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Results from IVOA web retrieved at 13:37 (GMT)

Euro VO DCA SNAP Workshop, Garching, Apr 12 13 2007 A workshop in the context of the IVOA theory interest group, sponsored by the Data Center Alliance project. The...
Theory sessions The theory sessions will mainly deal with the two projects we started last year in Victoria: simple numerical access protocol (SNAP) and simulation...
IVOA Theory Update 2023 09 20 These pages are quite out of date! They will be updated and edited over the next couple of months with new activity from the Theory...
Here we link to some parameter files that were used to start simulations.
Data model used by GAVO hydrosims web application Provided by: Gerard Lemson This is the data model underlying the hydrosims web application available on the GAVO...
Data model for Millennium database Provided by: Gerard Lemson This is part of the data model of the database. MillenniumDM.jpg:
Data model for GalICS database Translated by: Gerard Lemson This is a UML rendering of the database schema of the GalICS database as described on the following site...
Data model for database Provided by: Jean Paul Le Fevre See below for the diagram (TWiki experts may be able to move the image closer to the top, please !). db...
ITVO Data model Provided by: Patrizia Manzato The ITVO (Italian Theoretical Virtual Observatory) database schema is a multi level one: Level 0: input parameters...
Data model underlying OWLS GIMIC result files Provided by: Tom Theuns, Gerard Lemson The model in the diagram below is a reflection of the meta data structure that...
Page with discussion items about the SNAP data model Some questions (in bold) with their motivation and current answer (as of the last edit of the page): back...
SNAP data model, online doc This page gives the Wiki version of the documentation for the model and wil supplant that document. See the following links for...
UML diagrams for SNAP data model SNAP data model start page Documentation XML schema for this model MagicDraw readable...
Number of topics: 13

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