TWiki> IVOA Web>WebPreferences>DALFuture (revision 1)EditAttach

The following pages are there to gather opinions, feedbacks and proposals for DAL future (see . The underlying question is what are the main evolutions of the DAL protocols in a near future (SIA, SODA, TAP, ADQL, DataLink, etc...). The main drivers are:

1 ) CSP priorities : what is achieved and what is not achieved.

2 ) Feedback from implementation of recently recommended protocols (SIA, DataLink, SODA, TAP new version)

3 ) Multidimensional data access roadmap as established in october 2013 in Hawaï (fall interop + ADASS).

Properties to consider : DataType, Functionalities, Software Design, Position in IVOA landscape (see

* Data Type

Add Time Domain (HIGHEST Scientific priority: see )

- use cases

- ideas for solutions

- attempts and prototypes reports

* Functionalities

- Feedback : what is missing/inadequate in current protocols

- Extended metadata (for Cubes and Time Domain)

- Extended server side data services (regridding, deconvolution , etc..)

* Software Design

- Interface design

Feedback on current interfaces

Driving extended functionalities

Standard definition of custom services

- Pushing code to the data :

science cases,

attempts and prototypes

- Formats and Languages :

Json, PQL, PDL, etc...

What to use next ?

* TAP evolution

from relational databases to ...

relaxing ADQL ?

* Position in IVOA landscape

- Merging DAL protocols, HiPS and MOC

HiPS is also a discovery and access mode: How to marry service approach and HipS Approach in both ways ?

Querying services by MOC : is that necessary ?

- Data Models

ObsCore, DataSet Metadata, ND-Cube, SparseCube , STC ??

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Topic revision: r1 - 2017-02-15 - FrancoisBonnarel
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