Difference: InterOpDec2010Applications (1 vs. 30)

Revision 302012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO .pdf demo    
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more .ppt    
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy. .pdf    
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python .ppt    
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP PDF    
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status PDF    
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile PDF    
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED PDF    
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder PPT    
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data PDF    
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS .pdf    
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans PDF    

Plenary Sessions

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UWS Cross-match service at CDS - T. Boch" date="1291703014" name="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" path="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" size="4985823" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291703436" name="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" path="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" size="432027" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpec and Photometry" date="1291711029" name="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" path="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" size="93399" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291711609" name="vodance.pdf" path="vodance.pdf" size="531992" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291768116" name="vospsec_phot.htm" path="vospsec_phot.htm" size="874" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Flash file" date="1291768148" name="vospec_phot.swf" path="vospec_phot.swf" size="1943005" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291769385" name="vospec_phot.htm" path="vospec_phot.htm" size="940" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SAMP status" date="1291789454" name="samp.pdf" path="samp.pdf" size="26474" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Web Profile for SAMP" date="1291789500" name="websamp.pdf" path="websamp.pdf" size="199401" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291794501" name="CDS_SED_building.pdf" path="CDS_SED_building.pdf" size="810495" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Building SEDs from SDSS, GALEX, and UKIDSS data" date="1291796012" name="chilingarian_presentation_apps.pdf" path="chilingarian_presentation_apps.pdf" size="964470" user="IgorChilingarian" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291862581" name="VAO_SED_Nara.pdf" path="VAO_SED_Nara.pdf" size="1664952" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Milvia Capalbi's talk" date="1291949448" name="ASDC-SED.ppt" path="ASDC-SED.ppt" size="3912192" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="PyMorph presentation" date="1291961589" name="Mosaic-Pymorph.ppt.ppt" path="Mosaic-Pymorph.ppt.ppt" size="2421760" user="VivekanandaMoosani" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Raul's presentation" date="1291963568" name="vosed.pdf" path="vosed.pdf" size="2984559" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"

Revision 292010-12-10 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO .pdf demo    
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more .ppt    
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy. .pdf    
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python .ppt    
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP PDF    
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status PDF    
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile PDF    
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED PDF    
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder PPT    
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data PDF    
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS .pdf    
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans PDF    

Plenary Sessions




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UWS Cross-match service at CDS - T. Boch" date="1291703014" name="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" path="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" size="4985823" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291703436" name="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" path="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" size="432027" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpec and Photometry" date="1291711029" name="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" path="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" size="93399" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291711609" name="vodance.pdf" path="vodance.pdf" size="531992" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291768116" name="vospsec_phot.htm" path="vospsec_phot.htm" size="874" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Flash file" date="1291768148" name="vospec_phot.swf" path="vospec_phot.swf" size="1943005" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291769385" name="vospec_phot.htm" path="vospec_phot.htm" size="940" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SAMP status" date="1291789454" name="samp.pdf" path="samp.pdf" size="26474" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Web Profile for SAMP" date="1291789500" name="websamp.pdf" path="websamp.pdf" size="199401" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291794501" name="CDS_SED_building.pdf" path="CDS_SED_building.pdf" size="810495" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Building SEDs from SDSS, GALEX, and UKIDSS data" date="1291796012" name="chilingarian_presentation_apps.pdf" path="chilingarian_presentation_apps.pdf" size="964470" user="IgorChilingarian" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291862581" name="VAO_SED_Nara.pdf" path="VAO_SED_Nara.pdf" size="1664952" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Milvia Capalbi's talk" date="1291949448" name="ASDC-SED.ppt" path="ASDC-SED.ppt" size="3912192" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="PyMorph presentation" date="1291961589" name="Mosaic-Pymorph.ppt.ppt" path="Mosaic-Pymorph.ppt.ppt" size="2421760" user="VivekanandaMoosani" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Raul's presentation" date="1291963568" name="vosed.pdf" path="vosed.pdf" size="2984559" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"

Revision 282010-12-10 - VivekanandaMoosani

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO .pdf demo    
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more .ppt    
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy. .pdf    
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python .ppt    
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP PDF    
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status PDF    
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile PDF    
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder PPT    
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data PDF    
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS .pdf    
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans PDF    

