Difference: ProvDayJanuary2017 (1 vs. 14)

Revision 142018-01-17 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance meeting in Potsdam, Germany, 2018 January 18th to January 19th

This page has moved to ProvDayJanuary2018.
supported by OV-France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project


hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)


Name Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Kristin Riebe AIP 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Mireille Louys CDS/ICube Strasbourg 2018-01-18, 9:00 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Mathieu Servillat LUTH - CNRS/ObsParis/PSL 2018-01-18, 12:00 pm 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM - CNRS 2018-01-17, 7:00 pm 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Francois Bonnarel CDS/ObAS 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Markus Nullmeier ARI 2018-01-17, 7:30 pm 2018-01-19, 2:00 pm
Ole Streicher AIP 2018-01-18, 9:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Anastasia Galkin AIP 2018-01-18, 9:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm

insert your name here...


Leibniz-Insitute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany How to get there

We'll start our meeting in Schwarzschildhaus, seminar room at the ground floor. This is the building on the left side with the long roof. There's also a sign "Empfang" pointing there. Enter the buildung, walk straight ahead, turn left after the coffee machine. The room straight ahead is the seminar room. We may later switch to another room if there are WLAN troubles.

The bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.

If you arrive by plane in Berlin, you can buy a Berlin ABC ticket (3.40 Euro single trip). This covers the Potsdam public transport as well. Check out the best connection via http://www.bahn.de or https://www.vbb.de/en/index.html.

We plan to have dinner at an Indian restaurant in Babelsberg at 7 pm on Thursday: http://restaurant-sagar.de/

Lunch is available at our small cantine, open from 11:30 - 14:00. They serve three different dishes each day for < 5 Euros. On Friday, we could also order Pizza, e.g. from Smileys. Their current lunch offer is here: Lunch offers (not in English, but with pictures! :-))

I'll provide some cookies for our breaks.

Meeting Agenda

Thursday, 18th January 2018
Time Speaker Title Presentation file
on arrival at AIP   Let's meet in the seminar room, have a chat, check the internet connection etc. whenever you arrive  
10:30   Coffee break
(Kristin needs to join another meeting for ~ 15 min)
12:00   Lunch break  
13:00 Kristin IVOA Provenance - Current status  
  Mireille Different levels of metadata (core, workflow, dataflow)  
  Francois, Mireille ProvTAP status  
18:30   Closing  
19:00   Dinner at Restaurant Sagar, Babelsberg  
Friday, 19th January 2018
Time Speaker Title Presentation file
16:00   Closing words  

Topics to discuss / suggestions

  • Remaining Discussion points and TODOs from http://wiki.ivoa.net/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel
  • review comments received on the dm list since Kristin issued the document
  • review/clarify the minutes of splinter meeting at ADASS. ( I have uploaded a corrected version on the wiki page)
  • define how to build a hierarchy of the metadata we want.
    Usually we have the terms MUST, SHOULD, MAY to define the standard description, but here we need to define different
    levels of description of the Provenance INFO, because some projects will want it to be compact and simple, and some
    others would like to be fully detailed, and the intermediate cases may also happen.
    Could we try to define 2 or 3 levels of templates for serialising the model?
  • Data Access Layer: What to keep in the current DM document and what to describe in a DAL document
    • TAP implementation status (Francois, Mireille)
  • Status of reference implementations

Useful links:

Add useful links here

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" attr="" comment="Minutes of splintermeeting @ ADASS meeting Oct 2017" date="1515531230" name="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" path="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" size="4052" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 132018-01-17 - AnastasiaGalkin

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance meeting in Potsdam, Germany, 2018 January 18th to January 19th

supported by OV-France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project


hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)


Name Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Kristin Riebe AIP 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Mireille Louys CDS/ICube Strasbourg 2018-01-18, 9:00 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Mathieu Servillat LUTH - CNRS/ObsParis/PSL 2018-01-18, 12:00 pm 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM - CNRS 2018-01-17, 7:00 pm 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Francois Bonnarel CDS/ObAS 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Markus Nullmeier ARI 2018-01-17, 7:30 pm 2018-01-19, 2:00 pm
Ole Streicher AIP 2018-01-18, 9:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Anastasia Galkin AIP 2018-01-18, 9:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
  insert your name here...


