
This page is deprecated; the VOStandard extension standard is now track via VOStandard.

The version 1.0 registry data model uses Resource Identifiers in several places to identify which standard a particular resource follows. By using IVOA resource identifiers in this way there is an implicit assumption that the standard is itself registered - though no formal requirement to do so. The VOStandard data model and schema provides a framework in which IVOA standards can be described in the registry.

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Historical materials

The previous version of the schema was distributed as part of the RegUpgradeToV10 page

-- PaulHarrison - 25 Apr 2007

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HTMLhtml VOStandard-v0.3wd.html r1 manage 42.3 K 2009-05-26 - 11:31 RayPlante  
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Topic revision: r4 - 2009-11-10 - RayPlante
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