Chair: Séverin Gaudet

Plenary 1, Monday June 14 2015

Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG

Speaker Title File
Fernique WG Applications pdf
Bonnarel WG DAL pdf
Salgado WG DM pdf
Schaaff WG GWS pdf
Demleitner WG Registry pdf
Louys WG Semantics pdf
  IG DCP  
Ramella IG Education pdf
Graham IG KDD pdf
McGlynn IG Operations pdf
Le Petit IG Theory pdf
Swinbank IG Time Domain pdf

Plenary 2, Friday June 19 2015

WG/IG session summaries, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG

Speaker Title File
Fernique WG Applications pdf
Bonnarel WG DAL pdf
Salgado WG DM ppt
Schaaff WG GWS pdf
Demleitner WG Registry pdf
Louys WG Semantics pdf
  IG DCP  
Ramella IG Education
  IG KDD  
McGlynn IG Operations  
Le Petit IG Theory pdf
Swinbank IG Time Domain pdf

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
PDFpdf IVOAJune2015GWS-P1.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 296.3 K 2015-06-14 - 21:53 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf IVOAJune2015GWS-P2.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 217.8 K 2015-06-19 - 07:09 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf InterOpSesto_Theory_Closing.pdf r1 manage 531.4 K 2015-06-19 - 08:08 FranckLePetit Theory Closing
PDFpdf InterOpSesto_Theory_Opening.pdf r1 manage 388.1 K 2015-06-15 - 06:46 FranckLePetit Opening_Theory
PDFpdf ClosingDAL062015.pdf r1 manage 228.8 K 2015-06-19 - 08:56 FrancoisBonnarel DAL WG closing remarks
PDFpdf DalIntroJUne15.pdf r1 manage 158.4 K 2015-06-15 - 07:03 FrancoisBonnarel DAL Introductary notes
PowerPointppt DM_Closing_Sesto2015_JSalgado.ppt r1 manage 1019.5 K 2015-06-19 - 07:39 JesusSalgado  
PDFpdf DM_Opening_Sesto2015_JSalgado.pdf r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 87.8 K 2015-06-15 - 07:28 JesusSalgado  
PDFpdf 2015-06_-_Charge_to_TDIG_at_InterOp.pdf r1 manage 3381.2 K 2015-06-14 - 19:45 JohnSwinbank  
PDFpdf 2015-06_-_TDIG_InterOp_Roundup.pdf r1 manage 14.7 K 2015-06-19 - 07:33 JohnSwinbank  
PDFpdf registry-closing.pdf r1 manage 708.8 K 2015-06-19 - 07:27 MarkusDemleitner  
PDFpdf registry-opening.pdf r1 manage 25.7 K 2015-06-15 - 07:37 MarkusDemleitner  
PDFpdf EduIG_IVOA_2015_Closing.pdf r1 manage 340.9 K 2015-06-19 - 07:24 MassimoRamellaINAF  
PDFpdf EduIG_IVOA_2015_Intro.pdf r2 r1 manage 357.0 K 2015-06-15 - 09:26 MassimoRamellaINAF  
PDFpdf KDDIG.pdf r1 manage 712.7 K 2015-06-15 - 07:24 MatthewGraham  
PDFpdf SemanticsJune2015-Conclusions.pdf r1 manage 323.3 K 2015-06-19 - 07:54 MireilleLouys  
PDFpdf SemanticsJune2015-Plenary1.pdf r1 manage 309.8 K 2015-06-15 - 07:05 MireilleLouys semantics prog
PDFpdf AppsWG-closing.pdf r1 manage 274.8 K 2015-06-19 - 07:30 PierreFernique  
PDFpdf AppsWG-preview.pdf r1 manage 124.1 K 2015-06-15 - 07:04 PierreFernique  
PDFpdf OIGChargeJune2015.pdf r1 manage 288.6 K 2015-06-15 - 08:11 TomMcGlynn OIG Charge
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Topic revision: r33 - 2015-06-19 - FrancoisBonnarel
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