Difference: InterOpOct2003 (1 vs. 40)

Revision 402007-01-17 - BrunoRino

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

day time participants meeting page
Thursday 11:00-13:00 DataModelParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DataModel
RegistryParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
VoTableParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOTable
14:00-16:00 UcdParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003UCD
WebGridParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003WebGrid
16:30-18:30 DalParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DAL
VoqlParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOQL

day time participants subject speaker
Friday 08:30-12:40 Plenary sessions Overview P. Quinn
Registry T. Linde
VOTable F. Ochsenbein
VO Query Language
- SkyNode/ADQL
VO Query Language
- SkyNode/ADQL
M. Ohishi
W. O'Mullane
Unified Content Descriptors
- UCD summary
R. Williams
C. Page
Data Model
- Use cases
J. McDowell
A. Micol
14:00-16:30 Plenary sessions Data Access Layer D. Tody
Grid&Web Services G. Rixon
WG's plans review B. Hanisch

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1066830451" name="interopoct03-agenda.pdf" path="interopoct03-agenda.pdf" size="97075" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 392004-09-27 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

day time participants meeting page
Thursday 11:00-13:00 DataModelParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DataModel
RegistryParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
VoTableParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOTable
14:00-16:00 UcdParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003UCD
WebGridParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003WebGrid
16:30-18:30 DalParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DAL
VoqlParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOQL

day time participants subject speaker
Friday 08:30-12:40 Plenary sessions Overview P. Quinn
Registry T. Linde
VOTable F. Ochsenbein
VO Query Language
- SkyNode/ADQL
M. Ohishi
W. O'Mullane
Unified Content Descriptors
- UCD summary
R. Williams
C. Page
Data Model
- Use cases
J. McDowell
A. Micol
14:00-16:30 Plenary sessions Data Access Layer D. Tody
Grid&Web Services G. Rixon
WG's plans review B. Hanisch

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you registered after October 12, but please register anyway)
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [Registry, Data Model, VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [UCD, Web&Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [VOQL, DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no] (dinner cost: 20 €/person)
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]
META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

day time participants meeting page
Thursday 11:00-13:00 DataModelParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DataModel
RegistryParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
VoTableParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOTable
14:00-16:00 UcdParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003UCD
WebGridParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003WebGrid
16:30-18:30 DalParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DAL
VoqlParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOQL

day time participants subject speaker
Friday 08:30-12:40 Plenary sessions Overview P. Quinn
Registry T. Linde
VOTable F. Ochsenbein
VO Query Language
- SkyNode/ADQL
M. Ohishi
W. O'Mullane
Unified Content Descriptors
- UCD summary
R. Williams
C. Page
Data Model
- Use cases
J. McDowell
A. Micol
14:00-16:30 Plenary sessions Data Access Layer D. Tody
Grid&Web Services G. Rixon
WG's plans review B. Hanisch

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you registered after October 12, but please register anyway)
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [Registry, Data Model, VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [UCD, Web&Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [VOQL, DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no] (dinner cost: 20 €/person)
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1066830451" name="interopoct03-agenda.pdf" path="interopoct03-agenda.pdf" size="97075" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 382003-11-26 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

day time participants meeting page
Thursday 11:00-13:00 DataModelParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DataModel
RegistryParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
VoTableParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOTable
14:00-16:00 UcdParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003UCD
WebGridParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003WebGrid
16:30-18:30 DalParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DAL
VoqlParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOQL

day time participants subject speaker
Friday 08:30-12:40 Plenary sessions Overview P. Quinn
Registry T. Linde
VOTable F. Ochsenbein
VO Query Language
- SkyNode/ADQL
M. Ohishi
W. O'Mullane
Unified Content Descriptors
- UCD summary
R. Williams
C. Page
Data Model
- Use cases
J. McDowell
A. Micol
14:00-16:30 Plenary sessions Data Access Layer D. Tody
Web&Grid Services
Grid&Web Services
G. Rixon
WG's plans review B. Hanisch

