Difference: InterOpSep2007 (1 vs. 37)

Revision 372018-06-20 - GiuliaIafrate

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

Conference Photo: [.jpg]




This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics Gerry Gilmore/ NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-10.30 LT State of the TCG Roy Williams
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch Photo at 13.55 outside the LT
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM1  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
    LT DM1  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL1  
    ES GWS-2 this is a swap with DAL-2
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL1  
    ES GWS-2 this is a swap with DAL-2
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC DAL-2 this is a swap with GWS-2
    ES DM2/VOQL2  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC DAL-2 this is a swap with GWS-2
    ES DM2/VOQL2  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch  
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 Wireless  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 Wireless 2 min walk

Note: the wireless is an open network - just connect - the ESSID in all locations is 'interop' in all four locations.


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge




It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation: New Hall

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.


Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 26 Sep 2007
-- NicholasWalton - 26 Sep 2007

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288276" name="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" path="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" size="47583" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288287" name="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" path="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" size="126068" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288298" name="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" path="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" size="166451" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288324" name="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" path="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" size="61919" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190883093" name="TCGivoa.ppt" path="TCGivoa.ppt" size="30720" user="RoyWilliams" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190927791" name="ivoa-sep07-ioa-photo.jpg" path="ivoa-sep07-ioa-photo.jpg" size="1505535" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1190990246" name="Cambridge2007_VOQL_Closing_Plenary.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\szalay\My Documents\Cambridge2007_VOQL_Closing_Plenary.ppt" size="115712" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 362010-07-27 - RoyWilliams

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

Conference Photo: [.jpg]




This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics Gerry Gilmore/ NicholasWalton
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics Gerry Gilmore/ NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-10.30 LT State of the TCG Roy Williams
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch Photo at 13.55 outside the LT
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM1  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL1  
    ES GWS-2 this is a swap with DAL-2
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC DAL-2 this is a swap with GWS-2
    ES DM2/VOQL2  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch  
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 Wireless  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 Wireless 2 min walk

Note: the wireless is an open network - just connect - the ESSID in all locations is 'interop' in all four locations.


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation: New Hall

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 26 Sep 2007

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288276" name="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" path="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" size="47583" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288287" name="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" path="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" size="126068" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288298" name="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" path="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" size="166451" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288324" name="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" path="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" size="61919" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190883093" name="TCGivoa.ppt" path="TCGivoa.ppt" size="30720" user="RoyWilliams" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190927791" name="ivoa-sep07-ioa-photo.jpg" path="ivoa-sep07-ioa-photo.jpg" size="1505535" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1190990246" name="Cambridge2007_VOQL_Closing_Plenary.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\szalay\My Documents\Cambridge2007_VOQL_Closing_Plenary.ppt" size="115712" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 352007-10-09 - BrunoRino

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

Conference Photo: [.jpg]



This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics Gerry Gilmore/ NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-10.30 LT State of the TCG Roy Williams
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch Photo at 13.55 outside the LT
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM1  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL1  
    ES GWS-2 this is a swap with DAL-2
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC DAL-2 this is a swap with GWS-2
    ES DM2/VOQL2  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch  
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 Wireless  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 Wireless 2 min walk

Note: the wireless is an open network - just connect - the ESSID in all locations is 'interop' in all four locations.


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation: New Hall

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 26 Sep 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288276" name="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" path="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" size="47583" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288287" name="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" path="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" size="126068" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288298" name="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" path="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" size="166451" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288324" name="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" path="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" size="61919" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190883093" name="TCGivoa.ppt" path="TCGivoa.ppt" size="30720" user="RoyWilliams" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190927791" name="ivoa-sep07-ioa-photo.jpg" path="ivoa-sep07-ioa-photo.jpg" size="1505535" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1190990246" name="Cambridge2007_VOQL_Closing_Plenary.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\szalay\My Documents\Cambridge2007_VOQL_Closing_Plenary.ppt" size="115712" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 342007-09-28 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

Conference Photo: [.jpg]



This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics Gerry Gilmore/ NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-10.30 LT State of the TCG Roy Williams
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch Photo at 13.55 outside the LT
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM1  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL1  
    ES GWS-2 this is a swap with DAL-2
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC DAL-2 this is a swap with GWS-2
    ES DM2/VOQL2  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch  
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 Wireless  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 Wireless 2 min walk

Note: the wireless is an open network - just connect - the ESSID in all locations is 'interop' in all four locations.


