GWS sessions at September 2006 (Moscow) Interop

GWS-1, Tuesday, 11:00-12:30

SSO standards:

  • Introduction (GuyRixon) PDF
  • ESO arrangements for web portals (Paul Harrison)
  • Update on NVO UAS (Ray Plante)
  • Caltech's SSO implemenation in VOSpace (Rixon pp Matthew Graham) PDF
  • AstroGrid prototyping progress since Victoria Interop (Guy Rixon) PDF
  • Authorization using ontologies (Norman Gray) PDF
  • Possible use of RDF and/or SAML inside attribute certificates (Norman Gray) (PDF above)

GWS-2, Wednesday, 09:00-10:30


  • Review of latest spec draft (Paul Harrison)
  • Caltech VOSpace implementation (Rixon PP Matthew Graham)
  • promotion of draft to 1.0 WD (unless strong objections) (Guy Rixon)
  • proposal for VOSpace 1.1 and later (Rixon/Harrison pp Dave Morris)
  • general debate about priority of features in 1.1+

GWS-3, Wednesday, 11:00-12:30


  • new spec, separating manadatory interfaces from log harvesting (Rixon)
  • promotion of above spec to 1.0 WD


  • Final report on basic profile 1.0 (Andre Schaaff) PDF

  • promotion of profile 1.0 WD


  • strawman prototype of UWS-PA
  • discussion: is WS-RF obsolete for UWS?

NB: where noted in the agendas above, some docs will get promoted to 1.0 WD (not before time) unless somebody sends me good reasons why they should not.

Topic attachments
ISorted ascending Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf ESOSSO.pdf r1 manage 403.0 K 2006-09-20 - 07:24 PaulHarrison SSO progress at ESO
PDFpdf IVOA-WS-BP-Moscow.pdf r1 manage 42.1 K 2006-09-20 - 03:08 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf Moscow-GWS1.pdf r1 manage 6393.1 K 2006-09-19 - 12:23 GuyRixon Report on Caltech SSO work
PDFpdf gws-1-introduction.pdf r1 manage 65.9 K 2006-09-19 - 12:20 GuyRixon  
PDFpdf gws-moscow-ag-sso.pdf r1 manage 82.0 K 2006-09-19 - 12:27 GuyRixon Progress report on AstroGrid SSO prototypes
PDFpdf norman-talk-access.pdf r1 manage 115.8 K 2006-09-20 - 06:44 NormanGray Norman's talk in GWS-1
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Topic revision: r5 - 2006-09-20 - PaulHarrison
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