Plenary Sessions




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UWS Cross-match service at CDS - T. Boch" date="1291703014" name="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" path="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" size="4985823" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291703436" name="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" path="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" size="432027" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpec and Photometry" date="1291711029" name="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" path="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" size="93399" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291711609" name="vodance.pdf" path="vodance.pdf" size="531992" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291768116" name="vospsec_phot.htm" path="vospsec_phot.htm" size="874" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Flash file" date="1291768148" name="vospec_phot.swf" path="vospec_phot.swf" size="1943005" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291769385" name="vospec_phot.htm" path="vospec_phot.htm" size="940" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SAMP status" date="1291789454" name="samp.pdf" path="samp.pdf" size="26474" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Web Profile for SAMP" date="1291789500" name="websamp.pdf" path="websamp.pdf" size="199401" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291794501" name="CDS_SED_building.pdf" path="CDS_SED_building.pdf" size="810495" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Building SEDs from SDSS, GALEX, and UKIDSS data" date="1291796012" name="chilingarian_presentation_apps.pdf" path="chilingarian_presentation_apps.pdf" size="964470" user="IgorChilingarian" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291862581" name="VAO_SED_Nara.pdf" path="VAO_SED_Nara.pdf" size="1664952" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Milvia Capalbi's talk" date="1291949448" name="ASDC-SED.ppt" path="ASDC-SED.ppt" size="3912192" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="PyMorph presentation" date="1291961589" name="Mosaic-Pymorph.ppt.ppt" path="Mosaic-Pymorph.ppt.ppt" size="2421760" user="VivekanandaMoosani" version="1.1"

Revision 272010-12-10 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO .pdf demo    
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more .ppt    
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy. .pdf    
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP PDF    
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status PDF    
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile PDF    
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder PPT    
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data PDF    
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS .pdf    
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans PDF    

Plenary Sessions




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UWS Cross-match service at CDS - T. Boch" date="1291703014" name="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" path="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" size="4985823" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291703436" name="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" path="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" size="432027" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpec and Photometry" date="1291711029" name="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" path="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" size="93399" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291711609" name="vodance.pdf" path="vodance.pdf" size="531992" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291768116" name="vospsec_phot.htm" path="vospsec_phot.htm" size="874" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Flash file" date="1291768148" name="vospec_phot.swf" path="vospec_phot.swf" size="1943005" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291769385" name="vospec_phot.htm" path="vospec_phot.htm" size="940" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SAMP status" date="1291789454" name="samp.pdf" path="samp.pdf" size="26474" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Web Profile for SAMP" date="1291789500" name="websamp.pdf" path="websamp.pdf" size="199401" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291794501" name="CDS_SED_building.pdf" path="CDS_SED_building.pdf" size="810495" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Building SEDs from SDSS, GALEX, and UKIDSS data" date="1291796012" name="chilingarian_presentation_apps.pdf" path="chilingarian_presentation_apps.pdf" size="964470" user="IgorChilingarian" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291862581" name="VAO_SED_Nara.pdf" path="VAO_SED_Nara.pdf" size="1664952" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Milvia Capalbi's talk" date="1291949448" name="ASDC-SED.ppt" path="ASDC-SED.ppt" size="3912192" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"

Revision 262010-12-09 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO .pdf demo    
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more .ppt    
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy. .pdf    
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP PDF    
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status PDF 10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile PDF 20 m
Mark Taylor SAMP status PDF    
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile PDF    
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data PDF    
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS .pdf    
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans      
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans PDF    

Plenary Sessions




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UWS Cross-match service at CDS - T. Boch" date="1291703014" name="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" path="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" size="4985823" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291703436" name="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" path="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" size="432027" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpec and Photometry" date="1291711029" name="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" path="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" size="93399" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291711609" name="vodance.pdf" path="vodance.pdf" size="531992" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291768116" name="vospsec_phot.htm" path="vospsec_phot.htm" size="874" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Flash file" date="1291768148" name="vospec_phot.swf" path="vospec_phot.swf" size="1943005" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291769385" name="vospec_phot.htm" path="vospec_phot.htm" size="940" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SAMP status" date="1291789454" name="samp.pdf" path="samp.pdf" size="26474" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Web Profile for SAMP" date="1291789500" name="websamp.pdf" path="websamp.pdf" size="199401" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291794501" name="CDS_SED_building.pdf" path="CDS_SED_building.pdf" size="810495" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Building SEDs from SDSS, GALEX, and UKIDSS data" date="1291796012" name="chilingarian_presentation_apps.pdf" path="chilingarian_presentation_apps.pdf" size="964470" user="IgorChilingarian" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291862581" name="VAO_SED_Nara.pdf" path="VAO_SED_Nara.pdf" size="1664952" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"

