Difference: InterOpNov2009DAL (1 vs. 20)

Revision 202012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues 15' (pdf)
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services 15' (pdf)
Jesus Salgado Photometry Client/Server implementations 15' (pdf)(zip)
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15' (pdf)
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II 15' (pdf)
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process 20'  
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned 15' (pdf)
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service 15' (pdf)
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion] 15'  
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion 15'  

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SIAV2 concepts and interface" date="1257838716" name="siapv2-nov09.pdf" path="siapv2-nov09.pdf" size="138445" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839041" name="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" path="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" size="536077" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839063" name="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" path="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" size="508865" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839413" name="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" path="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" size="984570" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839561" name="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" path="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" size="3031901" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839575" name="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" path="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" size="578758" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257841506" name="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" path="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" size="7045504" user="AnitaRichards" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257860270" name="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" path="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" size="399799" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257926098" name="PR-TAP-1.0-status.pdf" path="PR-TAP-1.0-status.pdf" size="32818" user="PatrickDowler" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257926169" name="ObsTAP-issues.pdf" path="ObsTAP-issues.pdf" size="39466" user="PatrickDowler" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="TAP Param Query Language (PQL)" date="1257927224" name="tap-pql.pdf" path="tap-pql.pdf" size="81014" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="use cases and examples for SIAV2" date="1257928691" name="SIAV2cases.pdf" path="SIAV2cases.pdf" size="1338955" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257930122" name="tap-dsa-november-2009.pdf" path="tap-dsa-november-2009.pdf" size="534348" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Session 2 Intro" date="1257948945" name="DALSession2.pdf" path="DALSession2.pdf" size="377614" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.1"

Revision 192009-11-11 - KeithNoddle

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues 15' (pdf)
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services 15' (pdf)
Jesus Salgado Photometry Client/Server implementations 15' (pdf)(zip)
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15' (pdf)
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II 15' (pdf)
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process 20'  
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned 15' (pdf)
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service 15' (pdf)
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion] 15'  
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion 15'  

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SIAV2 concepts and interface" date="1257838716" name="siapv2-nov09.pdf" path="siapv2-nov09.pdf" size="138445" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839041" name="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" path="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" size="536077" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839063" name="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" path="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" size="508865" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839413" name="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" path="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" size="984570" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839561" name="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" path="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" size="3031901" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839575" name="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" path="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" size="578758" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257841506" name="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" path="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" size="7045504" user="AnitaRichards" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257860270" name="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" path="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" size="399799" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257926098" name="PR-TAP-1.0-status.pdf" path="PR-TAP-1.0-status.pdf" size="32818" user="PatrickDowler" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257926169" name="ObsTAP-issues.pdf" path="ObsTAP-issues.pdf" size="39466" user="PatrickDowler" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="TAP Param Query Language (PQL)" date="1257927224" name="tap-pql.pdf" path="tap-pql.pdf" size="81014" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="use cases and examples for SIAV2" date="1257928691" name="SIAV2cases.pdf" path="SIAV2cases.pdf" size="1338955" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257930122" name="tap-dsa-november-2009.pdf" path="tap-dsa-november-2009.pdf" size="534348" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Session 2 Intro" date="1257948945" name="DALSession2.pdf" path="DALSession2.pdf" size="377614" user="KeithNoddle" version="1.1"

Revision 182009-11-11 - JuanDeDiosSantanderVela

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues 15' (pdf)
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services 15' (pdf)
Jesus Salgado Photometry Client/Server implementations 15' (pdf)(zip)
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15' (pdf)
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II 15' (pdf)
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues 15' (pdf)
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services 15' (pdf)
Jesus Salgado Photometry Client/Server implementations 15' (pdf)(zip)
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15' (pdf)
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II 15' (pdf)
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process 20'  
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned 15' .pdf
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service 15' PDF
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned 15' (pdf)
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service 15' (pdf)
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion] 15'  
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion 15'  

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SIAV2 concepts and interface" date="1257838716" name="siapv2-nov09.pdf" path="siapv2-nov09.pdf" size="138445" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839041" name="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" path="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" size="536077" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839063" name="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" path="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" size="508865" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839413" name="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" path="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" size="984570" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839561" name="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" path="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" size="3031901" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839575" name="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" path="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" size="578758" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257841506" name="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" path="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" size="7045504" user="AnitaRichards" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257860270" name="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" path="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" size="399799" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257926098" name="PR-TAP-1.0-status.pdf" path="PR-TAP-1.0-status.pdf" size="32818" user="PatrickDowler" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257926169" name="ObsTAP-issues.pdf" path="ObsTAP-issues.pdf" size="39466" user="PatrickDowler" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="TAP Param Query Language (PQL)" date="1257927224" name="tap-pql.pdf" path="tap-pql.pdf" size="81014" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="use cases and examples for SIAV2" date="1257928691" name="SIAV2cases.pdf" path="SIAV2cases.pdf" size="1338955" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257930122" name="tap-dsa-november-2009.pdf" path="tap-dsa-november-2009.pdf" size="534348" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 172009-11-11 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues 15' (pdf)
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services 15' (pdf)
Jesus Salgado Photometry Client/Server implementations 15' (pdf)(zip)
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15' (pdf)
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II 15' (pdf)
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process 20'  
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned 15' .pdf
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service 15'  
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service 15' PDF
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion] 15'  
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion 15'  

