Backlinks to InterOpMay2007AppsMessagingMinutes in all Webs (Search IVOA Web only)

Results from IVOA web retrieved at 23:30 (GMT)

Applications Messaging Discussion Pages Links to early messaging discussions Applications Messaging Initial Questions for the community Applications Messaging...
Applications Session at the May 2007 Interop Meeting Introduction The Applications Working Group has five sessions at the Beijing Interoperability meeting. Apps...
JSON RPC JSON RPC is a remote procedure call protocol based on JSON. JSON RPC is documented at http://json . JSON is a specification for encoding...
Proposed changes to PLASTIC for 1.0 All of the following changes can be implemented as changes in the Hub without requiring that applications immediately switch...
XML RPC XML RPC is a simple remote procedure call protocol. It uses HTTP POST and a straightforward XML packaging of strings to transport integers, doubles, booleans...
Number of topics: 5

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