Revision 252010-12-08 - IgorChilingarian

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO .pdf demo    
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more .ppt    
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy. .pdf    
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP PDF    
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status PDF 10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile PDF 20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data PDF    
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS .pdf    
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans      

Plenary Sessions




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UWS Cross-match service at CDS - T. Boch" date="1291703014" name="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" path="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" size="4985823" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291703436" name="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" path="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" size="432027" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpec and Photometry" date="1291711029" name="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" path="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" size="93399" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291711609" name="vodance.pdf" path="vodance.pdf" size="531992" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291768116" name="vospsec_phot.htm" path="vospsec_phot.htm" size="874" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Flash file" date="1291768148" name="vospec_phot.swf" path="vospec_phot.swf" size="1943005" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291769385" name="vospec_phot.htm" path="vospec_phot.htm" size="940" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SAMP status" date="1291789454" name="samp.pdf" path="samp.pdf" size="26474" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Web Profile for SAMP" date="1291789500" name="websamp.pdf" path="websamp.pdf" size="199401" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291794501" name="CDS_SED_building.pdf" path="CDS_SED_building.pdf" size="810495" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Building SEDs from SDSS, GALEX, and UKIDSS data" date="1291796012" name="chilingarian_presentation_apps.pdf" path="chilingarian_presentation_apps.pdf" size="964470" user="IgorChilingarian" version="1.1"

Revision 242010-12-08 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO .pdf demo    
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more .ppt    
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy. .pdf    
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP PDF    
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status PDF 10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile PDF 20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS      
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS .pdf    
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans      

Plenary Sessions



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UWS Cross-match service at CDS - T. Boch" date="1291703014" name="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" path="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" size="4985823" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291703436" name="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" path="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" size="432027" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpec and Photometry" date="1291711029" name="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" path="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" size="93399" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291711609" name="vodance.pdf" path="vodance.pdf" size="531992" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291768116" name="vospsec_phot.htm" path="vospsec_phot.htm" size="874" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Flash file" date="1291768148" name="vospec_phot.swf" path="vospec_phot.swf" size="1943005" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291769385" name="vospec_phot.htm" path="vospec_phot.htm" size="940" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SAMP status" date="1291789454" name="samp.pdf" path="samp.pdf" size="26474" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Web Profile for SAMP" date="1291789500" name="websamp.pdf" path="websamp.pdf" size="199401" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291794501" name="CDS_SED_building.pdf" path="CDS_SED_building.pdf" size="810495" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"

Revision 232010-12-08 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO .pdf demo    
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more .ppt    
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy. .pdf    
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP PDF    
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Mark Taylor SAMP status PDF 10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile PDF 20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS      
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans      

Plenary Sessions




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UWS Cross-match service at CDS - T. Boch" date="1291703014" name="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" path="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" size="4985823" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291703436" name="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" path="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" size="432027" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpec and Photometry" date="1291711029" name="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" path="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" size="93399" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291711609" name="vodance.pdf" path="vodance.pdf" size="531992" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291768116" name="vospsec_phot.htm" path="vospsec_phot.htm" size="874" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Flash file" date="1291768148" name="vospec_phot.swf" path="vospec_phot.swf" size="1943005" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291769385" name="vospec_phot.htm" path="vospec_phot.htm" size="940" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SAMP status" date="1291789454" name="samp.pdf" path="samp.pdf" size="26474" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Web Profile for SAMP" date="1291789500" name="websamp.pdf" path="websamp.pdf" size="199401" user="MarkTaylor" version="1.1"

Revision 222010-12-08 - JesusSalgado

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO .pdf demo    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO .pdf demo    
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more .ppt    
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy. .pdf    
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP PDF    
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS      
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans      

Plenary Sessions




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UWS Cross-match service at CDS - T. Boch" date="1291703014" name="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" path="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" size="4985823" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291703436" name="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" path="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" size="432027" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpec and Photometry" date="1291711029" name="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" path="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" size="93399" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291711609" name="vodance.pdf" path="vodance.pdf" size="531992" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291768116" name="vospsec_phot.htm" path="vospsec_phot.htm" size="874" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Flash file" date="1291768148" name="vospec_phot.swf" path="vospec_phot.swf" size="1943005" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291769385" name="vospec_phot.htm" path="vospec_phot.htm" size="940" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"

Revision 212010-12-08 - ChristopheArviset

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO .pdf demo    
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more .ppt    
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy. .pdf    
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP PDF    
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS      
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans      

