Difference: InterOpMay2024DM (1 vs. 25)

Revision 252024-05-23 - JamesDempsey

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/HEGroup/2024-05-16_VOHE-Note-draft.pdf

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi, Atreyee Sinha, Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

We present the additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy and the future Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122 (Paris, Tue 03:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

This is a restart of the intrument fov datamodel project started in 2022. To push it as an interoperable way of describing instrument footprints for preparation of observations or other use cases, we need to add a rendering package allowing to define the layout a priori and to publish a working draft for the data model.
Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.

Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122 (Paris, 08:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15'ish Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
    Open Discussion  
Live Notes: https://yopad.eu/p/IVOA_May23_DM-DAL-Apps


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716220030" name="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" size="2037744" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716221440" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716221529" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716246451" name="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" path="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" size="6100596" user="JanetEvans" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" attr="" comment="DM Compatibility study" date="1716247187" name="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" path="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" size="2521201" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716265251" name="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221862" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307305" name="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" size="1983413" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307258" name="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221765" user="MathieuServillat" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" attr="" comment="VO-DML 1.1" date="1716322658" name="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" path="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" size="5059431" user="PaulHarrison" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716329354" name="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" path="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" size="4180330" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716329483" name="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" path="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" size="1643488" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOTWith_rendering.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716342561" name="InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOTWith_rendering.pdf" path="InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOTWith_rendering.pdf" size="2945436" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="session_intro.pdf" attr="" comment="Session Introduction" date="1716436855" name="session_intro.pdf" path="session_intro.pdf" size="5462556" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-Mango-Joined-Sydney.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716437184" name="2024-Mango-Joined-Sydney.pdf" path="2024-Mango-Joined-Sydney.pdf" size="1819144" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"

Revision 242024-05-23 - LaurentMichel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/HEGroup/2024-05-16_VOHE-Note-draft.pdf

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi, Atreyee Sinha, Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

We present the additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy and the future Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122 (Paris, Tue 03:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

This is a restart of the intrument fov datamodel project started in 2022. To push it as an interoperable way of describing instrument footprints for preparation of observations or other use cases, we need to add a rendering package allowing to define the layout a priori and to publish a working draft for the data model.
Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.

Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122 (Paris, 08:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15'ish Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
    Open Discussion  


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716220030" name="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" size="2037744" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716221440" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716221529" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716246451" name="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" path="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" size="6100596" user="JanetEvans" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" attr="" comment="DM Compatibility study" date="1716247187" name="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" path="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" size="2521201" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716265251" name="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221862" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307305" name="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" size="1983413" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307258" name="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221765" user="MathieuServillat" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" attr="" comment="VO-DML 1.1" date="1716322658" name="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" path="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" size="5059431" user="PaulHarrison" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716329354" name="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" path="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" size="4180330" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716329483" name="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" path="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" size="1643488" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOTWith_rendering.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716342561" name="InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOTWith_rendering.pdf" path="InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOTWith_rendering.pdf" size="2945436" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="session_intro.pdf" attr="" comment="Session Introduction" date="1716436855" name="session_intro.pdf" path="session_intro.pdf" size="5462556" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-Mango-Joined-Sydney.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716437184" name="2024-Mango-Joined-Sydney.pdf" path="2024-Mango-Joined-Sydney.pdf" size="1819144" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"

Revision 232024-05-23 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/HEGroup/2024-05-16_VOHE-Note-draft.pdf

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi, Atreyee Sinha, Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

We present the additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy and the future Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122 (Paris, Tue 03:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

This is a restart of the intrument fov datamodel project started in 2022. To push it as an interoperable way of describing instrument footprints for preparation of observations or other use cases, we need to add a rendering package allowing to define the layout a priori and to publish a working draft for the data model.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

This is a restart of the intrument fov datamodel project started in 2022. To push it as an interoperable way of describing instrument footprints for preparation of observations or other use cases, we need to add a rendering package allowing to define the layout a priori and to publish a working draft for the data model.
Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.

Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122 (Paris, 08:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15'ish Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
    Open Discussion  


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716220030" name="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" size="2037744" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716221440" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716221529" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716246451" name="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" path="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" size="6100596" user="JanetEvans" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" attr="" comment="DM Compatibility study" date="1716247187" name="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" path="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" size="2521201" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716265251" name="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221862" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307305" name="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" size="1983413" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307258" name="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221765" user="MathieuServillat" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" attr="" comment="VO-DML 1.1" date="1716322658" name="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" path="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" size="5059431" user="PaulHarrison" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716329354" name="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" path="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" size="4180330" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716329483" name="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" path="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" size="1643488" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOTWith_rendering.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716342561" name="InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOTWith_rendering.pdf" path="InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOTWith_rendering.pdf" size="2945436" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="session_intro.pdf" attr="" comment="Session Introduction" date="1716436855" name="session_intro.pdf" path="session_intro.pdf" size="5462556" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="1"

Revision 222024-05-22 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/HEGroup/2024-05-16_VOHE-Note-draft.pdf

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi, Atreyee Sinha, Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

We present the additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy and the future Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122 (Paris, Tue 03:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

This is a restart of the intrument fov datamodel project started in 2022. To push it as an interoperable way of describing instrument footprints for preparation of observations or other use cases, we need to add a rendering package allowing to define the layout a priori and to publish a working draft for the data model.
Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.

Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122 (Paris, 08:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
    Open Discussion  


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716220030" name="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" size="2037744" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716221440" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716221529" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716246451" name="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" path="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" size="6100596" user="JanetEvans" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" attr="" comment="DM Compatibility study" date="1716247187" name="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" path="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" size="2521201" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716265251" name="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221862" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307305" name="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" size="1983413" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307258" name="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221765" user="MathieuServillat" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" attr="" comment="VO-DML 1.1" date="1716322658" name="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" path="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" size="5059431" user="PaulHarrison" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716329354" name="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" path="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" size="4180330" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716329483" name="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" path="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" size="1643488" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOTWith_rendering.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716342561" name="InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOTWith_rendering.pdf" path="InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOTWith_rendering.pdf" size="2945436" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"

Revision 212024-05-22 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/HEGroup/2024-05-16_VOHE-Note-draft.pdf

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi, Atreyee Sinha, Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

We present the additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy and the future Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122 (Paris, Tue 03:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.

Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122 (Paris, 08:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
    Open Discussion  


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716220030" name="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" size="2037744" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716221440" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716221529" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716246451" name="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" path="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" size="6100596" user="JanetEvans" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" attr="" comment="DM Compatibility study" date="1716247187" name="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" path="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" size="2521201" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716265251" name="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221862" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307305" name="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" size="1983413" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307258" name="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221765" user="MathieuServillat" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" attr="" comment="VO-DML 1.1" date="1716322658" name="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" path="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" size="5059431" user="PaulHarrison" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716329354" name="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" path="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" size="4180330" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716329483" name="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" path="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" size="1643488" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOTWith_rendering.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716342561" name="InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOTWith_rendering.pdf" path="InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOTWith_rendering.pdf" size="2945436" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"

Revision 202024-05-21 - LaurentMichel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/HEGroup/2024-05-16_VOHE-Note-draft.pdf

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi, Atreyee Sinha, Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

We present the additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy and the future Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122 (Paris, Tue 03:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.

Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122 (Paris, 08:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
    Open Discussion  


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716220030" name="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" size="2037744" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716221440" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716221529" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716246451" name="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" path="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" size="6100596" user="JanetEvans" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" attr="" comment="DM Compatibility study" date="1716247187" name="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" path="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" size="2521201" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716265251" name="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221862" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307305" name="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" size="1983413" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307258" name="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221765" user="MathieuServillat" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" attr="" comment="VO-DML 1.1" date="1716322658" name="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" path="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" size="5059431" user="PaulHarrison" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716329354" name="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" path="2024-Mivot-Apps-Sydney.pdf" size="4180330" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716329483" name="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" path="2024-Mango-DM-Sydney.pdf" size="1643488" user="LaurentMichel" version="1"

Revision 192024-05-21 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/HEGroup/2024-05-16_VOHE-Note-draft.pdf

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi, Atreyee Sinha, Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

We present the additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy and the future Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122 (Paris, Tue 03:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.

Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122 (Paris, 08:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
    Open Discussion  


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716220030" name="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" size="2037744" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716221440" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716221529" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716246451" name="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" path="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" size="6100596" user="JanetEvans" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" attr="" comment="DM Compatibility study" date="1716247187" name="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" path="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" size="2521201" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716265251" name="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221862" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307305" name="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" size="1983413" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307258" name="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221765" user="MathieuServillat" version="3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" attr="" comment="VO-DML 1.1" date="1716322658" name="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" path="VO-DML_Extensions_PAH.pdf" size="5059431" user="PaulHarrison" version="1"

Revision 182024-05-21 - MathieuServillat

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/HEGroup/2024-05-16_VOHE-Note-draft.pdf