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation: New Hall

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 26 Sep 2007

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288276" name="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" path="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" size="47583" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288287" name="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" path="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" size="126068" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288298" name="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" path="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" size="166451" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288324" name="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" path="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" size="61919" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190883093" name="TCGivoa.ppt" path="TCGivoa.ppt" size="30720" user="RoyWilliams" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190927791" name="ivoa-sep07-ioa-photo.jpg" path="ivoa-sep07-ioa-photo.jpg" size="1505535" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1190990246" name="Cambridge2007_VOQL_Closing_Plenary.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\szalay\My Documents\Cambridge2007_VOQL_Closing_Plenary.ppt" size="115712" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 332007-09-28 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

Conference Photo: [.jpg]




This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics Gerry Gilmore/ NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-10.30 LT State of the TCG Roy Williams
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch Photo at 13.55 outside the LT
  13.00-14.00   Lunch Photo at 13.55 outside the LT
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM1  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL1  
    ES GWS-2 this is a swap with DAL-2
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC DAL-2 this is a swap with GWS-2
    ES DM2/VOQL2  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch  
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 Wireless  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 Wireless 2 min walk

Note: the wireless is an open network - just connect - the ESSID in all locations is 'interop' in all four locations.


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation: New Hall

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 26 Sep 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288276" name="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" path="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" size="47583" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288287" name="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" path="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" size="126068" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288298" name="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" path="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" size="166451" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288324" name="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" path="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" size="61919" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1190883093" name="TCGivoa.ppt" path="TCGivoa.ppt" size="30720" user="RoyWilliams" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190883093" name="TCGivoa.ppt" path="TCGivoa.ppt" size="30720" user="RoyWilliams" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190927791" name="ivoa-sep07-ioa-photo.jpg" path="ivoa-sep07-ioa-photo.jpg" size="1505535" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.2"

Revision 322007-09-27 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

Conference Photo: [.jpg]



This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics Gerry Gilmore/ NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-10.30 LT State of the TCG Roy Williams
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch Photo at 13.55 outside the LT
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM1  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL1  
    ES DAL-2  
    ES GWS-2 this is a swap with DAL-2
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
    ES DM2/VOQL2 Extra joint session
  12.15-13.15   Lunch Photo at 12.15 outside the LT
    HC DAL-2 this is a swap with GWS-2
    ES DM2/VOQL2  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch  
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 Wireless  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 Wireless 2 min walk

Note: the wireless is an open network - just connect - the ESSID in all locations is 'interop' in all four locations.


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation: New Hall

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 26 Sep 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288276" name="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" path="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" size="47583" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288287" name="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" path="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" size="126068" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288298" name="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" path="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" size="166451" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288324" name="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" path="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" size="61919" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1190883093" name="TCGivoa.ppt" path="TCGivoa.ppt" size="30720" user="RoyWilliams" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190927791" name="ivoa-sep07-ioa-photo.jpg" path="ivoa-sep07-ioa-photo.jpg" size="1505535" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.2"

Revision 312007-09-27 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics Gerry Gilmore/ NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-10.30 LT State of the TCG Roy Williams
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    LT DM1  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    HC VOQL1  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
    ES DM/VOQL Extra joint session
    ES DM2/VOQL2 Extra joint session
  12.15-13.15   Lunch Photo at 12.15 outside the LT
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 Wireless  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 Wireless 2 min walk

Note: the wireless is an open network - just connect - the ESSID in all locations is 'interop' in all four locations.


