Applications Sessions at the Oct 2012 Interop Meeting (Sao Paulo)

Speaker Title Time Materials
Applications 1: VOTable etc -- Tuesday 23 Oct, 11:30-12:30
Mark Taylor VOTable 1.3 40  
Mark Taylor SAMP Roundup 5  
Arnold Rots seleste 15 pdf
Applications 2: General -- Tuesday 23 Oct, 14:00-16:00
Mike Fitzpatrick Inter-desktop SAMP Session Management 15  
Nikolaos Apostolakos ETC-42 15  
Julian Garrido AstroTaverna 15  
Sharmad Navelkar VOIMachine 10  
Santosh Jagade AstroStat 10  
Tom Donaldson MAST/VAO Data Discovery Portal 20  
Pierre Le Sidaner Europlanet environment 15  
Michel Gangloff IMPEx: analysis of planetary data with AMDA and 3DView 10  
Applications 3: Spectrum/SED Applications -- Thursday 25 Oct, 11:00-12:30
Omar Laurino The Iris Software Development Kit: Adding Functionality to Iris 15  
Milvia Capalbi ASDC SED Builder 15  
Margarida Castro Neves SPLAT new features 15  
Jesus Salgado VOSpec: Photometry service support 15  
Carlos Rodrigo VOSA 15  
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PDFpdf seleste.pdf r1 manage 241.9 K 2012-10-22 - 17:46 ArnoldRots seleste
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