Difference: InterOpMay2023DCP (1 vs. 14)

Revision 142023-05-11 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIS) in Open Science, May 2023

G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco

[ back to main programme page]

Wednesday May 10 -14:00 : plenary room
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Gilles Landais DOI status in IVOA 10 Introduction on the DOIs status in the Virtual Observatory and in Open Sciences. The challenges to provide curated metadata in order to improve data citation. pdf
Gus Muench (AAS)
The utility of dataset DOIs in manuscript review and scientific publications 12+3 I will describe the current practices for using dataset digital object identifiers in the publication of scientific journal articles. This includes both their use in the data- and peer-review processes and in the expression of relationship(s) between datasets and published works. Further, I will propose templates for drawing out the provenance of datasets created, reused, and accessed by distinct archives and toolkits. By highlighting a set of barriers to the successful reuse of dataset identifiers I hope to guide the best practices undertaken by archives and authors when minting dataset identifiers. pdf
S.Peroni (Bologna university) DOI (and Beyond) for Publications and Other Citable Research Outcomes 12+3 OpenCitations is an independent, community-led, and not-for-profit Open Science infrastructure organisation that publishes open bibliographic and citation data. During this talk, I will show the main collections and services OpenCitations includes and how it enables several PIDs to be associated with citing/cited entities and citations. pdf
A.Accomazzi (ADS)
DOI-Enabled Discovery and Credit: an ADS Perspective 12+3 I describe the ADS Policy for data indexing and linking, highlighting how DOIs provide the basic infrastructure required to make this an automated and robust process. PDF
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris) Data Management and DOI implementation and lessons' learnt 12+3 We present how Data management and DOI are implemented in a real-life service (space science and radio astronomy). We show things that work, and things that don't work. PDF

M.Parsons (Nasa)


the new NASDA DOI Registration guidelines and general guidelines process. 12+3

The guidelines provide an overview of the scenarios in which NASA data repositories may need to register a DOI and the mechanisms through which they can do so. They provide guidance on the registration process and appropriate roles. The intent is to identify services and define a process that allow data repositories the flexibility they need to respond to the needs of their user communities while also enabling the creation of a central NASA registry of DOIs managed through the Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program Office.

R.d'Abrusco Conclusion 5    

Relevant Links and Information

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCP-DOI.pdf" attr="" comment="DOI introduction - DOI status in IVOA (2013, Bologna)" date="1683666710" name="DCP-DOI.pdf" path="DCP-DOI.pdf" size="1165186" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" attr="" comment="NASA guideline M.Parsons" date="1683667917" name="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" path="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" size="1089658" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" attr="" comment="Alberto's Presentation" date="1683685472" name="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" path="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" size="991762" user="AlbertoAccomazzi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DOI-S-peroni.pdf" attr="" comment="Open Citation , Bologna 2023" date="1683712791" name="DOI-S-peroni.pdf" path="DOI-S-peroni.pdf" size="4188626" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2023-05-DCP-Cecconi-MASER-DMP-DOI-V2.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683719825" name="2023-05-DCP-Cecconi-MASER-DMP-DOI-V2.pdf" path="2023-05-DCP-Cecconi-MASER-DMP-DOI-V2.pdf" size="7096671" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Muench_IVOASpring2023.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683719416" name="Muench_IVOASpring2023.pdf" path="Muench_IVOASpring2023.pdf" size="2714779" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Muench_DOI_Notes.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683788817" name="Muench_DOI_Notes.pdf" path="Muench_DOI_Notes.pdf" size="243416" user="GillesLandais" version="2"

Revision 132023-05-10 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIS) in Open Science, May 2023

G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco

[ back to main programme page]