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SIAV2 concepts and interface" date="1257838716" name="siapv2-nov09.pdf" path="siapv2-nov09.pdf" size="138445" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839041" name="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" path="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" size="536077" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839063" name="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" path="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" size="508865" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839413" name="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" path="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" size="984570" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839561" name="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" path="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" size="3031901" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839575" name="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" path="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" size="578758" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257841506" name="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" path="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" size="7045504" user="AnitaRichards" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257860270" name="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" path="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" size="399799" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257926098" name="PR-TAP-1.0-status.pdf" path="PR-TAP-1.0-status.pdf" size="32818" user="PatrickDowler" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257926169" name="ObsTAP-issues.pdf" path="ObsTAP-issues.pdf" size="39466" user="PatrickDowler" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="TAP Param Query Language (PQL)" date="1257927224" name="tap-pql.pdf" path="tap-pql.pdf" size="81014" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="use cases and examples for SIAV2" date="1257928691" name="SIAV2cases.pdf" path="SIAV2cases.pdf" size="1338955" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257930122" name="tap-dsa-november-2009.pdf" path="tap-dsa-november-2009.pdf" size="534348" user="GuyRixon" version="1.1"

Revision 162009-11-11 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues 15' (pdf)
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services 15' (pdf)
Jesus Salgado Photometry Client/Server implementations 15' (pdf)(zip)
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15'  
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15' (pdf)
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II 15' (pdf)
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process 20'  
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned 15' .pdf
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service 15'  
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion] 15'  
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion 15'  

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SIAV2 concepts and interface" date="1257838716" name="siapv2-nov09.pdf" path="siapv2-nov09.pdf" size="138445" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839041" name="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" path="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" size="536077" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839063" name="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" path="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" size="508865" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839413" name="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" path="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" size="984570" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839561" name="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" path="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" size="3031901" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839575" name="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" path="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" size="578758" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257841506" name="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" path="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" size="7045504" user="AnitaRichards" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257860270" name="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" path="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" size="399799" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257926098" name="PR-TAP-1.0-status.pdf" path="PR-TAP-1.0-status.pdf" size="32818" user="PatrickDowler" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257926169" name="ObsTAP-issues.pdf" path="ObsTAP-issues.pdf" size="39466" user="PatrickDowler" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="TAP Param Query Language (PQL)" date="1257927224" name="tap-pql.pdf" path="tap-pql.pdf" size="81014" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="use cases and examples for SIAV2" date="1257928691" name="SIAV2cases.pdf" path="SIAV2cases.pdf" size="1338955" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1.1"

Revision 152009-11-11 - DougTody

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues 15' (pdf)
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services 15' (pdf)
Jesus Salgado Photometry Client/Server implementations 15' (pdf)(zip)
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15'  
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II 15' (pdf)
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process 20'  
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned 15' .pdf
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service 15'  
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion] 15'  
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion 15'  

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SIAV2 concepts and interface" date="1257838716" name="siapv2-nov09.pdf" path="siapv2-nov09.pdf" size="138445" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839041" name="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" path="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" size="536077" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839063" name="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" path="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" size="508865" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839413" name="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" path="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" size="984570" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839561" name="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" path="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" size="3031901" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839575" name="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" path="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" size="578758" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257841506" name="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" path="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" size="7045504" user="AnitaRichards" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257860270" name="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" path="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" size="399799" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257926098" name="PR-TAP-1.0-status.pdf" path="PR-TAP-1.0-status.pdf" size="32818" user="PatrickDowler" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257926169" name="ObsTAP-issues.pdf" path="ObsTAP-issues.pdf" size="39466" user="PatrickDowler" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="TAP Param Query Language (PQL)" date="1257927224" name="tap-pql.pdf" path="tap-pql.pdf" size="81014" user="DougTody" version="1.1"

Revision 142009-11-11 - PatrickDowler

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues 15' (pdf)
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services 15' (pdf)
Jesus Salgado Photometry Client/Server implementations 15' (pdf)(zip)
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15'  
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II 15' (pdf)
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process 20'  
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned 15' .pdf
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service 15'  
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion] 15'  
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion 15'  

