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I AttachmentSorted ascending History Action Size Date Who Comment
Texttxt minutes_units_discussion_070927.txt r1 manage 1.3 K 2007-10-01 - 06:21 AlbertoMicol Minutes of initial discussion: Cambridge, 20070927
Texttxt STCunits.txt r1 manage 5.9 K 2007-10-05 - 16:52 ArnoldRots Unit strings allowed in STC
PDFpdf WD-VOUnits-1.0-20111216.pdf r1 manage 526.2 K 2011-12-16 - 23:15 SebastienDerriere VOUnits WD 1.0 2011-12-16
PDFpdf WD-VOUnits-v0.3-20110508.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 385.6 K 2011-05-09 - 08:17 MireilleLouys WD after interop May 2009/ minor update
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Topic revision: r41 - 2011-12-16 - SebastienDerriere
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