Backlinks to DALFuture in all Webs (Search IVOA Web only)

Results from IVOA web retrieved at 22:34 (GMT)

DAL sessions draft agenda v1 DAL 1 `TAP, ADQL, Datalink, SIAV2` Speaker Title Duration Materials Mark Taylor TAP: what`s missing? 10`...
IVOA Data Access Layer Contents Rationale The task of the DAL working group is to define and formulate VO standards for remote data access. Client data analysis...
Common SIAP 2.0 Next and DAP1.0 page. Previous material before May 2020 (most of it common with SODA Next) Old `DAL future` page :
SODA1.0 Next page. Previous material before May 2020 (most of it common with DAP) Old `DAL future` page :
Number of topics: 4

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