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation: New Hall

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 26 Sep 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288276" name="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" path="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" size="47583" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288287" name="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" path="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" size="126068" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288298" name="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" path="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" size="166451" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288324" name="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" path="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" size="61919" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1190883093" name="TCGivoa.ppt" path="TCGivoa.ppt" size="30720" user="RoyWilliams" version="1.1"

Revision 302007-09-27 - RoyWilliams

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics Gerry Gilmore/ NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-10.30 LT State of the TCG Roy Williams
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
    ES DM/VOQL Extra joint session
  12.15-13.15   Lunch Photo at 12.15 outside the LT
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 Wireless  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 Wireless 2 min walk

Note: the wireless is an open network - just connect - the ESSID in all locations is 'interop' in all four locations.


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation: New Hall

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 26 Sep 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288276" name="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" path="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" size="47583" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288287" name="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" path="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" size="126068" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288298" name="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" path="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" size="166451" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288324" name="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" path="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" size="61919" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1190883093" name="TCGivoa.ppt" path="TCGivoa.ppt" size="30720" user="RoyWilliams" version="1.1"

Revision 292007-09-27 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK



This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics Gerry Gilmore/ NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
    ES DM/VOQL Extra joint session
  12.15-13.15   Lunch Photo at 12.15 outside the LT
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 Wireless  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 Wireless 2 min walk

Note: the wireless is an open network - just connect - the ESSID in all locations is 'interop' in all four locations.


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation: New Hall

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 26 Sep 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288276" name="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" path="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" size="47583" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288287" name="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" path="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" size="126068" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288298" name="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" path="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" size="166451" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288324" name="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" path="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" size="61919" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 282007-09-26 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK



This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics Gerry Gilmore/ NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
  10.45-12.15 ES DM/VOQL Extra joint session
    ES DM/VOQL Extra joint session
  12.15-13.15   Lunch Photo at 12.15 outside the LT
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 Wireless  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 Wireless 2 min walk
Note: the wireless is an open network - just connect - the ESSID in all locations is 'interop' in all four locations.


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation: New Hall

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 26 Sep 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288276" name="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" path="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" size="47583" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288287" name="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" path="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" size="126068" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288298" name="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" path="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" size="166451" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288324" name="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" path="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" size="61919" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 272007-09-26 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK



This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics Gerry Gilmore/ NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
  10.45-12.15 ES DM/VOQL Extra joint session
  12.15-13.15   Lunch Photo at 12.15 outside the LT
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation: New Hall

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007
-- NicholasWalton - 26 Sep 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288276" name="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" path="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" size="47583" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288287" name="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" path="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" size="126068" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288298" name="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" path="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" size="166451" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288324" name="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" path="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" size="61919" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 262007-09-25 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics Gerry Gilmore/ NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch Photo at 12.15 outside the LT
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation: New Hall

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288276" name="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" path="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" size="47583" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288287" name="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" path="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" size="126068" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288298" name="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" path="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" size="166451" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288324" name="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" path="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" size="61919" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 252007-09-24 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK



This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics Gerry Gilmore/ NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch  
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation: New Hall

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288276" name="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" path="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" size="47583" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288287" name="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" path="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" size="126068" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288298" name="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" path="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" size="166451" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288324" name="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" path="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" size="61919" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 242007-09-24 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics NicholasWalton
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics Gerry Gilmore/ NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch  
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
<-- -->
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation: New Hall

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288276" name="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" path="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" size="47583" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288287" name="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" path="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" size="126068" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288298" name="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" path="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" size="166451" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288324" name="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" path="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" size="61919" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 232007-09-20 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK



This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch  
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.


University Accommodation


University Accommodation: New Hall

  We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.


Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288276" name="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" path="NewHall-Site-map-2.pdf" size="47583" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288287" name="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" path="IVOA-Broadband-NewHall.pdf" size="126068" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288298" name="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" path="NewHall-site-plan.jpg" size="166451" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1190288324" name="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" path="NewHall-Checkin-Details.pdf" size="61919" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 222007-09-20 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.00 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  10.30-11.30 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch  
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 212007-09-19 - MarkAllen

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.00 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch  
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 202007-09-17 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.00 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting Exec only
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting FM25 Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch  
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 192007-09-17 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK



This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.
FINAL The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.
DRAFT: 20070905 - subject to change
Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.00 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch  
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  

Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 182007-09-05 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK



This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.
Here is the current draft programme. The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.15 on the Friday.
DRAFT: 20070904 - subject to change
DRAFT: 20070905 - subject to change
Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.00 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    HC VOTable  
    ES Data-CP  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.30-10.00   WG parallel sessions 3  
  08.45-10.15   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.00-11.30   WG parallel sessions 4  
  10.15-10.45   Coffee  
  10.45-12.15   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
  11.30-12.00   Coffee  
  12.00-13.30   WG parallel sessions 5  
  12.15-13.15   Lunch  
  13.15-14.45   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  13.30-14.30   Lunch  
  14.30-15.45 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  15.45-16.00   Coffee  
  14.45-15.15   Coffee  
  15.15-16.15 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  16.15   CLOSE  
  16.00   CLOSE  
  Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 172007-09-04 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.

DRAFT: 20070904 - subject to change

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.00 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    OR VOEvent  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    HC VOTable  
    OR Data-CP  
    ES Data-CP  
    ES GWS-2  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  09.00-10.30   WG parallel sessions 3  
Fri 28 Sep 2007        
  08.30-10.00   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.30-11.00   Coffee  
  11.00-12.30   WG parallel sessions 4  
  10.00-11.30   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT VOEvent  
    HC GWS-2  
  11.30-12.00   Coffee  
  12.00-13.30   WG parallel sessions 5  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  12.30-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  13.30-14.30   Lunch  
  14.30-15.45 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  15.45-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00   CLOSE  
Lunch is available 12.30-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre
Lunch is available outside the Lecture Theatre
  Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 162007-09-04 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

20070816: Accommodation update


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.



Here is the current draft programme. Th emeeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.
Here is the current draft programme. The meeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.
DRAFT: 20070904 - subject to change
Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.00 LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups  
  10.30-11.00 LT Charge to the working groups Plenary
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
    LT Registry  
    HC DAL-1  
    OR VOEvent  
    ES GWS-1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30   Applications Show Case  
  14.00-15.30 LT Applications Show Case Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
    LT DM  
    HC VOTable  
    OR Data-CP  
    ES GWS-2  
  17.45-19.30 HC IVOA Exec Meeting Exec only
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  09.00-10.30   WG parallel sessions 3  
    LT Apps  
    HC VOQL  
    ES DAL-2  
  10.30-11.00   Coffee  
  11.00-12.30   WG parallel sessions 4  
    LT DAL/GWS/Registry  
    HC Theory  
  12.30-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Plenary  
  14.00-15.30 LT WG/IG session summaries Plenary
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00   CLOSE  

Lunch is available 12.30-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Details will be provided soon.
There will be no formal workshop dinner at this meeting (most of you will already have enjoyed a dinner at the ADASS!). Thus please take the opportunity to explore Cambridge. Check the Cambridge wikipedia page for some hints.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge




It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 152007-09-04 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

20070816: Accommodation update


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. Th emeeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.00 LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups  
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30   Applications Show Case  
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  09.00-10.30   WG parallel sessions 3  
  10.30-11.00   Coffee  
  11.00-12.30   WG parallel sessions 4  
  12.30-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Plenary  
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00   CLOSE  

Lunch is available 12.30-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90 + 1 joint Reg/GWS/DAL
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Details will be provided soon.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 142007-09-03 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

20070816: Accommodation update


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. Th emeeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.00 LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups  
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30   Applications Show Case  
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  09.00-10.30   WG parallel sessions 3  
  10.30-11.00   Coffee  
  11.00-12.30   WG parallel sessions 4  
  12.30-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Plenary  
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00   CLOSE  

