Characterisation Data Model RFC

This document will act as RFC centre for the Characterisation Data Model 1.11 Proposed Recommendation.

Review period: 01 Jun 2007 to 4 Jul 2007

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  • Sample comment (by BrunoRino): ...
    • Response (by authorname): ...

Hello, instead of having many collections of Properties for each instance of Characterisation (like Resolution, SamplingPrecision etc..) one for each axis as shown in Figure 4, why don't you have only one collection of a CharacterisationAxis class which itself would contains the properties for this axis? I think it would make the design clearer. It is also convenient because to each CharacterisationAxis instance can be associated a single coordinate frame which also apply to each property.

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Topic revision: r4 - 2007-06-19 - FabienChereau
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