Wednesday May 10 -14:00 : plenary room
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Gilles Landais DOI status in IVOA 10 Introduction on the DOIs status in the Virtual Observatory and in Open Sciences. The challenges to provide curated metadata in order to improve data citation. pdf
Gus Muench (AAS)
The utility of dataset DOIs in manuscript review and scientific publications 12+3 I will describe the current practices for using dataset digital object identifiers in the publication of scientific journal articles. This includes both their use in the data- and peer-review processes and in the expression of relationship(s) between datasets and published works. Further, I will propose templates for drawing out the provenance of datasets created, reused, and accessed by distinct archives and toolkits. By highlighting a set of barriers to the successful reuse of dataset identifiers I hope to guide the best practices undertaken by archives and authors when minting dataset identifiers. pdf
S.Peroni (Bologna university) DOI (and Beyond) for Publications and Other Citable Research Outcomes 12+3 OpenCitations is an independent, community-led, and not-for-profit Open Science infrastructure organisation that publishes open bibliographic and citation data. During this talk, I will show the main collections and services OpenCitations includes and how it enables several PIDs to be associated with citing/cited entities and citations. pdf
A.Accomazzi (ADS)
DOI-Enabled Discovery and Credit: an ADS Perspective 12+3 I describe the ADS Policy for data indexing and linking, highlighting how DOIs provide the basic infrastructure required to make this an automated and robust process. PDF
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris) Data Management and DOI implementation and lessons' learnt 12+3 We present how Data management and DOI are implemented in a real-life service (space science and radio astronomy). We show things that work, and things that don't work. PDF

M.Parsons (Nasa)


the new NASDA DOI Registration guidelines and general guidelines process. 12+3

The guidelines provide an overview of the scenarios in which NASA data repositories may need to register a DOI and the mechanisms through which they can do so. They provide guidance on the registration process and appropriate roles. The intent is to identify services and define a process that allow data repositories the flexibility they need to respond to the needs of their user communities while also enabling the creation of a central NASA registry of DOIs managed through the Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program Office.

R.d'Abrusco Conclusion 5    

Relevant Links and Information

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCP-DOI.pdf" attr="" comment="DOI introduction - DOI status in IVOA (2013, Bologna)" date="1683666710" name="DCP-DOI.pdf" path="DCP-DOI.pdf" size="1165186" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" attr="" comment="NASA guideline M.Parsons" date="1683667917" name="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" path="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" size="1089658" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" attr="" comment="Alberto's Presentation" date="1683685472" name="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" path="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" size="991762" user="AlbertoAccomazzi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DOI-S-peroni.pdf" attr="" comment="Open Citation , Bologna 2023" date="1683712791" name="DOI-S-peroni.pdf" path="DOI-S-peroni.pdf" size="4188626" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2023-05-DCP-Cecconi-MASER-DMP-DOI-V2.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683718040" name="2023-05-DCP-Cecconi-MASER-DMP-DOI-V2.pdf" path="2023-05-DCP-Cecconi-MASER-DMP-DOI-V2.pdf" size="6724925" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2023-05-DCP-Cecconi-MASER-DMP-DOI-V2.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683719825" name="2023-05-DCP-Cecconi-MASER-DMP-DOI-V2.pdf" path="2023-05-DCP-Cecconi-MASER-DMP-DOI-V2.pdf" size="7096671" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Muench_IVOASpring2023.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683719416" name="Muench_IVOASpring2023.pdf" path="Muench_IVOASpring2023.pdf" size="2714779" user="GillesLandais" version="1"

Revision 122023-05-10 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIS) in Open Science, May 2023

G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco

[ back to main programme page]

Wednesday May 10 -14:00 : plenary room
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Gilles Landais DOI status in IVOA 10 Introduction on the DOIs status in the Virtual Observatory and in Open Sciences. The challenges to provide curated metadata in order to improve data citation. pdf
Gus Muench (AAS)
The utility of dataset DOIs in manuscript review and scientific publications 12+3 I will describe the current practices for using dataset digital object identifiers in the publication of scientific journal articles. This includes both their use in the data- and peer-review processes and in the expression of relationship(s) between datasets and published works. Further, I will propose templates for drawing out the provenance of datasets created, reused, and accessed by distinct archives and toolkits. By highlighting a set of barriers to the successful reuse of dataset identifiers I hope to guide the best practices undertaken by archives and authors when minting dataset identifiers.  
Gus Muench (AAS)
The utility of dataset DOIs in manuscript review and scientific publications 12+3 I will describe the current practices for using dataset digital object identifiers in the publication of scientific journal articles. This includes both their use in the data- and peer-review processes and in the expression of relationship(s) between datasets and published works. Further, I will propose templates for drawing out the provenance of datasets created, reused, and accessed by distinct archives and toolkits. By highlighting a set of barriers to the successful reuse of dataset identifiers I hope to guide the best practices undertaken by archives and authors when minting dataset identifiers. pdf
S.Peroni (Bologna university) DOI (and Beyond) for Publications and Other Citable Research Outcomes 12+3 OpenCitations is an independent, community-led, and not-for-profit Open Science infrastructure organisation that publishes open bibliographic and citation data. During this talk, I will show the main collections and services OpenCitations includes and how it enables several PIDs to be associated with citing/cited entities and citations. pdf
A.Accomazzi (ADS)
DOI-Enabled Discovery and Credit: an ADS Perspective 12+3 I describe the ADS Policy for data indexing and linking, highlighting how DOIs provide the basic infrastructure required to make this an automated and robust process. PDF
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris) Data Management and DOI implementation and lessons' learnt 12+3 We present how Data management and DOI are implemented in a real-life service (space science and radio astronomy). We show things that work, and things that don't work. PDF