Lunch is available 12.30-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}%
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Details will be provided soon.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 132007-09-03 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

20070816: Accommodation update


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. Th emeeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.00 LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups  
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30   Applications Show Case  
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  09.00-10.30   WG parallel sessions 3  
  10.30-11.00   Coffee  
  11.00-12.30   WG parallel sessions 4  
  12.30-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Plenary  
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00   CLOSE  

Lunch is available 12.30-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}%
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}%
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90 (S*AP, TAP, metadata: joint Reg/GWS/DAL)
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no reg, dal, apps
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no clash: reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Details will be provided soon.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 122007-09-03 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

20070816: Accommodation update


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. Th emeeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.00 LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups  
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30   Applications Show Case  
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  09.00-10.30   WG parallel sessions 3  
  10.30-11.00   Coffee  
  11.00-12.30   WG parallel sessions 4  
  12.30-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Plenary  
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00   CLOSE  

Lunch is available 12.30-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}%
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MainMasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Astro-RG IG MasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Details will be provided soon.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 112007-09-03 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

20070816: Accommodation update


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. Th emeeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-11.00 LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups Welcome+Logistics
  11.00-12.30   WG parallel sessions 1  
  12.30-14.00   Lunch  
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-10.05 LT Welcome and Logistics NicholasWalton
  10.05-10.30 LT State of the IVOA Dave De Young
  10.30-11.00 LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups  
  11.30-13.00   WG parallel sessions 1  
  13.00-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30   Applications Show Case  
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  09.00-10.30   WG parallel sessions 3  
  10.30-11.00   Coffee  
  11.00-12.30   WG parallel sessions 4  
  12.30-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Plenary  
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00   CLOSE  

Lunch is available 12.30-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials Sess Req
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}% showcase + 1x90
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}%
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}%
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Astro-RG IG   InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}% 3x90
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90
Astro-RG IG MainMasatoshiOhishi InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}% no sess
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}% 1x90/ no reg, dal, apps

IVOA Exec Meeting

There will be an Exec meeting



So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Details will be provided soon.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 102007-08-29 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

20070816: Accommodation update


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. Th emeeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00- LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups Welcome+Logistics
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00-11.00 LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups Welcome+Logistics
  11.00-12.30   WG parallel sessions 1  
  12.30-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30   Applications Show Case  
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00-17.30   WG parallel sessions 2  
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  09.00-10.30   WG parallel sessions 3  
  10.30-11.00   Coffee  
  11.00-12.30   WG parallel sessions 4  
  12.30-14.00   Lunch  
  14.00-15.30 LT Plenary  
  15.30-16.00   Coffee  
  16.00   CLOSE  
Lunch is available 12.30-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea & Coffee breaks are outside the lecture theatre.

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~40 UTP 2 min walk


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}%
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Astro-RG IG   InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Coffee is available 11.00-11.30 outside the Lecture Theatre

Lunch is available 13.00-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea is available 15.30-16.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~30   2 min walk


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Details will be provided soon.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 92007-08-16 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

20070816: Accommodation update


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. Th emeeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00- LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups Welcome+Logistics
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  16.00   CLOSE  


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}%
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Astro-RG IG   InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}%

Coffee is available 11.00-11.30 outside the Lecture Theatre

Lunch is available 13.00-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea is available 15.30-16.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~30   2 min walk


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Details will be provided soon.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.
We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room (UKP 67 incl handling costs) with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night (UKP 102 incl handling costs). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.
  20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 82007-08-16 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

These pages are rapidly evolving so please re-check them for updated agendas etc
20070816: Accommodation update


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. Th emeeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00- LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups Welcome+Logistics
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  16.00   CLOSE  


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}%
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Astro-RG IG   InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}%

Coffee is available 11.00-11.30 outside the Lecture Theatre

Lunch is available 13.00-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea is available 15.30-16.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~30   2 min walk


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Details will be provided soon.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

 We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.
20080716 Please let Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk) know you requirements for University Accommodation by end of Fri 17 Aug 2007.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 72007-07-18 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

