IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM13)

Date: Jan 09, 2005 (10:30-16:20)

Venue: SDSC, San Diego, USA

Location and Travel

The meeting will take place at SDSC on the UCSD campus, in room 462.

Parking is free at UCSD on weekends. Directions to parking and SDSC are provided at: http://www.sdsc.edu/Visitors/directions.html

People may wish to arrange car/taxi pools from their hotels at/near the AAS meeting site. If you will have a car or are willing to arrange a shared taxi, please note this below so people can connect up.

Who Leaving From At By Room For Sign Up Here
Bob Hanisch Town and Country 9:45am Car 3 people Paolo Padovani, Peter Quinn
Francoise Genova Mission Valley Resort 9:45am Taxi   Francois Ochsenbein
Nic Walton Town and Country 9:30am Car 3 people Andy Lawrence

Logistics and Remote Call

  • SDSC has wireless, no password required.
  • People who want to participate by access grid need to send information about their site (IP address, telephone number) to Mike Gates (email: vtc@sdsc.edu). Mike will coordinate testing of the system before the meeting.
  • We will provide a teleconference number for the meeting. However we do need to know an approximate number of callers to reserve the correct number of ports.


  1. 10.30 Roll Call
  2. 10.40 Minutes of TM12
  3. 10.55 Review of Actions
  4. 11.05 Reports from VO projects
  5. 11.50 Status of January demos
  6. 13.05 Review and update of Working Roadmap (AL)
  7. 13.35 Working Group changes
    • progress implementing new VOEvent WG (Roy W)
    • new chair for UCD WG
    • charter for curation and preservation IG
  8. 14.05 IAU Symposium proposal (AL)
  9. 14.35 IVOA Strategy (PQ)
  10. 15.05 Types of membership - NewIVOAMembershipClass.txt (Dave De Y)
  11. 15.35 IVOA Calendar
    • check and update
    • Kyoto preparations (MO)
    • proposals received for Interop 2006 (summary from AL)
  12. 15.55 AOB
  13. 16.10 Summary of actions
  14. 16.20 Close

WG and IG Reports

Working Group Report Chair
DAL   DougTody
Data Modelling   JonathanMcDowell
GWS .txt GuyRixon
VOEvent .txt RoyWilliams
VO Query Language   MasatoshiOhishi
VOTable   FrancoisOchsenbein
Registry   TonyLinde
Interest Group Report Chair
Applications   TomMcGlynn
Architecture   RoyWilliams
Data Curation&Preservation   FrancoiseGenova, Reagan Moore
Theory   GerardLemson

Project Reports

Project Report Submitted By
China-VO .txt ChenzhouCui
HVO .pdf Istvan Csabai
NVO .pdf, .doc BobHanisch


Name Y/N/Tele
AndyLawrence Y
BobHanisch Y
RoyWilliams Y
NicholasWalton Y
Reagan Moore Y
ChristopheArviset Tele
Ethan Schreier Y
FrancoiseGenova Y
FrancoisOchsenbein Y
PaoloPadovani Y
PeterQuinn Y
MasatoshiOhishi Y
DougTody Y
Istvan Csabai N
Wolfgang Voges N
TonyLinde Tele
Dave De Young Y
David Schade N

Further Reading to Prepare for Meeting

  1. previous IVOA Exec meetings including draft minutes for last telecon 22 Nov 2004 (ivoa-tm12-20041122.pdf)
  2. IVOA documents
  3. Current Working Roadmap (TechnicalMilestones)
  4. Current Calendar (IvoaEvents)
  5. Current External Roadmap (http://www.ivoa.net/pub/info/#statement)
  6. Revised External Roadmap (doc) (PQ/AL/MO/BH)
  7. Kyoto meeting web page (InterOpMay2005)
  8. Prague Symposium proposal (VoscienceIAUPrague)
  9. Summary of proposals for 2006 interop (txt) (AL)
  10. Proposed Charter for Preservation IG (doc) (RM)
  11. Draft Strategic Plan (pdf) (PQ)

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Topic revision: r25 - 2005-01-13 - MarcoLeoni
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