Leibniz-Insitute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany How to get there

We'll start our meeting in Schwarzschildhaus, seminar room at the ground floor. This is the building on the left side with the long roof. There's also a sign "Empfang" pointing there. Enter the buildung, walk straight ahead, turn left after the coffee machine. The room straight ahead is the seminar room. We may later switch to another room if there are WLAN troubles.

The bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.

If you arrive by plane in Berlin, you can buy a Berlin ABC ticket (3.40 Euro single trip). This covers the Potsdam public transport as well. Check out the best connection via http://www.bahn.de or https://www.vbb.de/en/index.html.

We plan to have dinner at an Indian restaurant in Babelsberg at 7 pm on Thursday: http://restaurant-sagar.de/

Lunch is available at our small cantine, open from 11:30 - 14:00. They serve three different dishes each day for < 5 Euros. On Friday, we could also order Pizza, e.g. from Smileys. Their current lunch offer is here: Lunch offers (not in English, but with pictures! :-))

I'll provide some cookies for our breaks.

Meeting Agenda

Thursday, 18th January 2018
Time Speaker Title Presentation file
on arrival at AIP   Let's meet in the seminar room, have a chat, check the internet connection etc. whenever you arrive  
10:30   Coffee break
(Kristin needs to join another meeting for ~ 15 min)
12:00   Lunch break  
13:00 Kristin IVOA Provenance - Current status  
  Mireille Different levels of metadata (core, workflow, dataflow)  
  Francois, Mireille ProvTAP status  
18:30   Closing  
19:00   Dinner at Restaurant Sagar, Babelsberg  
Friday, 19th January 2018
Time Speaker Title Presentation file
16:00   Closing words  

Topics to discuss / suggestions

  • Remaining Discussion points and TODOs from http://wiki.ivoa.net/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel
  • review comments received on the dm list since Kristin issued the document
  • review/clarify the minutes of splinter meeting at ADASS. ( I have uploaded a corrected version on the wiki page)
  • define how to build a hierarchy of the metadata we want.
    Usually we have the terms MUST, SHOULD, MAY to define the standard description, but here we need to define different
    levels of description of the Provenance INFO, because some projects will want it to be compact and simple, and some
    others would like to be fully detailed, and the intermediate cases may also happen.
    Could we try to define 2 or 3 levels of templates for serialising the model?
  • Data Access Layer: What to keep in the current DM document and what to describe in a DAL document
    • TAP implementation status (Francois, Mireille)
  • Status of reference implementations

Useful links:

Add useful links here

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" attr="" comment="Minutes of splintermeeting @ ADASS meeting Oct 2017" date="1515531230" name="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" path="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" size="4052" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 122018-01-16 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance meeting in Potsdam, Germany, 2018 January 18th to January 19th

supported by OV-France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project


hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)


Name Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Kristin Riebe AIP 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Mireille Louys CDS/ICube Strasbourg 2018-01-18, 9:00 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Mathieu Servillat LUTH - CNRS/ObsParis/PSL 2018-01-18, 12:00 pm 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM - CNRS 2018-01-17, 7:00 pm 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Francois Bonnarel CDS/ObAS 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Markus Nullmeier ARI 2018-01-17, 7:30 pm 2018-01-19, 2:00 pm
Ole Streicher AIP 2018-01-18, 9:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm

insert your name here...


Leibniz-Insitute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany How to get there

We'll start our meeting in Schwarzschildhaus, seminar room at the ground floor. This is the building on the left side with the long roof. There's also a sign "Empfang" pointing there. Enter the buildung, walk straight ahead, turn left after the coffee machine. The room straight ahead is the seminar room. We may later switch to another room if there are WLAN troubles.

The bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.

If you arrive by plane in Berlin, you can buy a Berlin ABC ticket (3.40 Euro single trip). This covers the Potsdam public transport as well. Check out the best connection via http://www.bahn.de or https://www.vbb.de/en/index.html.