M.Parsons (Nasa)


the new NASDA DOI Registration guidelines and general guidelines process. 12+3

The guidelines provide an overview of the scenarios in which NASA data repositories may need to register a DOI and the mechanisms through which they can do so. They provide guidance on the registration process and appropriate roles. The intent is to identify services and define a process that allow data repositories the flexibility they need to respond to the needs of their user communities while also enabling the creation of a central NASA registry of DOIs managed through the Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program Office.

R.d'Abrusco Conclusion 5    

Relevant Links and Information

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCP-DOI.pdf" attr="" comment="DOI introduction - DOI status in IVOA (2013, Bologna)" date="1683666710" name="DCP-DOI.pdf" path="DCP-DOI.pdf" size="1165186" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" attr="" comment="NASA guideline M.Parsons" date="1683667917" name="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" path="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" size="1089658" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" attr="" comment="Alberto's Presentation" date="1683685472" name="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" path="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" size="991762" user="AlbertoAccomazzi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DOI-S-peroni.pdf" attr="" comment="Open Citation , Bologna 2023" date="1683712791" name="DOI-S-peroni.pdf" path="DOI-S-peroni.pdf" size="4188626" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2023-05-DCP-Cecconi-MASER-DMP-DOI-V2.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683718040" name="2023-05-DCP-Cecconi-MASER-DMP-DOI-V2.pdf" path="2023-05-DCP-Cecconi-MASER-DMP-DOI-V2.pdf" size="6724925" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Muench_IVOASpring2023.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683719416" name="Muench_IVOASpring2023.pdf" path="Muench_IVOASpring2023.pdf" size="2714779" user="GillesLandais" version="1"

Revision 112023-05-10 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIS) in Open Science, May 2023

G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco

[ back to main programme page]

Wednesday May 10 -14:00 : plenary room
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Gilles Landais DOI status in IVOA 10 Introduction on the DOIs status in the Virtual Observatory and in Open Sciences. The challenges to provide curated metadata in order to improve data citation. pdf
Gus Muench (AAS)
The utility of dataset DOIs in manuscript review and scientific publications 12+3 I will describe the current practices for using dataset digital object identifiers in the publication of scientific journal articles. This includes both their use in the data- and peer-review processes and in the expression of relationship(s) between datasets and published works. Further, I will propose templates for drawing out the provenance of datasets created, reused, and accessed by distinct archives and toolkits. By highlighting a set of barriers to the successful reuse of dataset identifiers I hope to guide the best practices undertaken by archives and authors when minting dataset identifiers.  
S.Peroni (Bologna university) DOI (and Beyond) for Publications and Other Citable Research Outcomes 12+3 OpenCitations is an independent, community-led, and not-for-profit Open Science infrastructure organisation that publishes open bibliographic and citation data. During this talk, I will show the main collections and services OpenCitations includes and how it enables several PIDs to be associated with citing/cited entities and citations. pdf
A.Accomazzi (ADS)
DOI-Enabled Discovery and Credit: an ADS Perspective 12+3 I describe the ADS Policy for data indexing and linking, highlighting how DOIs provide the basic infrastructure required to make this an automated and robust process.  
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris) Data Management and DOI implementation and lessons' learnt 12+3 We present how Data management and DOI are implemented in a real-life service (space science and radio astronomy). We show things that work, and things that don't work.  
A.Accomazzi (ADS)
DOI-Enabled Discovery and Credit: an ADS Perspective 12+3 I describe the ADS Policy for data indexing and linking, highlighting how DOIs provide the basic infrastructure required to make this an automated and robust process. PDF
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris) Data Management and DOI implementation and lessons' learnt 12+3 We present how Data management and DOI are implemented in a real-life service (space science and radio astronomy). We show things that work, and things that don't work. PDF

M.Parsons (Nasa)


the new NASDA DOI Registration guidelines and general guidelines process. 12+3

The guidelines provide an overview of the scenarios in which NASA data repositories may need to register a DOI and the mechanisms through which they can do so. They provide guidance on the registration process and appropriate roles. The intent is to identify services and define a process that allow data repositories the flexibility they need to respond to the needs of their user communities while also enabling the creation of a central NASA registry of DOIs managed through the Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program Office.

