(created by RayPlante 18.09.2024@21:58:25)

This topic will define the requirements of the interoperable registry framework.

-- RayPlante - 03 Feb 2003

  • evaloai.html: An Evaluation of the Open Archives Initiative for VO Registries

This document looks at the OAI Harveting protocol in terms of the above working draft of requirements.

-- RayPlante - 17 Feb 2003

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
HTMLhtml evaloai.html r1 manage 18.2 K 2003-02-17 - 22:47 RayPlante Open Archives Initiative for VO Registries
Texttxt registryreq.txt r1 manage 2.1 K 2003-02-03 - 21:16 RayPlante NVO working draft of requirements
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Topic revision: r2 - 2003-02-17 - RayPlante
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