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you registered after October 12, but please register anyway)
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [Registry, Data Model, VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [UCD, Web&Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [VOQL, DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no] (dinner cost: 20 €/person)
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1066830451" name="interopoct03-agenda.pdf" path="interopoct03-agenda.pdf" size="97075" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 372003-10-22 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

day time participants meeting page
Thursday 11:00-13:00 DataModelParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DataModel
RegistryParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
VoTableParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOTable
14:00-16:00 UcdParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003UCD
WebGridParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003WebGrid
16:30-18:30 DalParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DAL
VoqlParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOQL

day time participants subject speaker
Friday 08:30-12:40 Plenary sessions Overview P. Quinn
Registry T. Linde
VOTable F. Ochsenbein
VO Query Language
- SkyNode/ADQL
M. Ohishi
W. O'Mullane
Unified Content Descriptors
- UCD summary
R. Williams
C. Page
Data Model
- Use cases
J. McDowell
A. Micol
14:00-16:30 Plenary sessions Data Access Layer D. Tody
Web&Grid Services G. Rixon
WG's plans review B. Hanisch


  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you registered after October 12, but please register anyway)
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [Registry, Data Model, VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [UCD, Web&Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [VOQL, DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no] (dinner cost: 20 €/person)
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1066830451" name="interopoct03-agenda.pdf" path="interopoct03-agenda.pdf" size="97075" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 362003-10-21 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

day time participants meeting page
Thursday 11:00-13:00 DataModelParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DataModel
RegistryParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
VoTableParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOTable
14:00-16:00 UcdParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003UCD
WebGridParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003WebGrid
16:30-18:30 DalParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DAL
VoqlParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOQL

day time participants subject speaker
Friday 08:30-12:40 Plenary sessions Overview P. Quinn
Registry T. Linde
VOTable F. Ochsenbein
VO Query Language
- SkyNode/ADQL
M. Ohishi
W. O'Mullane
Unified Content Descriptors
- UCD summary
R. Williams
C. Page
Data Model
- Use cases
J. McDowell
A. Micol
14:00-16:30 Plenary sessions Data Access Layer D. Tody
Web&Grid Services G. Rixon
WG's plans review B. Hanisch




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"

Revision 352003-10-19 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

day time participants meeting page
Thursday 11:00-13:00 DataModelParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DataModel
RegistryParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
VoTableParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOTable
14:00-16:00 UcdParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003UCD
WebGridParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003WebGrid
16:30-18:30 DalParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DAL
VoqlParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOQL
Friday 08:30-12:40
Plenary sessions Welcome
Plenary sessions Overview
P. Quinn
Registry T. Linde
VOTable F. Ochsenbein
VO Query Language
- SkyNode/ADQL
M. Ohishi
W. O'Mullane
Unified Content Descriptors
- UCD summary
R. Williams
C. Page
Data Model
- Use cases
J. McDowell
A. Micol
Plenary sessions
Plenary sessions
Data Access Layer D. Tody
Web&Grid Services G. Rixon
WG's plans review B. Hanisch


  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you registered after October 12, but please register anyway)
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [Registry, Data Model, VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [UCD, Web&Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [VOQL, DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no] (dinner cost: 20 €/person)
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"

Revision 342003-10-18 - MarkusDolensky

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

day time participants meeting page
Thursday 11:00-13:00 DataModelParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DataModel
RegistryParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
VoTableParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOTable
14:00-16:00 UcdParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003UCD
WebGridParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003WebGrid
16:30-18:30 DalParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DAL
VoqlParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOQL
Friday 08:30-12:40
Plenary sessions
Plenary sessions
Welcome P. Quinn
Registry T. Linde
VOTable F. Ochsenbein
VO Query Language
- SkyNode/ADQL
M. Ohishi
W. O'Mullane
Unified Content Descriptors
- UCD summary
R. Williams
C. Page
Data Model
- Use cases
J. McDowell
A. Micol
Plenary sessions
Plenary sessions
Data Access Layer D. Tody
Web&Grid Services G. Rixon
WG's plans review B. Hanisch