R.d'Abrusco Conclusion 5    

Relevant Links and Information

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCP-DOI.pdf" attr="" comment="DOI introduction - DOI status in IVOA (2013, Bologna)" date="1683666710" name="DCP-DOI.pdf" path="DCP-DOI.pdf" size="1165186" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" attr="" comment="NASA guideline M.Parsons" date="1683667917" name="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" path="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" size="1089658" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" attr="" comment="Alberto's Presentation" date="1683685472" name="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" path="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" size="991762" user="AlbertoAccomazzi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DOI-S-peroni.pdf" attr="" comment="Open Citation , Bologna 2023" date="1683712791" name="DOI-S-peroni.pdf" path="DOI-S-peroni.pdf" size="4188626" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2023-05-DCP-Cecconi-MASER-DMP-DOI-V2.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1683718040" name="2023-05-DCP-Cecconi-MASER-DMP-DOI-V2.pdf" path="2023-05-DCP-Cecconi-MASER-DMP-DOI-V2.pdf" size="6724925" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"

Revision 102023-05-10 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIS) in Open Science, May 2023

G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco

[ back to main programme page]

Wednesday May 10 -14:00 : plenary room
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Gilles Landais DOI status in IVOA 10 Introduction on the DOIs status in the Virtual Observatory and in Open Sciences. The challenges to provide curated metadata in order to improve data citation. pdf
Gus Muench (AAS)
The utility of dataset DOIs in manuscript review and scientific publications 12+3 I will describe the current practices for using dataset digital object identifiers in the publication of scientific journal articles. This includes both their use in the data- and peer-review processes and in the expression of relationship(s) between datasets and published works. Further, I will propose templates for drawing out the provenance of datasets created, reused, and accessed by distinct archives and toolkits. By highlighting a set of barriers to the successful reuse of dataset identifiers I hope to guide the best practices undertaken by archives and authors when minting dataset identifiers.  
S.Peroni (Bologna university) DOI (and Beyond) for Publications and Other Citable Research Outcomes 12+3 OpenCitations is an independent, community-led, and not-for-profit Open Science infrastructure organisation that publishes open bibliographic and citation data. During this talk, I will show the main collections and services OpenCitations includes and how it enables several PIDs to be associated with citing/cited entities and citations.  
S.Peroni (Bologna university) DOI (and Beyond) for Publications and Other Citable Research Outcomes 12+3 OpenCitations is an independent, community-led, and not-for-profit Open Science infrastructure organisation that publishes open bibliographic and citation data. During this talk, I will show the main collections and services OpenCitations includes and how it enables several PIDs to be associated with citing/cited entities and citations. pdf
A.Accomazzi (ADS)
DOI-Enabled Discovery and Credit: an ADS Perspective 12+3 I describe the ADS Policy for data indexing and linking, highlighting how DOIs provide the basic infrastructure required to make this an automated and robust process.  
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris) Data Management and DOI implementation and lessons' learnt 12+3 We present how Data management and DOI are implemented in a real-life service (space science and radio astronomy). We show things that work, and things that don't work.  

M.Parsons (Nasa)


the new NASDA DOI Registration guidelines and general guidelines process. 12+3

The guidelines provide an overview of the scenarios in which NASA data repositories may need to register a DOI and the mechanisms through which they can do so. They provide guidance on the registration process and appropriate roles. The intent is to identify services and define a process that allow data repositories the flexibility they need to respond to the needs of their user communities while also enabling the creation of a central NASA registry of DOIs managed through the Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program Office.