These pages are rapidly evolving so please re-check them for updated agendas etc


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. Th emeeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00- LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups Welcome+Logistics
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  16.00   CLOSE  


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton, Eduardo Gonzalez Solares, Judith Moss
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}%
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Astro-RG IG   InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}%

Coffee is available 11.00-11.30 outside the Lecture Theatre

Lunch is available 13.00-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea is available 15.30-16.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~30   2 min walk


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Details will be provided soon.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 62007-07-13 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

These pages are rapidly evolving so please re-check them for updated agendas etc


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. Th emeeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00- LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups Welcome+Logistics
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  16.00   CLOSE  


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}%
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Astro-RG IG   InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}%

Coffee is available 11.00-11.30 outside the Lecture Theatre

Lunch is available 13.00-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea is available 15.30-16.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~30   2 min walk


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Details will be provided soon.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

details coming soon
We have reserved a small number of rooms at New Hall College (a short walk from the IoA). These are at UKP 64.50/night/ single room with breakfast and are ensuite. (Twin rooms are en suite and UKP 97.50/night). If you wish to reserve one please could you do this by emailing Judith Moss (jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), giving your arrival/departure dates and any special requirements/dietary considerations.

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 52007-07-02 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

These pages are rapidly evolving so please re-check them for updated agendas etc


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. Th emeeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00- LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups Welcome+Logistics
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  16.00   CLOSE  


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}%
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Astro-RG IG   InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}%

Coffee is available 11.00-11.30 outside the Lecture Theatre

Lunch is available 13.00-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea is available 15.30-16.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~30   2 min walk


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

<-- Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.  -->
Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.

List of Registered Attendees - gives current list of people signed up to come.


List of Registered Attendees

InterOpSep2007Attendees gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Details will be provided soon.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

details coming soon

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 29 Jun 2007
-- NicholasWalton - 2 Jul 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 42007-06-29 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

These pages are rapidly evolving so please re-check them for updated agendas etc


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings.
The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings. The meeting directly follows the ADASS meeting being held in London 23-26 Sep 2007 - see the ADASS page at http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/
  Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. Th emeeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00- LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups Welcome+Logistics
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  16.00   CLOSE  


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}%
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Astro-RG IG   InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}%

Coffee is available 11.00-11.30 outside the Lecture Theatre

Lunch is available 13.00-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea is available 15.30-16.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~30   2 min walk


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html

Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

<-- Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.  -->

List of Registered Attendees - gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Details will be provided soon.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

details coming soon

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 29 Jun 2007


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 32007-06-29 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK

These pages are rapidly evolving so please re-check them for updated agendas etc


This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.

The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings.

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. Th emeeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00- LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups Welcome+Logistics
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  16.00   CLOSE  


The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton, Marie-Lise Dubernet, Severin Gaudet
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}%
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Data Models Main. InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Data Models MireilleLouys InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Astro-RG IG Main. InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Astro-RG IG   InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}%

Coffee is available 11.00-11.30 outside the Lecture Theatre

Lunch is available 13.00-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

Tea is available 15.30-16.00 outside the Lecture Theatre

abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~30   2 min walk




So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html
So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html
  Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

<-- Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.  -->

List of Registered Attendees - gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Details will be provided soon.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge




It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.
It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.
  Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

details coming soon

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 29 Jun 2007
-- NicholasWalton - 29 Jun 2007

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1183120725" name="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" path="ivoa-interop-logo_small.jpg" size="27263" user="NicholasWalton" version="1.1"

Revision 22007-06-29 - NicholasWalton

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

IVOA Interoperability meeting

27−28 Sep, 2007: Cambridge, UK


IVOA Interoperability September 2007

27-28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK



Meeting Web site

These pages are rapidly evolving so please re-check them for updated agendas etc





Location Notes

This meeting is aimed at making significant progress in generating new standards powering the development of the world wide Virtual Observatory initiatives.
The meeting will take place in and around the IoA, Cambridge, utilising meeting rooms in the Hoyle and Observatory buildings.