We plan to have dinner at an Indian restaurant in Babelsberg at 7 pm on Thursday: http://restaurant-sagar.de/

Lunch is available at our small cantine, open from 11:30 - 14:00. They serve three different dishes each day for < 5 Euros. On Friday, we could also order Pizza, e.g. from Smileys. Their current lunch offer is here: Lunch offers (not in English, but with pictures! :-))

I'll provide some cookies for our breaks.

Meeting Agenda

Thursday, 18th January 2018
Time Speaker Title Presentation file
on arrival at AIP   Let's meet in the seminar room, have a chat, check the internet connection etc. whenever you arrive  
10:30   Coffee break
(Kristin needs to join another meeting for ~ 15 min)
12:00   Lunch break  
13:00 Kristin IVOA Provenance - Current status  
  Mireille Different levels of metadata (core, workflow, dataflow)  
  Francois, Mireille ProvTAP status  
18:30   Closing  
19:00   Dinner at Restaurant Sagar, Babelsberg  
Friday, 19th January 2018
Time Speaker Title Presentation file
16:00   Closing words  

Topics to discuss / suggestions

  • Remaining Discussion points and TODOs from http://wiki.ivoa.net/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel
  • review comments received on the dm list since Kristin issued the document
  • review/clarify the minutes of splinter meeting at ADASS. ( I have uploaded a corrected version on the wiki page)
  • define how to build a hierarchy of the metadata we want.
    Usually we have the terms MUST, SHOULD, MAY to define the standard description, but here we need to define different
    levels of description of the Provenance INFO, because some projects will want it to be compact and simple, and some
    others would like to be fully detailed, and the intermediate cases may also happen.
    Could we try to define 2 or 3 levels of templates for serialising the model?
  • Data Access Layer: What to keep in the current DM document and what to describe in a DAL document
    • TAP implementation status (Francois, Mireille)
  • Status of reference implementations

Useful links:

Add useful links here

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" attr="" comment="Minutes of splintermeeting @ ADASS meeting Oct 2017" date="1515531230" name="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" path="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" size="4052" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 112018-01-16 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance meeting in Potsdam, Germany, 2018 January 18th to January 19th

supported by OV-France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project


hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)


Name Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Kristin Riebe AIP 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Mireille Louys CDS/ICube Strasbourg 2018-01-18, 9:00 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Mathieu Servillat LUTH - CNRS/ObsParis/PSL 2018-01-18, 12:00 pm 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM - CNRS 2018-01-17, 7:00 pm 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Francois Bonnarel CDS/ObAS 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Markus Nullmeier ARI 2018-01-17, 7:30 pm 2018-01-19, 2:00 pm
Ole Streicher AIP 2018-01-18, 9:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm

insert your name here...


Leibniz-Insitute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany How to get there

We'll probably meet in Leibnizhaus, seminar room at the top floor (go upstairs, turn right). The building is locked from the outside; if the door is not open, please call me (ask for my phone number by mail) or go to the reception in Scharzschildhaus and tell them to call me or the seminar room, There's a coffee machine and a sofa at Schwarzschildhaus, so you can make yourself comfortable while waiting. smile
We'll start our meeting in Schwarzschildhaus, seminar room at the ground floor. This is the building on the left side with the long roof. There's also a sign "Empfang" pointing there. Enter the buildung, walk straight ahead, turn left after the coffee machine. The room straight ahead is the seminar room. We may later switch to another room if there are WLAN troubles.
Bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.
The bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.
If you arrive by plane in Berlin, you can buy a Berlin ABC ticket (3.40 Euro single trip). This covers the Potsdam public transport as well. Check out the best connection via http://www.bahn.de or https://www.vbb.de/en/index.html.
 We plan to have dinner at an Indian restaurant in Babelsberg at 7 pm on Thursday: http://restaurant-sagar.de/
Lunch is available at our small cantine, open from 11:30 - 14:00. They serve three different dishes each day for < 5 Euros. On Friday, we could also order Pizza, e.g. from Smileys. Their current lunch offer is here: Lunch offers (not in English, but with pictures! :-))

I'll provide some cookies for our breaks.