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you registered after October 12, but please register anyway)
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [Registry, Data Model, VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [UCD, Web&Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [VOQL, DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no] (dinner cost: 20 €/person)
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"

Revision 332003-10-17 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

day time participants meeting page
Thursday 11:00-13:00 DataModelParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DataModel
RegistryParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
VoTableParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOTable
14:00-16:00 UcdParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003UCD
WebGridParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003WebGrid
16:30-18:30 DalParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DAL
VoqlParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOQL
Friday 08:30-12:40 Plenary sessions Welcome P. Quinn
Registry T. Linde
VOTable F. Ochsenbein
VO Query Language
- SkyNode/ADQL
M. Ohishi
W. O'Mullane
Unified Content Descriptors
- UCD summary
R. Williams
C. Page
Data Model
- Use cases
J. McDowell
A. Micol
14:00-16:30 Plenary sessions Data Access Layer D. Tody
Web&Grid Services G. Rixon
WG's plans review
B. Hanisch
B. Hanisch

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you registered after October 12, but please register anyway)
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [Registry, Data Model, VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [UCD, Web&Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [VOQL, DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no] (dinner cost: 20 €/person)
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"

Revision 322003-10-17 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003


IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003


16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

day time participants meeting page
Thursday 11:00-13:00 DataModelParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DataModel
RegistryParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
VoTableParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOTable
14:00-16:00 UcdParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003UCD
WebGridParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003WebGrid
16:30-18:30 DalParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DAL
VoqlParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOQL
Friday 08:30-12:40 Plenary sessions Welcome P. Quinn
Registry T. Linde
VOTable F. Ochsenbein
VO Query Language
- SkyNode/ADQL
M. Ohishi
W. O'Mullane
Unified Content Descriptors
- UCD summary
R. Williams
C. Page
Data Model J. McDowell
Data Model
- Use cases
J. McDowell
A. Micol
14:00-16:30 Plenary sessions Data Access Layer D. Tody
Web&Grid Services G. Rixon
WG's plans review B. Hanisch

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you registered after October 12, but please register anyway)
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [Registry, Data Model, VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [UCD, Web&Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [VOQL, DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no] (dinner cost: 20 €/person)
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"

Revision 312003-10-17 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

day time participants meeting page
Thursday 11:00-13:00 DataModelParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DataModel
RegistryParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
VoTableParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOTable
14:00-16:00 UcdParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003UCD
WebGridParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003WebGrid
16:30-18:30 DalParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DAL
VoqlParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOQL
Friday 08:30-12:40 Plenary sessions Welcome P. Quinn
Registry T. Linde
VOTable F. Ochsenbein
VO Query Language
- SkyNode/ADQL
M. Ohishi
W. O'Mullane
Unified Content Descriptors R. Williams
Unified Content Descriptors
- UCD summary
R. Williams
C. Page
Web&Grid Services G. Rixon
Data Model J. McDowell
14:00-16:30 Plenary sessions Data Access Layer D. Tody
Data Model J. McDowell
Web&Grid Services G. Rixon
WG's plans review B. Hanisch

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you registered after October 12, but please register anyway)
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [Registry, Data Model, VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [UCD, Web&Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [VOQL, DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no] (dinner cost: 20 €/person)
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"

Revision 302003-10-17 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

day time participants meeting page
Thursday 11:00-13:00 DataModelParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DataModel
RegistryParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
VoTableParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOTable
14:00-16:00 UcdParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003UCD
WebGridParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003WebGrid
16:30-18:30 DalParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DAL
VoqlParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOQL
Friday 08:30-12:40 Plenary sessions
Friday 08:30-12:40 Plenary sessions
P. Quinn
P. Quinn
T. Linde
T. Linde
F. Ochsenbein
F. Ochsenbein
VO Query Language
- SkyNode/ADQL
M. Ohishi
W. O'Mullane
Unified Content Descriptors
R. Williams
R. Williams
Web&Grid Services
G. Rixon
G. Rixon
Plenary sessions
Plenary sessions
Data Access Layer
D. Tody
D. Tody
Data Model
J. McDowell
J. McDowell
WG's plans review B. Hanisch