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SIAV2 concepts and interface" date="1257838716" name="siapv2-nov09.pdf" path="siapv2-nov09.pdf" size="138445" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839041" name="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" path="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" size="536077" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839063" name="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" path="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" size="508865" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839413" name="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" path="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" size="984570" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839561" name="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" path="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" size="3031901" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839575" name="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" path="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" size="578758" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257841506" name="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" path="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" size="7045504" user="AnitaRichards" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257860270" name="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" path="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" size="399799" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257926098" name="PR-TAP-1.0-status.pdf" path="PR-TAP-1.0-status.pdf" size="32818" user="PatrickDowler" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257926169" name="ObsTAP-issues.pdf" path="ObsTAP-issues.pdf" size="39466" user="PatrickDowler" version="1.1"

Revision 132009-11-10 - KeithNoddle

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues 15' (pdf)
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services 15' (pdf)
Jesus Salgado Photometry Client/Server implementations 15' (pdf)(zip)
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15'  
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II 15' (pdf)
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process [talk]    
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned [talk]   .pdf
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service [talk]    
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion]    
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion [talk]    
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process 20'  
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned 15' .pdf
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service 15'  
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion] 15'  
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion 15'  
  -- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SIAV2 concepts and interface" date="1257838716" name="siapv2-nov09.pdf" path="siapv2-nov09.pdf" size="138445" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839041" name="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" path="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" size="536077" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839063" name="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" path="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" size="508865" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839413" name="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" path="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" size="984570" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839561" name="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" path="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" size="3031901" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839575" name="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" path="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" size="578758" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257841506" name="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" path="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" size="7045504" user="AnitaRichards" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257860270" name="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" path="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" size="399799" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"

Revision 122009-11-10 - TomMcGlynn

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues 15' (pdf)
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services 15' (pdf)
Jesus Salgado Photometry Client/Server implementations 15' (pdf)(zip)
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15'  
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II 15' (pdf)
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process [talk]    
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned [talk]    
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned [talk]   .pdf
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service [talk]    
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion]    
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion [talk]    

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SIAV2 concepts and interface" date="1257838716" name="siapv2-nov09.pdf" path="siapv2-nov09.pdf" size="138445" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839041" name="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" path="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" size="536077" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839063" name="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" path="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" size="508865" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839413" name="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" path="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" size="984570" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839561" name="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" path="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" size="3031901" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839575" name="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" path="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" size="578758" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257841506" name="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" path="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" size="7045504" user="AnitaRichards" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257860270" name="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" path="TAPImplementationIssues.pdf" size="399799" user="TomMcGlynn" version="1.1"

Revision 112009-11-10 - JesusSalgado

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues [talk] 15' (pdf)
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues 15' (pdf)
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services 15' (pdf)
Jesus Salgado Photometry Servers 15' (pdf)(zip)
Jesus Salgado Photometry Client/Server implementations 15' (pdf)(zip)
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15'  
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II 15' (pdf)
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process [talk]    
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned [talk]    
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service [talk]    
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion]    
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion [talk]    

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SIAV2 concepts and interface" date="1257838716" name="siapv2-nov09.pdf" path="siapv2-nov09.pdf" size="138445" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839041" name="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" path="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" size="536077" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839063" name="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" path="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" size="508865" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839413" name="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" path="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" size="984570" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839561" name="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" path="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" size="3031901" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839575" name="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" path="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" size="578758" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257841506" name="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" path="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" size="7045504" user="AnitaRichards" version="1.1"

Revision 102009-11-10 - AnitaRichards

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues [talk] 15'  
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues [talk] 15' (pdf)
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services 15' (pdf)
Jesus Salgado Photometry Servers 15' (pdf)(zip)
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15'  
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II 15' (pdf)
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process [talk]    
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned [talk]    
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service [talk]    
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion]    
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion [talk]    

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SIAV2 concepts and interface" date="1257838716" name="siapv2-nov09.pdf" path="siapv2-nov09.pdf" size="138445" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839041" name="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" path="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" size="536077" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839063" name="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" path="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" size="508865" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839413" name="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" path="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" size="984570" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839561" name="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" path="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" size="3031901" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839575" name="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" path="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" size="578758" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257841506" name="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" path="AMSR_IVOA2009_interfero.pdf" size="7045504" user="AnitaRichards" version="1.1"

Revision 92009-11-10 - JesusSalgado

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues [talk] 15'  
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services [talk] 15'  
Jesus Salgado Photometry Servers [talk] 15'  
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services 15' (pdf)
Jesus Salgado Photometry Servers 15' (pdf)(zip)
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15'  
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II (pdf) 15'  
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II 15' (pdf)
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process [talk]    
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned [talk]    
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service [talk]    
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion]    
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion [talk]    