Meeting Agenda

Time Speaker Title Presentation file

Topics to discuss / suggestions

  • Remaining Discussion points and TODOs from http://wiki.ivoa.net/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel
  • review comments received on the dm list since Kristin issued the document
  • review/clarify the minutes of splinter meeting at ADASS. ( I have uploaded a corrected version on the wiki page)
  • define how to build a hierarchy of the metadata we want.
    Usually we have the terms MUST, SHOULD, MAY to define the standard description, but here we need to define different
    levels of description of the Provenance INFO, because some projects will want it to be compact and simple, and some
    others would like to be fully detailed, and the intermediate cases may also happen.
    Could we try to define 2 or 3 levels of templates for serialising the model?
  • Data Access Layer: What to keep in the current DM document and what to describe in a DAL document
    • TAP implementation status (Francois, Mireille)
  • Status of reference implementations

Useful links:

Add useful links here

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" attr="" comment="Minutes of splintermeeting @ ADASS meeting Oct 2017" date="1515531230" name="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" path="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" size="4052" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 102018-01-12 - OleStreicher

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance meeting in Potsdam, Germany, 2018 January 18th to January 19th

supported by OV-France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project


hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)


Name Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Kristin Riebe AIP 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Mireille Louys CDS/ICube Strasbourg 2018-01-18, 9:00 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Mathieu Servillat LUTH - CNRS/ObsParis/PSL 2018-01-18, 12:00 pm 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM - CNRS 2018-01-17, 7:00 pm 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Francois Bonnarel CDS/ObAS 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Markus Nullmeier ARI 2018-01-17, 7:30 pm 2018-01-19, 2:00 pm
Ole Streicher AIP 2018-01-18, 9:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm

insert your name here...


Leibniz-Insitute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany How to get there

We'll probably meet in Leibnizhaus, seminar room at the top floor (go upstairs, turn right). The building is locked from the outside; if the door is not open, please call me (ask for my phone number by mail) or go to the reception in Scharzschildhaus and tell them to call me or the seminar room, There's a coffee machine and a sofa at Schwarzschildhaus, so you can make yourself comfortable while waiting. smile

Bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.

We plan to have dinner at an Indian restaurant in Babelsberg at 7 pm on Thursday: http://restaurant-sagar.de/

Meeting Agenda

Time Speaker Title Presentation file

Topics to discuss / suggestions

  • Remaining Discussion points and TODOs from http://wiki.ivoa.net/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel
  • review comments received on the dm list since Kristin issued the document
  • review/clarify the minutes of splinter meeting at ADASS. ( I have uploaded a corrected version on the wiki page)
  • define how to build a hierarchy of the metadata we want.
    Usually we have the terms MUST, SHOULD, MAY to define the standard description, but here we need to define different
    levels of description of the Provenance INFO, because some projects will want it to be compact and simple, and some
    others would like to be fully detailed, and the intermediate cases may also happen.
    Could we try to define 2 or 3 levels of templates for serialising the model?
  • Data Access Layer: What to keep in the current DM document and what to describe in a DAL document
    • TAP implementation status (Francois, Mireille)
  • Status of reference implementations

Useful links:

Add useful links here

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" attr="" comment="Minutes of splintermeeting @ ADASS meeting Oct 2017" date="1515531230" name="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" path="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" size="4052" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 92018-01-11 - MarkusNullmeier

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance meeting in Potsdam, Germany, 2018 January 18th to January 19th

supported by OV-France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project


hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)


Name Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Kristin Riebe AIP 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Mireille Louys CDS/ICube Strasbourg 2018-01-18, 9:00 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Mathieu Servillat LUTH - CNRS/ObsParis/PSL 2018-01-18, 12:00 pm 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM - CNRS 2018-01-17, 7:00 pm 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Francois Bonnarel CDS/ObAS 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Francois Bonnarel CDS/ObAS 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Markus Nullmeier ARI 2018-01-17, 7:30 pm 2018-01-19, 2:00 pm

insert your name here...


Leibniz-Insitute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany How to get there

We'll probably meet in Leibnizhaus, seminar room at the top floor (go upstairs, turn right). The building is locked from the outside; if the door is not open, please call me (ask for my phone number by mail) or go to the reception in Scharzschildhaus and tell them to call me or the seminar room, There's a coffee machine and a sofa at Schwarzschildhaus, so you can make yourself comfortable while waiting. smile

Bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.