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you registered after October 12, but please register anyway)
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [Registry, Data Model, VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [UCD, Web&Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [VOQL, DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no] (dinner cost: 20 €/person)
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"

Revision 292003-10-17 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

day time participants meeting page
Thursday 11:00-13:00 DataModelParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DataModel
RegistryParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
VoTableParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOTable
14:00-16:00 UcdParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003UCD
WebGridParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003WebGrid
16:30-18:30 DalParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DAL
VoqlParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOQL
Friday 08:30-12:40 Plenary sessions Welcome P. Quinn
Registry T. Linde
VOTable F. Ochsenbein
Unified Content Descriptors R. Williams
Web&Grid Services G. Rixon
14:00-16:30 Plenary sessions Data Access Layer D. Tody
Data Model J. McDowell
WG's plans review B. Hanisch

  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person
with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you registered after October 12, but please register anyway)
  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you registered after October 12, but please register anyway)
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday morning session: [Registry, Data Model, VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [UCD, Web&Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [VOQL, DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no] (dinner cost: 20 €/person)
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"

Revision 282003-10-16 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

day time participants meeting page
DataModelParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DataModel
RegistryParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
VoTableParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOTable
UcdParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003UCD
WebGridParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003WebGrid
DalParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DAL
VoqlParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOQL

  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you registered after October 12, but please register anyway)
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"

Revision 272003-10-16 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

We may not be able to provide lunch and dinner to people who registered after October 12, 2003
day time participants meeting page
Thursday 11:00-13:00 DataModelParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DataModel
RegistryParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003Registry
VoTableParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOTable
14:00-16:00 UcdParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003UCD
WebGridParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003WebGrid
16:30-18:30 DalParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003DAL
VoqlParticipantsOct2003 InterOpOct2003VOQL
Please register anyway if you wish to attend the sessions

  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you registered after October 12, but please register anyway)
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"

Revision 262003-10-13 - FrancoiseGenova

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

We may not be able to provide lunch and dinner to people who register after October 12, 2003
We may not be able to provide lunch and dinner to people who registered after October 12, 2003
  Please register anyway if you wish to attend the sessions

  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email)
with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you register after October 12, but please register anyway)
with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you registered after October 12, but please register anyway)
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"

Revision 252003-10-13 - FrancoiseGenova

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

We may not be able to provide lunch and dinner to people who register after October 12, 2003

Please register anyway if you wish to attend the sessions


  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email)
with the following information:
with the following information (we may not be able to provide meals if you register after October 12, but please register anyway)
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"

Revision 242003-10-12 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France


  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information:
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"

Revision 232003-10-12 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France


  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information:
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"

Revision 222003-10-10 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information:
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065791050" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12397" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065808067" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12393" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.3"

Revision 212003-10-10 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information:
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065717174" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12544" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065791050" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12397" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.2"

Revision 202003-10-09 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"
InterOp Oct. 2003

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003


16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France


16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France


  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information:
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065717174" name="interop0310_140x70.gif" path="interop0310_140x70.gif" size="12544" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.1"

Revision 192003-10-08 - FrancoiseGenova

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France


  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person
  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information:
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"

Revision 182003-10-08 - FrancoiseGenova

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information:
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]


  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"

Revision 172003-10-08 - FrancoiseGenova

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information:
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

  • Working Group meetings: list of registered participants

  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"

Revision 162003-10-08 - FrancoiseGenova

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information:
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

  • Working Group meetings: list of registered participants


  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"

Revision 152003-10-07 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information:
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1064867770" name="AgendaOct2003.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Interoperability Documents\AgendaOct2003.htm" size="2475" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"

Revision 142003-10-06 - BobHanisch

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information:
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1064867770" name="AgendaOct2003.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Interoperability Documents\AgendaOct2003.htm" size="2475" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065464961" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="10369" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065472828" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="9812" user="BobHanisch" version="1.3"

Revision 132003-10-06 - FrancoiseGenova

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information:
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

