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Results from IVOA web retrieved at 11:27 (GMT)

Charter History started after Cambridge Interop 2003 technical meetings in Garching, Strasbourg, Villa Franca First draft by 2005 IVOA submission by...
SimDB Simulation Database SimDB is a specification for a Simulation Database. A SimDB implementation contains a database with (meta )data describing simulations, their...
This page is for discussions of the Simulation Databaase (SimDB) data model (SimDB/DM). In SimDB the data model is represented by a UML diagram, which is stored as...
Characterisation and Provenance in the Simulation Data Model Here I want to try to explain the way Characterisation and Provenance show up in the Simulation data model...
interviews aimed at obtaining requirements on what information a Simulation database should provide. Marcus Brueggen 2009 06 18 back (notes made during conversation...
Theory Sessions at the May 2009 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpMay2009#Program) Theory Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker...
IVOA Theory Update 2023 09 20 These pages are quite out of date! They will be updated and edited over the next couple of months with new activity from the Theory...
Provenance Data Model A workpackage inside the DM WG to DM main page Acknowledgements: supports from ASTERICS/DADI WP, CTA project, GAVO Project, ASOV OV France,...
Number of topics: 8

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