We plan to have dinner at an Indian restaurant in Babelsberg at 7 pm on Thursday: http://restaurant-sagar.de/

Meeting Agenda

Time Speaker Title Presentation file

Topics to discuss / suggestions

  • Remaining Discussion points and TODOs from http://wiki.ivoa.net/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel
  • review comments received on the dm list since Kristin issued the document
  • review/clarify the minutes of splinter meeting at ADASS. ( I have uploaded a corrected version on the wiki page)
  • define how to build a hierarchy of the metadata we want.
    Usually we have the terms MUST, SHOULD, MAY to define the standard description, but here we need to define different
    levels of description of the Provenance INFO, because some projects will want it to be compact and simple, and some
    others would like to be fully detailed, and the intermediate cases may also happen.
    Could we try to define 2 or 3 levels of templates for serialising the model?
  • Data Access Layer: What to keep in the current DM document and what to describe in a DAL document
    • TAP implementation status (Francois, Mireille)
  • Status of reference implementations

Useful links:

Add useful links here

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" attr="" comment="Minutes of splintermeeting @ ADASS meeting Oct 2017" date="1515531230" name="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" path="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" size="4052" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 82018-01-11 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance meeting in Potsdam, Germany, 2018 January 18th to January 19th

supported by OV-France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project


hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)


Name Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Kristin Riebe AIP 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Mireille Louys CDS/ICube Strasbourg 2018-01-18, 9:00 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Mathieu Servillat LUTH - CNRS/ObsParis/PSL 2018-01-18, 12:00 pm 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM - CNRS 2018-01-17, 7:00 pm 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Francois Bonnarel CDS/ObAS 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm

insert your name here...


Leibniz-Insitute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany How to get there

We'll probably meet in Leibnizhaus, seminar room at the top floor (go upstairs, turn right). The building is locked from the outside; if the door is not open, please call me (ask for my phone number by mail) or go to the reception in Scharzschildhaus and tell them to call me or the seminar room, There's a coffee machine and a sofa at Schwarzschildhaus, so you can make yourself comfortable while waiting. smile

Bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.

We plan to have dinner at an Indian restaurant in Babelsberg at 7 pm on Thursday: http://restaurant-sagar.de/

Meeting Agenda

Time Speaker Title Presentation file

Topics to discuss / suggestions

  • Remaining Discussion points and TODOs from http://wiki.ivoa.net/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel
  • review comments received on the dm list since Kristin issued the document
  • review/clarify the minutes of splinter meeting at ADASS. ( I have uploaded a corrected version on the wiki page)
  • define how to build a hierarchy of the metadata we want.
    Usually we have the terms MUST, SHOULD, MAY to define the standard description, but here we need to define different
    levels of description of the Provenance INFO, because some projects will want it to be compact and simple, and some
    others would like to be fully detailed, and the intermediate cases may also happen.
    Could we try to define 2 or 3 levels of templates for serialising the model?
  • Data Access Layer: What to keep in the current DM document and what to describe in a DAL document
    • TAP implementation status (Francois, Mireille)
  • Status of reference implementations

Useful links:

Add useful links here

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" attr="" comment="Minutes of splintermeeting @ ADASS meeting Oct 2017" date="1515531230" name="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" path="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" size="4052" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 72018-01-10 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance meeting in Potsdam, Germany, 2018 January 18th to January 19th

supported by OV-France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project


hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)


Name Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Kristin Riebe AIP 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Mireille Louys CDS/ICube Strasbourg 2018-01-18, 9:00 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Mathieu Servillat LUTH - CNRS/ObsParis/PSL 2018-01-18, 12:00 pm 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM - CNRS 2018-01-17, 7:00 pm 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm

insert your name here...


Leibniz-Insitute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany How to get there

We'll probably meet in Leibnizhaus, seminar room at the top floor (go upstairs, turn right). The building is locked from the outside; if the door is not open, please call me (ask for my phone number by mail) or go to the reception in Scharzschildhaus and tell them to call me or the seminar room, There's a coffee machine and a sofa at Schwarzschildhaus, so you can make yourself comfortable while waiting. smile

Bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.

