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---+ IVOA Roadmap for 2019B ---+ This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2019 between the Groningan and Sydney Interops. * [[2019BRoadmap#IVOA_Roadmap_for_2019B][IVOA Roadmap for 2019B]] * [[2019BRoadmap#Applications_WG][Applications WG]] * [[2019BRoadmap#Data_Access_Layer_WG][Data Access Layer WG]] * [[2019BRoadmap#Data_Model_WG][Data Model WG]] * [[2019BRoadmap#Grid_and_Web_Services_WG][Grid and Web Services WG]] * [[2019BRoadmap#Registry_WG][Registry WG]] * [[2019BRoadmap#Semantics_WG][Semantics WG]] * [[2019BRoadmap#Data_Curation_Preservation_IG][Data Curation & Preservation IG]] * [[2019BRoadmap#Education_IG][Education IG]] * [[2019BRoadmap#Knowledge_Discovery_IG][Knowledge Discovery IG]] * [[2019BRoadmap#Operations_IG][Operations IG]] * [[2019BRoadmap#Solar_System_IG][Solar System IG]] * [[2019BRoadmap#Theory_IG][Theory IG]] * [[2019BRoadmap#Time_Domain_IG][Time Domain IG]] * [[2019BRoadmap#Standard_and_Processes][Standard and Processes]] * [[2019BRoadmap#Science_Priorities][Science Priorities]] --- ---++ <a name="Applications_WG"></a><a name="apps"></a> [[IvoaApplications][Applications WG]] ---+++++ <a name="Standards"></a><strong>Standards</strong> * <span style="background-color: transparent;">VOTable 1.5: Move VOTable standards development to ivoadoc in github, and consider </span><a target="_blank" href="VOTableInfo#Future" title="VOTable future"><span style="background-color: transparent;">other possible changes</span></a><span style="background-color: transparent;">.</span> * MOC 2.0 (probably): Work towards standardizing Space-Time MOCs (twiki page TBD). ---+++++ <a name="Python"></a><strong>Python</strong> * Continue to engage with Astropy community * Support open development in <a target="_blank" href="" title="PyVO">PyVO</a> * Maintain <a target="_blank" href="">votable parsing</a> in Astropy core * Includes supporting VOTable 1.4 ---+++++ <a name="HiPS"></a><strong>HiPS</strong> * Continue to encourage HiPS providers to declare their services in the VO registry according to the <a target="_blank" href="" title="HiPS Standard">HiPS Standard</a>. * Discuss metadata and integration with other standards. ---++ <a name="Data_Access_Layer_WG"></a> [[IvoaDAL][Data Access Layer WG]] Ordered by rough priority/maturity level. Timelines sketched where possible. * ADQL-2.1 * last issues to close * PR & RFC by end 2019 * REC by/in Sydney (May 2020) * DALI-1.2 * start revision * should be aligned with ADQL-2.1 * ADQL "REGION" dependency on DALI * DataLink-1.1 * WD by end 2019/start 2020 * changes/feature roadmap assessment along the way * SLAP-2.0 * PR soon after Groningen Interop (Oct./Nov. 2019) * RFC by end 2019: pending 2nd implementation engagement * follow SSLDM-2.0 recmmendation track * ObsLocTAP & ObjVisSAP * WD in 1.0 by Sydney * ProvTAP * expected to progress as proper WD * ConeSearch-1.1 * restart revision * Time requirements addition * WD should appear by end 2019 or Q1 2020 TAPRegExt-1.0 is supposed to work properly on TAP-1.1 (recently REC), but will follow "caproles" evolution. SIAP-2.0, SODA-1.0 are still gathering feedback. ProvSAP seems currently idle. ---++ <a name="Data_Model_WG"></a> [[IvoaDataModel][Data Model WG]] ((2019A)) ---+++ <a name="Provenance"></a>Provenance * We hope to complete the process by the end of the Summer. * The PR process should be started before the end of July ---+++ <a name="Meas_Cood_Transf"></a>Meas/Cood/Transf * Ongoing discussions with Mark on the schedule. The process must speed up once Provenance is OK. * Models depending on [[STC]] are still pedning ---+++ <a name="PhotDM_VODML_Adaptation"></a><a rel="nofollow" href=";nowysiwyg=0" title="PhotDMv1-1 (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">PhotDMv1-1</a> [[VODML]] Adaptation * Working with JS and ML to complete the job before Grôningen ---+++ <a name="Source_DM"></a>Source DM * We are working on an note (DM+DAL+Apps) giving some precise guidelines for using a component based model ---+++ <a name="TimeSeries"></a> TimeSeries * see TDIG ---++ <a name="Grid_and_Web_Services_WG"></a> [[IvoaGridAndWebServices][Grid and Web Services WG]] Authentication and Authorization * New SSO version, Working draft by October 2019: * Describe approach for obtaining token credentials (SSO) * Describe approach for validating token credentials (SSO) * Define an IVOA "Realm" and how it determines the scope of services for which a token is applicable. (SSO) * Implement OAuth in TAP * Another Group Membership Service Working Draft with definition of User Identities (GMS 1.0) Science Platforms * Encouraged groups to use Kubernetes. Data centres will be running services as containers. Natural step to run user code in containers. Standards after more experience. * Encouraging remote executing prototypes with containers. What infrastructure and information did you need? What problems did you face? * Describe POSIX access to a platform. New VOResource Interface Type? * Encourage collaboration. Share knowledge, code and resources with similar institutes. Organic convergence. ---++ <a name="Registry_WG"></a> [[IvoaResReg][Registry WG]] Operations: * Validation