Plenary Sessions




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UWS Cross-match service at CDS - T. Boch" date="1291703014" name="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" path="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" size="4985823" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291703436" name="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" path="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" size="432027" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpec and Photometry" date="1291711029" name="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" path="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" size="93399" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291711609" name="vodance.pdf" path="vodance.pdf" size="531992" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291768116" name="vospsec_phot.htm" path="vospsec_phot.htm" size="874" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Flash file" date="1291768148" name="vospec_phot.swf" path="vospec_phot.swf" size="1943005" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"

Revision 202010-12-08 - JesusSalgado

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO .pdf demo    
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy. .pdf    
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP PDF    
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS      
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans      

Plenary Sessions




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UWS Cross-match service at CDS - T. Boch" date="1291703014" name="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" path="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" size="4985823" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291703436" name="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" path="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" size="432027" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpec and Photometry" date="1291711029" name="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" path="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" size="93399" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291711609" name="vodance.pdf" path="vodance.pdf" size="531992" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html demo wrapper" date="1291768116" name="vospsec_phot.htm" path="vospsec_phot.htm" size="874" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Flash file" date="1291768148" name="vospec_phot.swf" path="vospec_phot.swf" size="1943005" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"

Revision 192010-12-07 - OmarLaurino

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO .pdf    
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy.      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy. .pdf    
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP PDF    
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS      
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans      

Plenary Sessions



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UWS Cross-match service at CDS - T. Boch" date="1291703014" name="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" path="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" size="4985823" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291703436" name="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" path="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" size="432027" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpec and Photometry" date="1291711029" name="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" path="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" size="93399" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291711609" name="vodance.pdf" path="vodance.pdf" size="531992" user="OmarLaurino" version="1.1"

Revision 182010-12-07 - JesusSalgado

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO .pdf    
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy.      
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP PDF    
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS      
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans      

Plenary Sessions




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UWS Cross-match service at CDS - T. Boch" date="1291703014" name="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" path="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" size="4985823" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291703436" name="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" path="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" size="432027" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="VOSpec and Photometry" date="1291711029" name="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" path="Apps_VOSpecPhotometry_Nara_JSalgado.pdf" size="93399" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"

Revision 172010-12-07 - KeithNoddle

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy.      
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP PDF    
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS      
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans      

Plenary Sessions




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UWS Cross-match service at CDS - T. Boch" date="1291703014" name="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" path="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" size="4985823" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291703436" name="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" path="OGSADAI-ICE.pdf" size="432027" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.2"

Revision 162010-12-07 - ThomasBoch

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues .pdf    
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy.      
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP      
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS      
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans      

Plenary Sessions




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UWS Cross-match service at CDS - T. Boch" date="1291703014" name="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" path="NaraInterop-xmatchUWSservice-ThomasBoch.pdf" size="4985823" user="ThomasBoch" version="1.2"

Revision 152010-12-07 - PedroOsuna

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy.      
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP      
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS      
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans      

Plenary Sessions




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291700719" name="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" path="VOScriptInterop2010-1.ppt" size="1334784" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"

Revision 142010-12-07 - PedroOsuna

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy.      
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP      
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS      
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans      

Plenary Sessions



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1291698705" name="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" path="20101201-ESAC-VOTAP_for_Nara_Interop_2010.ppt" size="913408" user="PedroOsuna" version="1.1"

Revision 132010-12-06 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy.      
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP      
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS      
Janet Evans VAO SED Design and Plans      

Plenary Sessions




Revision 122010-12-06 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy.      
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Keith Noddle Experience with distributed cross-matching using TAP      
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS      

Plenary Sessions




Revision 112010-11-30 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy.      
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Sebastien Derriere SED building at the CDS      
Plenary Sessions




Revision 102010-11-30 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy.      
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
Paolo Padovani Summary of SED science use-case      
  See SED Session page for schedule      
Keith Noddle SED and DAL      
? SED and data models      
Jonathan McDowell and Janet Evans VAO SED efforts      
All Discussion      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      

Plenary Sessions




Revision 92010-11-30 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Web-based Applications Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Applications 1: Application Demos Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy.      
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
Paolo Padovani Summary of SED science use-case      
Keith Noddle SED and DAL      
? SED and data models      
Jonathan McDowell and Janet Evans VAO SED efforts      
All Discussion      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: Local Applications Wed Dec 8 16:00-15:30 1+2
Applications 2: SAMP and SED Demos Wed Dec 8 16:00-17:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Milvia Capalbi The ASDC SED Builder      
Igor Chilingarian Constructing SEDs from SDSS, GalEx and UKIDSS data      
Plenary Sessions




