Provenance meeting in Potsdam, Germany, 2018 January 18th to January 19th

supported by OV-France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project


hosted at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics, Potsdam, Germany ( AIP)


Name Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Kristin Riebe AIP 2018-01-18, 8:30 am 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm
Mireille Louys CDS/ICube Strasbourg 2018-01-18, 9:00 am 2018-01-19, 4:00 pm
Mathieu Servillat LUTH - CNRS/ObsParis/PSL 2018-01-18, 12:00 pm 2018-01-19, 5:00 pm

insert your name here...


Leibniz-Insitute for Astrophysics Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany How to get there

We'll probably meet in Leibnizhaus, seminar room at the top floor (go upstairs, turn right). The building is locked from the outside; if the door is not open, please call me (ask for my phone number by mail) or go to the reception in Scharzschildhaus and tell them to call me or the seminar room, There's a coffee machine and a sofa at Schwarzschildhaus, so you can make yourself comfortable while waiting. smile

Bus 694 arrives every 20 - 40 minutes, stop "Sternwarte" is directly at the campus.

Meeting Agenda

Time Speaker Title Presentation file

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Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Texttxt MinutesmeetingProvatADASS2017-10-26.txt r1 manage 4.0 K 2018-01-09 - 20:53 MireilleLouys Minutes of splintermeeting @ ADASS meeting Oct 2017
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Topic revision: r4 - 2018-01-09 - MireilleLouys
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