Jumps: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RegistryMetadata :: VOResourceV10 :: RegUpgradeSummer2006
Meetings: InterOpMay2006ResReg :: InterOpSep2006ResReg

Adapting to Corrections to the Registry Interface WSDL

This is draft version of a note to be submitted to the IVOA Document Repository.


Prior to 24 September 2008, an inconsistency was discovered in the IVOA Registry Interface standards document (v1.00) between the text and the actual WSDL document included in the appendix and provided on the IVOA web site (via http://www.ivoa.net/xml/). The Registry Working Group plans to change the WSDL to match the text. Consequently, this has implications for current registries that are compliant with the uncorrected WSDL. This document describes how the WSDL is being changed as well as how we can provide backward compatible support for currently deployed registries. In particular, we will correct the official WSDL without changing the namespace. We describe how registry providers should indicate which versions of the WSDL are supported, how clients can learn which interface is supported, and how registries and clients may choose to support both the corrected and uncorrected interface.

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaResReg > RegistryInterface > RIWSDLCorrection
Topic revision: r1 - 2008-09-24 - RayPlante
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