups WG/IG Chairs
14:30–14:45   TCG Closing Remarks Matthew Graham
14:45–14:50   CSP Closing remarks Mark Allen
14:50–15:00   Closing remarks Christophe Arviset

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted descending Date Who Comment
PDFpdf IVOA-May2016-Govender.pdf r1 manage 5361.0 K 2016-05-13 - 12:27 PatriciaWhitelock  
PDFpdf Focus_Session_intro_small.pdf r1 manage 3888.5 K 2016-05-09 - 12:45 MarkAllen  
PDFpdf CapeTownOpeningStateTCG.pdf r2 r1 manage 3124.6 K 2016-05-09 - 08:15 MatthewGraham  
PDFpdf 20160509-State-IVOA-Arviset-CapeTownInterop.pdf r1 manage 2736.5 K 2016-05-09 - 12:24 ChristopheArviset  
PDFpdf Focus_Session_summary.pdf r1 manage 2128.8 K 2016-05-13 - 12:22 MarkAllen  
PDFpdf 20160513-ClosingRemarksCapeTownInterop-Arviset.pdf r1 manage 1743.4 K 2016-05-15 - 19:55 ChristopheArviset  
PDFpdf CapeTownClosingState.pdf r1 manage 1631.0 K 2016-05-13 - 11:27 MatthewGraham  
PDFpdf IVOA_2016_MQ_Revised.pdf r1 manage 79.7 K 2016-05-10 - 15:01 PatriciaWhitelock Presentation by NRF CEO
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Topic revision: r38 - 2016-05-15 - ChristopheArviset
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