R.d'Abrusco Conclusion 5    

Relevant Links and Information

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCP-DOI.pdf" attr="" comment="DOI introduction - DOI status in IVOA (2013, Bologna)" date="1683666710" name="DCP-DOI.pdf" path="DCP-DOI.pdf" size="1165186" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" attr="" comment="NASA guideline M.Parsons" date="1683667917" name="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" path="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" size="1089658" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" attr="" comment="Alberto's Presentation" date="1683685472" name="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" path="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" size="991762" user="AlbertoAccomazzi" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DOI-S-peroni.pdf" attr="" comment="Open Citation , Bologna 2023" date="1683712791" name="DOI-S-peroni.pdf" path="DOI-S-peroni.pdf" size="4188626" user="GillesLandais" version="1"

Revision 92023-05-10 - AlbertoAccomazzi

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIS) in Open Science, May 2023

G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco

[ back to main programme page]

Wednesday May 10 -14:00 : plenary room
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Gilles Landais DOI status in IVOA 10 Introduction on the DOIs status in the Virtual Observatory and in Open Sciences. The challenges to provide curated metadata in order to improve data citation. pdf
Gus Muench (AAS)
The utility of dataset DOIs in manuscript review and scientific publications 12+3 I will describe the current practices for using dataset digital object identifiers in the publication of scientific journal articles. This includes both their use in the data- and peer-review processes and in the expression of relationship(s) between datasets and published works. Further, I will propose templates for drawing out the provenance of datasets created, reused, and accessed by distinct archives and toolkits. By highlighting a set of barriers to the successful reuse of dataset identifiers I hope to guide the best practices undertaken by archives and authors when minting dataset identifiers.  
S.Peroni (Bologna university) DOI (and Beyond) for Publications and Other Citable Research Outcomes 12+3 OpenCitations is an independent, community-led, and not-for-profit Open Science infrastructure organisation that publishes open bibliographic and citation data. During this talk, I will show the main collections and services OpenCitations includes and how it enables several PIDs to be associated with citing/cited entities and citations.  
A.Accomazzi (ADS)
(to define) 12+3 (to define)  
A.Accomazzi (ADS)
DOI-Enabled Discovery and Credit: an ADS Perspective 12+3 I describe the ADS Policy for data indexing and linking, highlighting how DOIs provide the basic infrastructure required to make this an automated and robust process.  
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris) Data Management and DOI implementation and lessons' learnt 12+3 We present how Data management and DOI are implemented in a real-life service (space science and radio astronomy). We show things that work, and things that don't work.  

M.Parsons (Nasa)


the new NASDA DOI Registration guidelines and general guidelines process. 12+3

The guidelines provide an overview of the scenarios in which NASA data repositories may need to register a DOI and the mechanisms through which they can do so. They provide guidance on the registration process and appropriate roles. The intent is to identify services and define a process that allow data repositories the flexibility they need to respond to the needs of their user communities while also enabling the creation of a central NASA registry of DOIs managed through the Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program Office.

R.d'Abrusco Conclusion 5    

Relevant Links and Information

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCP-DOI.pdf" attr="" comment="DOI introduction - DOI status in IVOA (2013, Bologna)" date="1683666710" name="DCP-DOI.pdf" path="DCP-DOI.pdf" size="1165186" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" attr="" comment="NASA guideline M.Parsons" date="1683667917" name="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" path="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" size="1089658" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" attr="" comment="Alberto's Presentation" date="1683685472" name="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" path="ADS_DOI-enabled_Discovery_and_Credit.pdf" size="991762" user="AlbertoAccomazzi" version="1"

Revision 82023-05-09 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIS) in Open Science, May 2023

G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco

[ back to main programme page]

Wednesday May 10 -14:00 : plenary room
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Gilles Landais DOI status in IVOA 10 Introduction on the DOIs status in the Virtual Observatory and in Open Sciences. The challenges to provide curated metadata in order to improve data citation. pdf
Gus Muench (AAS)
The utility of dataset DOIs in manuscript review and scientific publications 12+3 I will describe the current practices for using dataset digital object identifiers in the publication of scientific journal articles. This includes both their use in the data- and peer-review processes and in the expression of relationship(s) between datasets and published works. Further, I will propose templates for drawing out the provenance of datasets created, reused, and accessed by distinct archives and toolkits. By highlighting a set of barriers to the successful reuse of dataset identifiers I hope to guide the best practices undertaken by archives and authors when minting dataset identifiers.  
S.Peroni (Bologna university) DOI (and Beyond) for Publications and Other Citable Research Outcomes 12+3 OpenCitations is an independent, community-led, and not-for-profit Open Science infrastructure organisation that publishes open bibliographic and citation data. During this talk, I will show the main collections and services OpenCitations includes and how it enables several PIDs to be associated with citing/cited entities and citations.  
A.Accomazzi (ADS)
(to define) 12+3 (to define)  
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris) Data Management and DOI implementation and lessons' learnt 12+3 We present how Data management and DOI are implemented in a real-life service (space science and radio astronomy). We show things that work, and things that don't work.  