Revision 82010-11-23 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Web-based Applications Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy.      
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
Paolo Padovani Summary of SED science use-case      
Keith Noddle SED and DAL      
? SED and data models      
Jonathan McDowell and Janet Evans VAO SED efforts      
All Discussion      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: Local Applications Wed Dec 8 16:00-15:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Plenary Sessions




Revision 72010-11-23 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Web-based Applications Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy.      
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
Paolo Padovani Summary of SED science use-case      
Keith Noddle SED and DAL      
? SED and data models      
Jonathan McDowell and Janet Evans VAO SED efforts    
Jonathan McDowell and Janet Evans VAO SED efforts      
All Discussion      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade (or delegate) ObsCore and ObsTAP      
David Schade ObsCore and ObsTAP      
All Discussion      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: Local Applications Wed Dec 8 16:00-15:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Vivekananda Moosani PyMorph: Automated Galaxy Structural Parameter Estimation using Python      
Plenary Sessions




Revision 62010-11-19 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
Applications 1: Web-based Applications Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00
Applications 1: Web-based Applications Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00 1+2
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy.      
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Sort Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Sort Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30 1+2
Paolo Padovani Summary of SED science use-case      
Pat Dowler SED and DAL      
Keith Noddle SED and DAL      
? SED and data models      
Pepi Fabbiano VAO SED efforts    
Jonathan McDowell and Janet Evans VAO SED efforts    
All Discussion      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30 1+2
David Schade (or delegate) ObsCore and ObsTAP      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: Local Applications Wed Dec 8 16:00-15:30
Applications 2: Local Applications Wed Dec 8 16:00-15:30 1+2
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      

Plenary Sessions




Revision 52010-11-19 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Web-based Applications Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Raúl Gutiérrez VO SED      
Omar Laurino, Cristina Knapic, Riccardo Smareglia VO-DANCE. Data Access services publication made easy.      
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30
Paolo Padovani Summary of SED science use-case      
Pat Dowler SED and DAL      
? SED and data models      
Pepi Fabbiano VAO SED efforts    
All Discussion      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30
David Schade (or delegate) ObsCore and ObsTAP      
Mark Allen (or delegate) Class-based and list queries      
Mark Allen Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: Local Applications Wed Dec 8 16:00-15:30
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      

Plenary Sessions




Revision 42010-11-19 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Web-based Applications
Applications 1: Web-based Applications Tue Dec 7, 16:30-18:00
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Applications 2: Local Applications
Science Use Cases 1: SED docs Sort Wed Dec 8, 9:00-10:30
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Science Use Cases
Paolo Padovani Summary of SED science use-case      
Science Use Cases 2 Wed Dec 8, 11:00-12:30
David Schade (or delegate) ObsCore and ObsTAP      
Mark Allen (or delegate) Class-Based and list queries      
Mark Allen (or delegate) Class-based and list queries      
All Discussion      
Applications 2: Local Applications Wed Dec 8 16:00-15:30
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Plenary Sessions




Revision 32010-11-15 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Web-based Applications
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Applications 2: Local Applications
Mark Taylor SAMP status and developments   30 m
Mark Taylor SAMP status   10 m
Mark Taylor SAMP Web Profile   20 m
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Science Use Cases
David Schade (or delegate) ObsCore and ObsTAP      
Mark Allen (or delegate) Class-Based and list queries      
All Discussion      

Plenary Sessions




Revision 22010-11-12 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Web-based Applications
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Jesus Salgado VOSpec and photometry in the VO      
Applications 2: Local Applications
Mark Taylor SAMP status and developments   30 m
Pedro Osuna VOScript: VOSpec on the command line and more      
Science Use Cases
David Schade (or delegate) ObsCore and ObsTAP      
Mark Allen (or delegate) Class-Base and List Queries      
David Schade (or delegate) ObsCore and ObsTAP      
Mark Allen (or delegate) Class-Based and list queries      
All Discussion      

Plenary Sessions




Revision 12010-11-11 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpDec2010"

Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program)

Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Materials Time Location
Applications 1: Web-based Applications
Thomas Boch, Francois Xavier-Pineau, Sebastien Derriere A UWS service to cross-match large catalogues      
Applications 2: Local Applications
Mark Taylor SAMP status and developments   30 m
Science Use Cases
David Schade (or delegate) ObsCore and ObsTAP      
Mark Allen (or delegate) Class-Base and List Queries      
All Discussion      

Plenary Sessions



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