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi, Atreyee Sinha, Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

We present the additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy and the future Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122 (Paris, Tue 03:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.
Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.
  Joint Session:
DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122 (Paris, 08:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
    Open Discussion  


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716220030" name="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" size="2037744" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716221440" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716221529" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716246451" name="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" path="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" size="6100596" user="JanetEvans" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" attr="" comment="DM Compatibility study" date="1716247187" name="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" path="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" size="2521201" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716265251" name="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221862" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716265251" name="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221862" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307305" name="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-22_One-step_provenance_-_Servillat.pdf" size="1983413" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716307258" name="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221765" user="MathieuServillat" version="3"

Revision 172024-05-21 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/HEGroup/2024-05-16_VOHE-Note-draft.pdf

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi, Atreyee Sinha, Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

We present the additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy and the future Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122 (Paris, Tue 03:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.

Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122 (Paris, 08:00)
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
    Open Discussion  


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716220030" name="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" size="2037744" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716221440" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716221529" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716246451" name="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" path="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" size="6100596" user="JanetEvans" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" attr="" comment="DM Compatibility study" date="1716247187" name="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" path="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" size="2521201" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716265251" name="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221862" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"

Revision 162024-05-21 - MathieuServillat

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/HEGroup/2024-05-16_VOHE-Note-draft.pdf

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi, Atreyee Sinha, Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

We present the additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy and the future Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.

Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
    Open Discussion  


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716220030" name="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" size="2037744" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716221440" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716221529" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716246451" name="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" path="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" size="6100596" user="JanetEvans" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" attr="" comment="DM Compatibility study" date="1716247187" name="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" path="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" size="2521201" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716265251" name="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-03-18_ObsCore_access_to_HESS_public_data_-_Servillat.pdf" size="3221862" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"

Revision 152024-05-20 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/HEGroup/2024-05-16_VOHE-Note-draft.pdf

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi, Atreyee Sinha, Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

We present the additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy and the future Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.

Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
    Open Discussion  
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716220030" name="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" size="2037744" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716221440" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716221529" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716246451" name="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" path="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" size="6100596" user="JanetEvans" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" attr="" comment="DM Compatibility study" date="1716247187" name="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" path="Models_and_HE_Data.pdf" size="2521201" user="MarkCresitelloDittmar" version="2"

Revision 142024-05-20 - JanetEvans

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/HEGroup/2024-05-16_VOHE-Note-draft.pdf

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi, Atreyee Sinha, Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

We present the additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy and the future Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.

Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
    Open Discussion  

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716220030" name="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" size="2037744" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716221440" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716221529" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716246451" name="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" path="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" size="6100596" user="JanetEvans" version="1"

Revision 132024-05-20 - JanetEvans

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/HEGroup/2024-05-16_VOHE-Note-draft.pdf

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi, Atreyee Sinha, Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

We present the additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy and the future Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.

Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
    Open Discussion  

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716220030" name="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" size="2037744" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716221440" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716221529" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716246451" name="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" path="Evans_Sydney_Interop_2024.pdf" size="6100596" user="JanetEvans" version="1"

Revision 122024-05-20 - MathieuServillat

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://github.com/ivoa/HighEnergyDataNote

Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/HEGroup/2024-05-16_VOHE-Note-draft.pdf

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi and Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

Extending on the previous presentation on X-ray data, we stress additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy. The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 15' + 3' Experience building ObsCore service for HE data

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Bruno Khelifi, Atreyee Sinha, Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

We present the additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy and the future Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 10' + 2' Experience on building an ObsCore service for HE event-lists

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' !VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' !FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.

Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
    Open Discussion  
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716220030" name="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_IVOA_HE_Note_-_Servillat.pdf" size="2037744" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="h" comment="" date="1716221440" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sihna-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1716221529" name="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" path="2024-05-21_Gammapy_and_VODF_-_Sinha-Khelifi-Servillat.pdf" size="9390833" user="MathieuServillat" version="1"

Revision 112024-05-20 - LaurentMichel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://github.com/ivoa/HighEnergyDataNote

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi and Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

Extending on the previous presentation on X-ray data, we stress additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy. The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 15' + 3' Experience building ObsCore service for HE data

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' !VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' !FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.

Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

A few words on how MANGO combines user requests with concepts of published models
    Open Discussion  

Revision 102024-05-18 - MathieuServillat

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

Times are in Sydney (Australia) locale (GMT+10).
 DM Session 1: High Energy focus
DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://github.com/ivoa/HighEnergyDataNote

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Bruno Khelifi and Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

Extending on the previous presentation on X-ray data, we stress additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy. The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 15' + 3' Experience building ObsCore service for HE data

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' !VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' !FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.

Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

    Open Discussion  

Revision 92024-05-15 - MathieuServillat

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://github.com/ivoa/HighEnergyDataNote

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

TBD 10' + 2' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

Extending on the previous presentation on X-ray data, we stress additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy.

Bruno Khelifi and Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

Extending on the previous presentation on X-ray data, we stress additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy. The Gammapy project and VODF (VHE Open Data Format) initiative will be presented to expose those specificities.

Mathieu Servillat and all 15' + 3' Experience building ObsCore service for HE data

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3'

!VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model : integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

Paul Harrison 15' + 3' !VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' !FoV data model: integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

One-step Provenance proposes a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. We will present the last updates on the propose data model, as well as improvement of the voprov Python package to handle this concept.
  Joint Session:
DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

    Open Discussion  

Revision 82024-05-13 - MathieuServillat

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat   Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group  
TBD   Experience building ObsCore service for HE data

Ian Evans   Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar   Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
Mathieu Servillat 10' + 2' Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group

Following earlier discussions over severals years, a High Energy group formed at IVOA [1] in 2023, and started to write an IVOA Note [2] to explain the specificities of High Energy Data and potential objectives for a High Energy Interest Group within IVOA.

[1] https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup
[2] https://github.com/ivoa/HighEnergyDataNote

Ian Evans 15' + 3' Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

TBD 10' + 2' High Energy Data in Gamma-ray Astronomy

Extending on the previous presentation on X-ray data, we stress additional specificities of Gamma-ray astronomy data, particularly for Cherenkov astronomy.

Mathieu Servillat and all 15' + 3' Experience building ObsCore service for HE data

Photon counting in High Energy Astronomy leads to the generation of lists of events used as a starting point for further data analysis. Though ObsCore can expose data product of type "event", such services are virtually non-existent in the VO. We initiate the discussion on how ObsCore can be used for High Energy event-lists based on the current service hosted at Paris Astronomical Data Centre exposing the H.E.S.S. public data release.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' + 3' Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3'

!VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model : integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates


Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

    Open Discussion  

Revision 72024-05-13 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat   Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group  
TBD   Experience building ObsCore service for HE data

Ian Evans   Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar   Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
DM 2 - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3'

!VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Paul Harrison 15' + 3'

!VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model : integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates


Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
DM/DAL/APPS - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

    Open Discussion  

Revision 62024-05-13 - PaulHarrison

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat   Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group  
TBD   Experience building ObsCore service for HE data

Ian Evans   Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar   Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Proposal Model state

Paul Harrison 15' + 3'

!VODML enhancement requests and Data Model Development

A series of extensions to VO-DML will be presented, with a roadmap to VO-DML 1.2 - all the proposed new features of VO-DML 1.1 (and some of 1.2) have been tested withing the VODML tooling for some time now. Some of the new features of the VO-DML tooling such as JSON schema will also be presented.

In addition some ideas for a different Data Model roadmap will be presented.

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model : integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates


Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

    Open Discussion  

Revision 52024-05-07 - JanetEvans

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat   Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group  
TBD   Experience building ObsCore service for HE data

Ian Evans   Chandra Data/Catalog

Ian Evans   Why High Energy Data Are Different

We review high energy astrophysics data, using Chandra X-ray Observatory data as an example. Some key differences in calibration and data analysis approaches that are used when handling energetic photons are discussed, together with the implications for data models. We also consider more broad data analysis techniques that are used routinely by Chandra observers and in the Chandra Source Catalog (and that are being used ever more widely throughout the astronomical community), and why measurement models must be expanded to handle them.

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar   Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Proposal Model state

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model : integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates


Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

    Open Discussion  

Revision 42024-05-03 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mathieu Servillat   Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group  
TBD   Experience building ObsCore service for HE data

Ian Evans   Chandra Data/Catalog

Mark Cressitello-Dittmar   Data models: compatibility with event data

Mark Cresitello-Dittmar   Data models: compatibility with High Energy data

A brief review of the data models supporting high energy data (eg: event lists), and possible paths for enabling use cases with more complex data products and workflows
    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul Harrison   VODML enhancement requests and Proposal Model state

Laurent Michel   MANGO, a Model for ANnotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel   FoV data model : integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat   One-step Provenance updates