M.Pearson (Nasa)


the new NASDA DOI Registration guidelines and general guidelines process. 12+3

The guidelines provide an overview of the scenarios in which NASA data repositories may need to register a DOI and the mechanisms through which they can do so. They provide guidance on the registration process and appropriate roles. The intent is to identify services and define a process that allow data repositories the flexibility they need to respond to the needs of their user communities while also enabling the creation of a central NASA registry of DOIs managed through the Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program Office.


M.Parsons (Nasa)


the new NASDA DOI Registration guidelines and general guidelines process. 12+3

The guidelines provide an overview of the scenarios in which NASA data repositories may need to register a DOI and the mechanisms through which they can do so. They provide guidance on the registration process and appropriate roles. The intent is to identify services and define a process that allow data repositories the flexibility they need to respond to the needs of their user communities while also enabling the creation of a central NASA registry of DOIs managed through the Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program Office.

R.d'Abrusco Conclusion 5    

Relevant Links and Information

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCP-DOI.pdf" attr="" comment="DOI introduction - DOI status in IVOA (2013, Bologna)" date="1683643104" name="DCP-DOI.pdf" path="DCP-DOI.pdf" size="1165188" user="GillesLandais" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCP-DOI.pdf" attr="" comment="DOI introduction - DOI status in IVOA (2013, Bologna)" date="1683666710" name="DCP-DOI.pdf" path="DCP-DOI.pdf" size="1165186" user="GillesLandais" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" attr="" comment="NASA guideline M.Parsons" date="1683667917" name="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" path="parsons_ivoa_doi_guidelines.pdf" size="1089658" user="GillesLandais" version="1"

Revision 72023-05-09 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIS) in Open Science, May 2023

G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco

[ back to main programme page]

Wednesday May 10 -14:00 : plenary room
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Gilles Landais DOI status in IVOA 10 Introduction on the DOIs status in the Virtual Observatory and in Open Sciences. The challenges to provide curated metadata in order to improve data citation.  
Gilles Landais DOI status in IVOA 10 Introduction on the DOIs status in the Virtual Observatory and in Open Sciences. The challenges to provide curated metadata in order to improve data citation. pdf
Gus Muench (AAS)
The utility of dataset DOIs in manuscript review and scientific publications 12+3 I will describe the current practices for using dataset digital object identifiers in the publication of scientific journal articles. This includes both their use in the data- and peer-review processes and in the expression of relationship(s) between datasets and published works. Further, I will propose templates for drawing out the provenance of datasets created, reused, and accessed by distinct archives and toolkits. By highlighting a set of barriers to the successful reuse of dataset identifiers I hope to guide the best practices undertaken by archives and authors when minting dataset identifiers.  
S.Peroni (Bologna university) DOI (and Beyond) for Publications and Other Citable Research Outcomes 12+3 OpenCitations is an independent, community-led, and not-for-profit Open Science infrastructure organisation that publishes open bibliographic and citation data. During this talk, I will show the main collections and services OpenCitations includes and how it enables several PIDs to be associated with citing/cited entities and citations.  
A.Accomazzi (ADS)
(to define) 12+3 (to define)  
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris) Data Management and DOI implementation and lessons' learnt 12+3 We present how Data management and DOI are implemented in a real-life service (space science and radio astronomy). We show things that work, and things that don't work.  

M.Pearson (Nasa)


the new NASDA DOI Registration guidelines and general guidelines process. 12+3

The guidelines provide an overview of the scenarios in which NASA data repositories may need to register a DOI and the mechanisms through which they can do so. They provide guidance on the registration process and appropriate roles. The intent is to identify services and define a process that allow data repositories the flexibility they need to respond to the needs of their user communities while also enabling the creation of a central NASA registry of DOIs managed through the Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program Office.