  • Dinner cost: 20 euros/person


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1064867770" name="AgendaOct2003.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Interoperability Documents\AgendaOct2003.htm" size="2475" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065464961" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="10369" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"

Revision 122003-10-06 - BobHanisch

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information:
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1064867770" name="AgendaOct2003.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Interoperability Documents\AgendaOct2003.htm" size="2475" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Final Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1065464961" name="interopOct2003_final.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\International\interopOct2003_final.htm" size="10369" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"

Revision 112003-10-06 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France




(this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email)

with the following information: your name, email address, laboratory, and your choice for the following:
Thursday morning session: choose one among Registries, Data models and VOTable
Thursday lunch: yes, no
Thursday afternoon, 1st session: choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services
  • If you wish to attend the meeting, please send ASAP a message to interop@astro.u-strasbg.fr
    (this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email) with the following information:
Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: choose one among VOQL and DAL
Thursday dinner: yes, no
Friday lunch: yes, no
    • your name
    • email address
    • laboratory
      and your choice for the following:
    • Thursday morning session: [choose one among Registries, Data Models and VOTable]
    • Thursday lunch: [yes, no]
    • Thursday afternoon, 1st session: [choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services]
    • Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: [choose one among VOQL and DAL]
    • Thursday dinner: [yes, no]
    • Friday lunch: [yes, no]

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1064867770" name="AgendaOct2003.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Interoperability Documents\AgendaOct2003.htm" size="2475" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"

Revision 102003-10-02 - FrancoiseGenova

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

(this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email)

with the following information: your name, email address, laboratory, your main topics of interest among the interoperability WGs (Data Access Layer, Data Models, Registry, UCDs, VOQL, VOTable, Web/Grid services)
with the following information: your name, email address, laboratory, and
your choice for the following:

Thursday morning session: choose one among Registries, Data models and VOTable
Thursday lunch: yes, no
Thursday afternoon, 1st session: choose one among UCDs and Web/Grid services
Thursday afternoon, 2nd session: choose one among VOQL and DAL
Thursday dinner: yes, no
Friday lunch: yes, no


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1064867770" name="AgendaOct2003.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Interoperability Documents\AgendaOct2003.htm" size="2475" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"

Revision 92003-09-29 - BobHanisch

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

(this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email)

with the following information: your name, email address, laboratory, your main topics of interest among the interoperability WGs (Data Access Layer, Data Models, Registry, UCDs, VOQL, VOTable, Web/Grid services)


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Agenda, Oct 16-17 Interop Workshop" date="1064867770" name="AgendaOct2003.htm" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Interoperability Documents\AgendaOct2003.htm" size="2475" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"

Revision 82003-09-22 - FrancoiseGenova

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

(this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email)

with the following information: your name, email address, laboratory, your main topics of interest among the interoperability WGs (Data Access Layer, Data Models, Registry, UCDs, VOQL, VOTable, Web/Grid services)

* List of registered participants


Revision 72003-09-22 - FrancoiseGenova

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

(this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email)

with the following information: your name, email address, laboratory, your main topics of interest among the interoperability WGs (Data Access Layer, Data Models, Registry, UCDs, VOQL, VOTable, Web/Grid services)

* List of registered participants


Revision 62003-09-19 - TWikiGuest

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

(this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email)

with the following information: your name, email address, laboratory, your mail topics of interest among the interoperability WGs (Data Access Layer, Data Models, Registry, UCDs, VOQL, VOTable, Web/Grid services)
with the following information: your name, email address, laboratory, your main topics of interest among the interoperability WGs (Data Access Layer, Data Models, Registry, UCDs, VOQL, VOTable, Web/Grid services)


Revision 52003-09-18 - FrancoiseGenova

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France


(this email is different from the usual interop at IVOA email)

with the following information: your name, email address, laboratory, your mail topics of interest among the interoperability WGs (Data Access Layer, Data Models, Registry, UCDs, VOQL, VOTable, Web/Grid services)


Revision 42003-05-30 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2003"
META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaInteroperability"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France


Revision 32003-05-22 - MarkusDolensky

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2003"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France



Revision 22003-05-22 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2003"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France





Revision 12003-05-19 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2003"

IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003

16-17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France

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