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SIAV2 concepts and interface" date="1257838716" name="siapv2-nov09.pdf" path="siapv2-nov09.pdf" size="138445" user="DougTody" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839041" name="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" path="JSalgado_PresentationWithFiles.zip" size="536077" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1257839063" name="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" path="WP7Task6_Trieste_JSalgado.pdf" size="508865" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839413" name="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" path="Budavari-FootprintSvc.pdf" size="984570" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839561" name="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" path="Phot_Garching_DAL_JSalgado.zip" size="3031901" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257839575" name="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" path="Photometry_DAL_Garching_JSalgado.pdf" size="578758" user="JesusSalgado" version="1.1"

Revision 82009-11-10 - DougTody

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues [talk] 15'  
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services [talk] 15'  
Jesus Salgado Photometry Servers [talk] 15'  
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15'  
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II [talk] 15'  
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II (pdf) 15'  
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process [talk]    
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned [talk]    
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service [talk]    
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion]    
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion [talk]    

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="SIAV2 concepts and interface" date="1257838716" name="siapv2-nov09.pdf" path="siapv2-nov09.pdf" size="138445" user="DougTody" version="1.1"

Revision 72009-11-09 - JesusSalgado

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues [talk]    
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services [talk]    
Jesus Salgado Photometry Servers [talk]    
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk]    
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II [talk]    
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues [talk] 15'  
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services [talk] 15'  
Jesus Salgado Photometry Servers [talk] 15'  
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk] 15'  
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II [talk] 15'  
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process [talk]    
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned [talk]    
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service [talk]    
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion]    
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion [talk]    

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado


Revision 62009-11-06 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues [talk]    
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services [talk]    
Jesus Salgado Photometry Servers [talk]    
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk]    
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II [talk]    
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process [talk]    
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned [talk]    
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service [talk]    
Mireille Louys A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [talk]    
???? A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [discussion]    
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion [talk]    

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado


Revision 52009-11-05 - KeithNoddle

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues [talk]    
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services [talk]    
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services [talk]    
Jesus Salgado Photometry Servers [talk]    
François Bonnarel SIAv2 part I [talk]    
François Bonnarel   SIAv2 part I [talk]    
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II [talk]    
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process [talk]    
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned [talk]    
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service [talk]    
Mireille Louys A strategy for the implementation of OBS/TAP [talk]    
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion [talk]    

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado


Revision 42009-11-05 - JesusSalgado

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues [talk]    
?? Footprint Services [talk]    
Tamas Budavari Footprint Services [talk]    
Jesus Salgado Photometry Servers [talk]    
François Bonnarel SIAv2 part I [talk]    
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II [talk]    
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process [talk]    
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned [talk]    
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service [talk]    
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion [talk]    

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado


Revision 32009-11-05 - KeithNoddle

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 TAP Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
DAL 1 SIAP & Footprint Services Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process [talk]    
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned [talk]    
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service [talk]    
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion [talk]    
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 SIAP & Footprint Services Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues [talk]    
?? Footprint Services [talk]    
Jesus Salgado Photometry Servers [talk]    
François Bonnarel SIAv2 part I [talk]    
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II [talk]    
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 TAP Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process [talk]    
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned [talk]    
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service [talk]    
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion [talk]    
  -- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado

Revision 22009-11-05 - KeithNoddle

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 TAP Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process [talk]    
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned [talk]    
Guy Rixon Implementing TAP in the AstroGrid DSA service [talk]    
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion [talk]    
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 SIAP & Footprint Services Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Anita Richards Polarization note + Accommodation of interferometry data [talk]    
Anita Richards Accomodation of interferometry data with the example of the requirements of calibration source catalogues [talk]    
?? Footprint Services [talk]    
Jesus Salgado Photometry Servers [talk]    
François Bonnarel SIAv2 part I [talk]    
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II [talk]    

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado


Revision 12009-11-05 - KeithNoddle

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpNov2009"

DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting

(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program)

DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule

Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 1 TAP Tuesday 08:45-10:15 Aud
Pat Dowler Progress of TAP through approvals process [talk]    
Tom McGlynn Implementing a TAP service at HEASARC: lessons learned [talk]    
Doug Tody PQL: Next steps and discussion [talk]    
Speaker Title Time Location
DAL 2 SIAP & Footprint Services Wednesday 09:00-10:30 Aud
Anita Richards Polarization note + Accommodation of interferometry data [talk]    
?? Footprint Services [talk]    
Jesus Salgado Photometry Servers [talk]    
François Bonnarel SIAv2 part I [talk]    
Doug Tody SIAv2 part II [talk]    

-- KeithNoddle & JesusSalgado

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