We plan to have dinner at an Indian restaurant in Babelsberg at 7 pm on Thursday: http://restaurant-sagar.de/

Meeting Agenda

Time Speaker Title Presentation file

Topics to discuss / suggestions

  • Remaining Discussion points and TODOs from http://wiki.ivoa.net/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel
  • review comments received on the dm list since Kristin issued the document
  • review/clarify the minutes of splinter meeting at ADASS. ( I have uploaded a corrected version on the wiki page)
  • define how to build a hierarchy of the metadata we want.
    Usually we have the terms MUST, SHOULD, MAY to define the standard description, but here we need to define different
    levels of description of the Provenance INFO, because some projects will want it to be compact and simple, and some
    others would like to be fully detailed, and the intermediate cases may also happen.
    Could we try to define 2 or 3 levels of templates for serialising the model?
  • Data Access Layer: What to keep in the current DM document and what to describe in a DAL document
    • TAP implementation status (Francois, Mireille)
  • Status of reference implementations

Useful links:

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" attr="" comment="Minutes of splintermeeting @ ADASS meeting Oct 2017" date="1515531230" name="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" path="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" size="4052" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 62018-01-10 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance meeting in Potsdam, Germany, 2018 January 18th to January 19th

supported by OV-France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project


hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)


Name Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Kristin Riebe AIP 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Mireille Louys CDS/ICube Strasbourg 2018-01-18, 9:00 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Mathieu Servillat LUTH - CNRS/ObsParis/PSL 2018-01-18, 12:00 pm 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM - CNRS 2018-01-17, 7:00 pm 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm

insert your name here...


Leibniz-Insitute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany How to get there

We'll probably meet in Leibnizhaus, seminar room at the top floor (go upstairs, turn right). The building is locked from the outside; if the door is not open, please call me (ask for my phone number by mail) or go to the reception in Scharzschildhaus and tell them to call me or the seminar room, There's a coffee machine and a sofa at Schwarzschildhaus, so you can make yourself comfortable while waiting. smile

Bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.

Meeting Agenda

Time Speaker Title Presentation file

Topics to discuss / suggestions

Remaining Discussion points and TODOs from http://wiki.ivoa.net/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel

Please complete with your suggestions here

  • Remaining Discussion points and TODOs from http://wiki.ivoa.net/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel
  • review comments received on the dm list since Kristin issued the document
  • review/clarify the minutes of splinter meeting at ADASS. ( I have uploaded a corrected version on the wiki page)
  • define how to build a hierarchy of the metadata we want.
    Usually we have the terms MUST, SHOULD, MAY to define the standard description, but here we need to define different
    levels of description of the Provenance INFO, because some projects will want it to be compact and simple, and some
    others would like to be fully detailed, and the intermediate cases may also happen.
    Could we try to define 2 or 3 levels of templates for serialising the model?
  • Data Access Layer: What to keep in the current DM document and what to describe in a DAL document
    • TAP implementation status (Francois, Mireille)
  • Status of reference implementations

Useful links:

Add useful links here

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" attr="" comment="Minutes of splintermeeting @ ADASS meeting Oct 2017" date="1515531230" name="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" path="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" size="4052" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 52018-01-10 - MicheleSanguillon

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance meeting in Potsdam, Germany, 2018 January 18th to January 19th

supported by OV-France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project


hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)


Name Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Kristin Riebe AIP 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Mireille Louys CDS/ICube Strasbourg 2018-01-18, 9:00 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Mathieu Servillat LUTH - CNRS/ObsParis/PSL 2018-01-18, 12:00 pm 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM - CNRS 2018-01-17, 7:00 pm 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
  insert your name here...


Leibniz-Insitute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany How to get there

We'll probably meet in Leibnizhaus, seminar room at the top floor (go upstairs, turn right). The building is locked from the outside; if the door is not open, please call me (ask for my phone number by mail) or go to the reception in Scharzschildhaus and tell them to call me or the seminar room, There's a coffee machine and a sofa at Schwarzschildhaus, so you can make yourself comfortable while waiting. smile

Bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.