Paul Harrison 15' + 3' VODML enhancement requests and Proposal Model state

Laurent Michel 15' + 3' MANGO, a Model for Annotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel 15' + 3' FoV data model : integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat 15' + 3' One-step Provenance updates

  Joint Session:
DM/DAL/APPS - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark Cressitello-Dittmar   Introduction  
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar 15' Introduction

This will primarily be a discussion session to consider options for how Data Models are to be delivered and consumed by clients (DAL, APPS) with vastly different requirements.
The IVOA Data Models to date have been focused primarily on Data Discovery and Access via interactions with database tables. The results of these are served by simple VOTables and/or DataLink to native format files. More recent Data Model work ( Provenance, Cube family, Mango ) have been directed to more complex use cases and are consequently, more detailed than is desired to serve simple use cases directly. In addition, we have the prospect of integrating the Common Archive Observation Model (CAOM) into our Data Model suite, which has significant concept overlap with existing models, but serves its target clients very well.

How do we develop/present models rich enough to serve the most complex cases AND serve clients who don't require that level of flexibility WITHOUT creating a maze of data models with overlapping content? Bring your ideas!
Laurent Michel 10' Epic Propagation project: case in point

    Open Discussion  

Revision 32024-05-02 - MathieuServillat

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

Back to main program
 DM Session 1: High Energy focus
DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
TBD   Overview  
Mathieu Servillat   Overview based on the Note prepared by the HE group  
TBD   Experience building ObsCore service for HE data

Ian E.   Chandra Data/Catalog

Mark CD   Data models: compatibility with event data

Ian Evans   Chandra Data/Catalog

Mark Cressitello-Dittmar   Data models: compatibility with event data

    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul H.   VODML enhancement requests and Proposal Model state

Laurent M.   MANGO, a Model for ANnotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
Mireille L.   ObsCore Extension for Time Domain

Mathieu S.   One-step Provenance updates

Paul Harrison   VODML enhancement requests and Proposal Model state

Laurent Michel   MANGO, a Model for ANnotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
François Bonnarel   FoV data model : integrating a rendering class

Mathieu Servillat   One-step Provenance updates

  Joint Session:
DM/DAL/APPS - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark CD   Introduction  
Mark Cressitello-Dittmar   Introduction  
    Open Discussion  

Revision 22024-04-30 - LaurentMichel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
TBD   Overview  
TBD   Experience building ObsCore service for HE data

Ian E.   Chandra Data/Catalog

Mark CD   Data models: compatibility with event data

TBD   Experience building ObsCore service for HE data

Ian E.   Chandra Data/Catalog

Mark CD   Data models: compatibility with event data

    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul H.   VODML enhancement requests and Proposal Model state

Laurent M.   Mango model and MIVOT implementation updates

Mireille L.   ObsCore Extension for Time Domain

Mathieu S.   One-step Provenance updates

Paul H.   VODML enhancement requests and Proposal Model state

Laurent M.   MANGO, a Model for ANnotating Generic Objects

Mango is a DataModel proposal designed to represent open-ended collections of complex properties such as we find in data tables.
We consider a property to be complex if it is built with multiple parameters, possibly associated with complex errors, flags or even other properties.
The purpose of Mango is to facilitate the processing of data tables property by property rather than column by column, which requires clients to infer the property components.
The properties supported by Mango can be modeled by classes imported from other data models (Meas/Coords, photDM …) or by built-in classes.
Mireille L.   ObsCore Extension for Time Domain

Mathieu S.   One-step Provenance updates

  Joint Session:
DM/DAL/APPS - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark CD   Introduction  
    Open Discussion  

Revision 12024-04-17 - MarkCresitelloDittmar

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpMay2024"

Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2024, Sydney, Australia

DM Session 1: High Energy focus

DM 1 - Tuesday, May 21, 14:00 -- 15:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
TBD   Overview  
TBD   Experience building ObsCore service for HE data

Ian E.   Chandra Data/Catalog

Mark CD   Data models: compatibility with event data

    Open Discussion  

DM Session 2: General Session

DM 2 - Thursday, May 23, 16:00 -- 17:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Paul H.   VODML enhancement requests and Proposal Model state

Laurent M.   Mango model and MIVOT implementation updates

Mireille L.   ObsCore Extension for Time Domain

Mathieu S.   One-step Provenance updates


Joint Session:

DM/DAL/APPS - Wednesday, May 22, 11:00--12:30, C122
Speaker Time Title Materials
Mark CD   Introduction  
    Open Discussion  

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