R.d'Abrusco Conclusion 5    

Relevant Links and Information

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DCP-DOI.pdf" attr="" comment="DOI introduction - DOI status in IVOA (2013, Bologna)" date="1683643104" name="DCP-DOI.pdf" path="DCP-DOI.pdf" size="1165188" user="GillesLandais" version="1"

Revision 62023-05-09 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIS) in Open Science, May 2023

G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco

[ back to main programme page]

Wednesday May 10 -14:00 : plenary room
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Gilles Landais DOI status in IVOA 10 Introduction on the DOIs status in the Virtual Observatory and in Open Sciences. The challenges to provide curated metadata in order to improve data citation.  
Gus Muench (AAS) (to define) 12+3 (to define) DOI and citation for AAS journals  
Gus Muench (AAS)
The utility of dataset DOIs in manuscript review and scientific publications 12+3 I will describe the current practices for using dataset digital object identifiers in the publication of scientific journal articles. This includes both their use in the data- and peer-review processes and in the expression of relationship(s) between datasets and published works. Further, I will propose templates for drawing out the provenance of datasets created, reused, and accessed by distinct archives and toolkits. By highlighting a set of barriers to the successful reuse of dataset identifiers I hope to guide the best practices undertaken by archives and authors when minting dataset identifiers.  
S.Peroni (Bologna university) DOI (and Beyond) for Publications and Other Citable Research Outcomes 12+3 OpenCitations is an independent, community-led, and not-for-profit Open Science infrastructure organisation that publishes open bibliographic and citation data. During this talk, I will show the main collections and services OpenCitations includes and how it enables several PIDs to be associated with citing/cited entities and citations.  
A.Accomazzi (ADS) (to define) 12+3 (to define)  
A.Accomazzi (ADS)
(to define) 12+3 (to define)  
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris) Data Management and DOI implementation and lessons' learnt 12+3 We present how Data management and DOI are implemented in a real-life service (space science and radio astronomy). We show things that work, and things that don't work.  
M.Pearson (Nasa) SMD DOI best Practices 12+3 (to define)  

M.Pearson (Nasa)


the new NASDA DOI Registration guidelines and general guidelines process. 12+3

The guidelines provide an overview of the scenarios in which NASA data repositories may need to register a DOI and the mechanisms through which they can do so. They provide guidance on the registration process and appropriate roles. The intent is to identify services and define a process that allow data repositories the flexibility they need to respond to the needs of their user communities while also enabling the creation of a central NASA registry of DOIs managed through the Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program Office.

R.d'Abrusco Conclusion 5    

Relevant Links and Information


Revision 52023-05-07 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIS) in Open Science, May 2023

G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco

[ back to main programme page]

Wednesday May 10 -14:00 : plenary room
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Gilles Landais DOI status in IVOA 10 Introduction on the DOIs status in the Virtual Observatory and in Open Sciences. The challenges to provide curated metadata in order to improve data citation.  
Gus Muench (AAS) (to define) 12+3 (to define) DOI and citation for AAS journals  
S.Peroni (Bologna university) DOI (and Beyond) for Publications and Other Citable Research Outcomes 12+3 OpenCitations is an independent, community-led, and not-for-profit Open Science infrastructure organisation that publishes open bibliographic and citation data. During this talk, I will show the main collections and services OpenCitations includes and how it enables several PIDs to be associated with citing/cited entities and citations.  
A.Accomazzi (ADS) (to define) 12+3 (to define)  
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris) (to define) Data Management Plan and DOI for MASER SNO collections. 12+3 (to define)  
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris) Data Management and DOI implementation and lessons' learnt 12+3 We present how Data management and DOI are implemented in a real-life service (space science and radio astronomy). We show things that work, and things that don't work.  
M.Pearson (Nasa) SMD DOI best Practices 12+3 (to define)  
R.d'Abrusco Conclusion 5    

Relevant Links and Information

Revision 42023-05-05 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIS) in Open Science, May 2023

G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco

[ back to main programme page]

