Backlinks to GettingIntoTheRegistry in IVOA Web (Search all webs)

Results from IVOA web retrieved at 09:18 (GMT)

IVOA Resource Registry Working Group Home Contents Current Activity TAP Service Operators: Please take up Discovering Data Collections so your tables can...
Publishing Data into the VO 0. Introduction The purpose of this page is to provide practical information about how to publish your data holdings into the VO. The...
Jumps: RegistryGuide :: IvoaResReg :: mail archive :: :: May 2009 Interop, an action was taken up to develop a guide for registry providers that records Working Group...
Vocabularies in the VO 2 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Vocabularies in the VO, version 2, proposes formats and practices to manage hierarchical word...
Number of topics: 4

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