Meeting Agenda

Time Speaker Title Presentation file

Topics to discuss / suggestions

Remaining Discussion points and TODOs from http://wiki.ivoa.net/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel

Please complete with your suggestions here

Useful links:

Add useful links here

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" attr="" comment="Minutes of splintermeeting @ ADASS meeting Oct 2017" date="1515531230" name="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" path="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" size="4052" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 42018-01-09 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance meeting in Potsdam, Germany, 2018 January 18th to January 19th

supported by OV-France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project


hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)


Name Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Kristin Riebe AIP 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Mireille Louys CDS/ICube Strasbourg 2018-01-18, 9:00 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Mathieu Servillat LUTH - CNRS/ObsParis/PSL 2018-01-18, 12:00 pm 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm

insert your name here...


Leibniz-Insitute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany How to get there

We'll probably meet in Leibnizhaus, seminar room at the top floor (go upstairs, turn right). The building is locked from the outside; if the door is not open, please call me (ask for my phone number by mail) or go to the reception in Scharzschildhaus and tell them to call me or the seminar room, There's a coffee machine and a sofa at Schwarzschildhaus, so you can make yourself comfortable while waiting. smile

Bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.

Meeting Agenda

Time Speaker Title Presentation file

Topics to discuss / suggestions

Remaining Discussion points and TODOs from http://wiki.ivoa.net/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel

Please complete with your suggestions here

Useful links:

Add useful links here

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" attr="" comment="Minutes of splintermeeting @ ADASS meeting Oct 2017" date="1515531230" name="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" path="MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt" size="4052" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 32018-01-09 - MathieuServillat

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance meeting in Potsdam, Germany, 2018 January 18th to January 19th

supported by OV-France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project


hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)


Name Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Kristin Riebe AIP 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Mireille Louys CDS/ICube Strasbourg 2018-01-18, 9:00 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Mathieu Servillat LUTH - CNRS/ObsParis/PSL 2018-01-18, 12:00 pm 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm

insert your name here...


Leibniz-Insitute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany How to get there

We'll probably meet in Leibnizhaus, seminar room at the top floor (go upstairs, turn right). The building is locked from the outside; if the door is not open, please call me (ask for my phone number by mail) or go to the reception in Scharzschildhaus and tell them to call me or the seminar room, There's a coffee machine and a sofa at Schwarzschildhaus, so you can make yourself comfortable while waiting. smile

Bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.

Meeting Agenda

Time Speaker Title Presentation file

Topics to discuss / suggestions

Remaining Discussion points and TODOs from http://wiki.ivoa.net/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel

Please complete with your suggestions here

Useful links:

Add useful links here

Revision 22018-01-08 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance meeting in Potsdam, Germany, 2018 January 18th to January 19th

supported by OV-France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project


hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astropysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)
hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)
Name Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Kristin Riebe AIP 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Mireille Louys CDS/ICube Strasbourg 2018-01-18, 9:00 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm

insert your name here...


Leibniz-Insitute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany How to get there

We'll probably meet in Leibnizhaus, seminar room at the top floor (go upstairs, turn right). The building is locked from the outside; if the door is not open, please call me (ask for my phone number by mail) or go to the reception in Scharzschildhaus and tell them to call me or the seminar room, There's a coffee machine and a sofa at Schwarzschildhaus, so you can make yourself comfortable while waiting. smile

Bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.

Meeting Agenda

Time Speaker Title Presentation file

Topics to discuss / suggestions

Remaining Discussion points and TODOs from http://wiki.ivoa.net/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel

Please complete with your suggestions here

Useful links:

Add useful links here

Revision 12017-11-16 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance meeting in Potsdam, Germany, 2018 January 18th to January 19th

supported by OV-France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project


hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astropysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)


Name Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Kristin Riebe AIP 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm

insert your name here...


Leibniz-Insitute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany How to get there

We'll probably meet in Leibnizhaus, seminar room at the top floor (go upstairs, turn right). The building is locked from the outside; if the door is not open, please call me (ask for my phone number by mail) or go to the reception in Scharzschildhaus and tell them to call me or the seminar room, There's a coffee machine and a sofa at Schwarzschildhaus, so you can make yourself comfortable while waiting. smile

Bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.

Meeting Agenda

Time Speaker Title Presentation file

Topics to discuss / suggestions

Remaining Discussion points and TODOs from http://wiki.ivoa.net/bin/view/IVOA/ObservationProvenanceDataModel

Please complete with your suggestions here

Useful links:

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