Wednesday May 10 -14:00 : plenary room
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Gilles Landais DOI status in IVOA 10 Introduction on the DOIs status in the Virtual Observatory and in Open Sciences. The challenges to provide curated metadata in order to improve data citation.  
Gus Muench (AAS) (to define) 12+3 (to define) DOI and citation for AAS journals  
S.Peroni (Bologna university DOI (and Beyond) for Publications and Other Citable Research Outcomes 12+3 OpenCitations is an independent, community-led, and not-for-profit Open Science infrastructure organisation that publishes open bibliographic and citation data. During this talk, I will show the main collections and services OpenCitations includes and how it enables several PIDs to be associated with citing/cited entities and citations.  
S.Peroni (Bologna university) DOI (and Beyond) for Publications and Other Citable Research Outcomes 12+3 OpenCitations is an independent, community-led, and not-for-profit Open Science infrastructure organisation that publishes open bibliographic and citation data. During this talk, I will show the main collections and services OpenCitations includes and how it enables several PIDs to be associated with citing/cited entities and citations.  
A.Accomazzi (ADS) (to define) 12+3 (to define)  
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris) (to define) Data Management Plan and DOI for MASER SNO collections. 12+3 (to define)  
M.Pearson (Nasa) SMD DOI best Practices 12+3 (to define)  
R.d'Abrusco Conclusion 5    

Relevant Links and Information


Revision 32023-05-03 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"


Digital Object Identifiers (DOIS) in Open Science, May 2023

G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco

[ back to main programme page]
Wednesday May 10 -14:00 : plenary room
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Gilles Landais Introduction 10    
Gus Muench (AAS)   12+3    
S.Peroni (Bologna university Open Citation 12+3    
A.Accomazzi (ADS)   12+3    
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris)   12+3    
M.Pearson (Nasa) SMD DOI best Practices 12+3    
Gilles Landais DOI status in IVOA 10 Introduction on the DOIs status in the Virtual Observatory and in Open Sciences. The challenges to provide curated metadata in order to improve data citation.  
Gus Muench (AAS) (to define) 12+3 (to define) DOI and citation for AAS journals  
S.Peroni (Bologna university DOI (and Beyond) for Publications and Other Citable Research Outcomes 12+3 OpenCitations is an independent, community-led, and not-for-profit Open Science infrastructure organisation that publishes open bibliographic and citation data. During this talk, I will show the main collections and services OpenCitations includes and how it enables several PIDs to be associated with citing/cited entities and citations.  
A.Accomazzi (ADS) (to define) 12+3 (to define)  
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris) (to define) Data Management Plan and DOI for MASER SNO collections. 12+3 (to define)  
M.Pearson (Nasa) SMD DOI best Practices 12+3 (to define)  
R.d'Abrusco Conclusion 5    

Relevant Links and Information

    • Registry/DCP joined session : Wednesday May 10 - 09:00 - DOI implementation report and registry
    • EDU/DCP joined session : Thursday May 16:00 - DOI discussion

Revision 22023-04-24 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"



Digital Object Identifiers (DOIS) in Open Science, May 2023

G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco
G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco

Wednesday May 10 - 14:00 UTC

Wednesday May 10 -14:00 : plenary room
Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Gilles Landais Introduction 10    
Gus Muench (AAS)   12+3    
S.Peroni (Bologna university Open Citation 12+3    
A.Accomazzi (ADS)   12+3    
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris)   12+3    
M.Pearson (Nasa) SMD DOI best Practices 12+3    
R.d'Abrusco Conclusion 5    

Relevant Links and Information

  • Data Curation and Preservation Home page
  • Other DOI sessions schedulled :
    • Registry/DCP joined session : Wednesday May 10 - 09:00 - DOI implementation report and registry
    • EDU/DCP joined session : Thursday May 16:00 - DOI discussion

Revision 12023-04-24 - GillesLandais

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2023"


Digital Object Identifiers (DOIS) in Open Science, May 2023

G.Landais, Gus Muench, Raffaele d'Abrusco

Wednesday May 10 - 14:00 UTC

Speaker Title Time Abstract Material
Gilles Landais Introduction 10    
Gus Muench (AAS)   12+3    
S.Peroni (Bologna university Open Citation 12+3    
A.Accomazzi (ADS)   12+3    
B.Cecconi (Obs Paris)   12+3    
M.Pearson (Nasa) SMD DOI best Practices 12+3    
R.d'Abrusco Conclusion 5    

Relevant Links and Information

  • Data Curation and Preservation Home page
  • Other DOI sessions schedulled :
    • Registry/DCP joined session : Wednesday May 10 - 09:00 - DOI implementation report and registry
    • EDU/DCP joined session : Thursday May 16:00 - DOI discussion
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