Please note: leads of the Work Groups are responsible for organizing the presentations and discussions in their sessions. Each WG lead should appoint someone as secretary to take notes during their session.


Here is the current draft programme. Th emeeting will begin at 10.00 on the Thurs and close at 16.00 on the Friday.

Date Time Place Activity Comments
Thu 27 Sep 2007 10.00- LT Plenary session: charge to the working groups Welcome+Logistics
Fri 28 Sep 2007 09.00-      
  16.00   CLOSE  



The organisers for the meeting and the contents of each of the working group activities are listed below.
Committee (link to IVOA page) Chair People
Programme Committee   NicholasWalton
Local Organising Committee   NicholasWalton
Session Chair Session Agenda & Materials
Plenary Presentations   InterOpSep2007Plenary %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Applications WG MarkAllen InterOpSep2007Applications %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Registry RayPlante InterOpSep2007ResReg %ISNEW{days="7"}%
UCDs AndreaPreiteMartinez InterOpSep2007UCD %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Data Models Main. InterOpSep2007DataModel %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOQL PedroOsuna InterOpSep2007VOQL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
DAL KeithNoddle InterOpSep2007DAL %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOTable FrancoisOchsenbein InterOpSep2007VOTable %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Grid&Web Services MatthewGraham InterOpSep2007GridAndWebServices %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Theory IG GerardLemson InterOpSep2007Theory %ISNEW{days="7"}%
VOEvent RoyWilliams InterOpSep2007VOEvent %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Astro-RG IG Main. InterOpSep2007Astro-RG %ISNEW{days="7"}%
Curation and Preservation IG BobHanisch InterOpSep2007CP %ISNEW{days="7"}%


Coffee is available 11.00-11.30 outside the Lecture Theatre


Lunch is available 13.00-14.00 outside the Lecture Theatre
Tea is available 15.30-16.00 outside the Lecture Theatre
abbreviation room capacity internet? and type comments
LT: Sackler Lecture Theatre (in Hoyle Building) ~120 Wireless  
HC: Hoyle Committee Room (in Hoyle Building) ~30 Wireless  
OR: Observatory Meeting Room (in Observatory Building) ~20 UTP  
ES: Earth Science Meeting Room (in Earth Sciences) ~30   2 min walk


So that we can keep track of numbers could you please register at http://astrogrid.ast.cam.ac.uk/ivoa-ws-sep-2007/regform.html
Registration closes Thursday 6 September 2007

There will be no registration charge.

<-- Lunch will be provided on each day as will tea and coffee at the morning/afternoon breaks.  -->

List of Registered Attendees - gives current list of people signed up to come.

Meeting Equipment

Full details will be provided here. But it is anticipated that wireless networking will be available in most or all of the meeting rooms. Digital projectors and OHPs will be provided, together with items such as flip charts.

Workshop Dinner

Details will be provided soon.

Travel and Weather

Information as to how to get to the IoA can be found at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/ and http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/contact/map/gettinghere.html

The latest weather forecast for Cambridge from the BBC Weather Office

Tourist Information and What's On in Cambridge



It would be good if you could arrange your own accomodation if needed for this meeting. The Cambridge tourist office has an extensive accommodation page. Cambridge hotels are also listed - the Cambridge Lodge Hotel is the closest to the IoA - a 10 minute walk.

Further information and a booking facility can be found at http://www.a1tourism.com/uk/cambridge.html

The University of Cambridge have preferential rates at The Arundel, The Cambridge Lodge, De Vere University Arms, and the Royal Cambridge Hotel. When booking please mention that you are visiting the University of Cambridge. The discounts offered seem to vary depending on how busy the hotel in question is at the time.

University Accommodation

details coming soon

Acommodation queries.

If you have problems with booking accommodation for this meeting or obtaining the preferential rates, please could you let Judith Moss know (mailto:jm@ast.cam.ac.uk), she maybe able to help.

-- NicholasWalton - 29 Jun 2007

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