project: Re-validate registries and bring remaining full/searchable registries to full validation compliance, given 2019A improvements to !RofR's validator * Validation project: at least one telecon with !RofR and registry operators/software maintainers for remaining work given 2019A !RofR changes * Explore methods for announcing server software in resources as done with user-agent information client-side * Support IVOA registry inclusion with EUDAT/EOSC/ESCAPE projects * Encourage takeup of altIdentifier information, especially DOIs, across publishing registries Standards: * Continue work on VODataService 1.2, especially regarding MOCs in the registry * Explore registration for HiPS nodes ---++ <a name="Semantics_WG"></a> [[IvoaSemantics][Semantics WG]] Since VOTable 1.4 is now REC, we will remove the preliminary status on the associated vocabularies (timescale and refpos) shortly after the Groningen Interop. We will make sure all Semantics standards are properly registered as we update the record of UCD maintenance. The first updated UCD list according to the new process should be ready for the next TCG meeting. As it is going to be published, we will have to figure out how to represent the current UCD list in the document repository, somehow clearly indicating that people should no longer consult the REC. The work on Vocabularies in the VO 2 will go on. Soon after Groningen, we will try to run the first one or two VEPs and see how discussions will go. Provided the process proves workable, we might go for PR with Vocabularies in the VO 2.0 after Sydney. One vocabulary that might need to be discussed outside of any current standard is one of astronomical object types, usable in SSA's and Obscore's target_class and at the same time on Simbad and SimDB and ideally as synchronised with UAT as possible. We will try to engage the interested communities in such work. ---++ <a name="Data_Curation_Preservation_IG"></a> [[IvoaDCP][Data Curation & Preservation IG]] * DOI Survey to continue * DOI Note draft to publish before Groningen and to discuss during the DCP session ---++ <a name="Education_IG"></a> [[IvoaEducation][Education IG]] ---++ <a name="Knowledge_Discovery_IG"></a><a rel="nofollow" href=";nowysiwyg=0" title="Knowledge Discovery IG (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">Knowledge Discovery IG</a> ((2019A)) ---++ <a name="Operations_IG"></a> [[IvoaOps][Operations IG]] * Service monitoring: * [[][PADC]], [[][Euro-VO]] to continue bulk validation/monitoring, present weather reports at next Interop * Follow up common/persistent validation failures reported in Groningen: PADC/Euro-VO to contact offending services in some cases, consider whether Errata/changes are required to standards * Validator curation: * Monitor availability of validator software for existing and new standards and versions (IvoaValidatorsSummary) * Identifying Server Software: * Experiment with HTTP headers to allow clients to identify VO software stack * Keep an eye on Science Platform operational issues * Provide a forum for discussion of operational issues at and between interops ---++ <a name="Solar_System_IG"></a> [[IvoaSS][Solar System IG]] * Draft EPNcore / EPN-TAP version (with DAL?) * List of reference frame / coordinate systems (with Semantics) ---++ <a name="Theory_IG"></a> [[IvoaTheory][Theory IG]] * Want to create <a rel="nofollow" href=";nowysiwyg=0" title="SimDM (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">SimDM</a> 1.1: port to VO-DML (basically done) and fix vocabulary links. * Discussion about maintenance of semantic vocabularies used in <a rel="nofollow" href=";nowysiwyg=0" title="SimDM (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">SimDM</a>. Some can be shared (say astroobjects), but we should be able to create some just for theory. It will take too long to push through long acceptance process. * How SimDAL services can be registered in the Registry? * Any application able to use a SimDAL service? ---++ <a name="Time_Domain"></a><a rel="nofollow" href=";nowysiwyg=0" title="Time Domain (this topic does not yet exist; you can create it)">Time Domain</a> * TimeSeriesDM Worked on a Note based on ZTF and Gaia data examples * [[TimeSeries2020][]] * Next steps: send email to TDIG, migrate to the IVOA GitHub repo * Aim: WD by May * ST-MOC next steps: * Work towards standard. There should be a draft in May. P. Fernique working on that. * Create library in python and add to mocpy. (done) * VO registry coverage by STMOC? Work with registry for that. Still to be done * Extension of Cone Search: * Worked on some parts of the text to add an interval of time as a search parameter * Need to figure things out on <span style="background-color: transparent;">GitHub</span> * VOEvent: * Updates by SSIG will lead to VOEvent2.1 ---++ <a name="Standard_and_Processes"></a> [[IvoaStdsDocsProc][Standard and Processes]] ---++ <a name="Science_Priorities"></a> [[IvoaSciencePriorities][Science Priorities]] <a name="topic-actions"></a> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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Topic revision: r14 - 2021-04-13
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