Jumps: reg-dm mail archive :: RegUpgradeToV10 :: ResourceMetadata :: RegistryInterface :: VOResourceV10 :: RegUpgradeSummer2006
Meetings: InterOpMay2006ResReg :: InterOpSep2006ResReg
VOResource XSL Conversion Stylesheets
For v1.02 (Release Cand. 11):
- VOResource-v0.10-v1.0.xsl2
- XSL stylesheet for converting v0.10 to v1.0 records. (Updated 17 April 2007)
This stylesheet requires an XSLT 2.0 processor, such as the Saxon engine, available in saxon8.jar. To run, type:
java -jar saxon8.jar resource-v0.10.xml VOResource-v0.10-v1.0.xsl2 > resource-v1.0.xml
where resource-v0.10.xml
is the v0.10 resource record to convert.
- If you notice any problems let RayPlante know
- I have not yet plugged in support for CEA
- When you process a registry record, a warning message is generated indicating that you must update certain information "by hand".
- The created and updated attributes are now required by the VOResource core schema; if they are not set in the input document, a dummy value will be inserted and a warning message generated.
Release Notes: Changes since Dec 2006 release
- add time half to created/updated if missing
- eliminate Z from created/updated dates
- don't add default time to created/updated
- add today parameter
- add namespaces for DataCollection types
- CircleRegion -> Circle; fix capture of center; unit on radius
- Registry: spacing issues on comments
- Registry: no resultType
- Registry: add extensionSearchSupport default
- bug fix for TabularSkyService: define vr, set correct prefix for CatalogService.
- bug fix for coverage: avoid missing spatial frame part of ID
- add xlink definition at top of file if necessary
- set role="std" for ConeSearch & SIA
- set Resource to RI namespace (if desired)
- uniquify STC ids
- need conditional tests in stc templates with mode="pos"
Deprecated Versions
An update of the earlier released XSLTv1.0 stylesheet is also available, but deprecated as it does not set namespace declarations properly (and includes no
-- RayPlante - 17 April 2007