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---+ Summary from Shanghai DAL/DM/TDIG session: --- <br />%TOC% --- ---++ [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/InterOpMay2017-TD/TD_Cube.pdf][ NDCube Time domain application (M. Cresitello-Dittmar) ]] * Models: * Coordinates: coo, frame, systems * Measurements: measure values + errors * DatasetMetadata: provides high level data description and supports access & discovery * Cube * Example Serialisation: * real-world datasets * [[][example files]] * validated against schema * validation against model spec in progress * Time Series in Cube * Note delivered to DM (Feb 2017): high level of correlation with cube model, productive discussion * Concerns fit into 2 categories: * modeling (concepts not properly related) * annotation (not meeting user expectations) * Model changes: * added concept of _dependent_ to DataAxis * strict relation of Dataset/Cube loosened * TimeSeries of spectra —> abstracting DataAxis tree * Requirements added: “model agnostic clients should be able to find basic element with minimal specialised knowledge” * Moved coords/meas from pattern model to realised base model ---++ [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/InterOpMay2017-TD/MMolinaro_TS_ShanghaiTDDALDM.pdf][Time Series use cases at INAF (M. Molinaro)]] * Two science cases * GAPS Exoplanets: radial velocity series, plus other type of data * Dataset and content description * Simple use case: * datasets discovery: date, rv & delta_rv, CCF param, stellar activity indexes. * access/retrieve time series: including all instrumental details and host star characteristics. * link points to original / reduced spectra * TSRS Space Weather: polarimetric fluxes * Dataset metadata and content description * Simple use case: * Search by observation date/time * Retrieve/cut available data * Probably not issue at model / serialisation level. * Discovery and access to check. ---++ [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/InterOpMay2017-TD/TimeSeriesSVO.pdf][Time Series and the VO (M. Alacid & E. Solano):]] * Data Access: * SSAP: SSA is capable of describing most tabular spectrophotometric data, including time series and spectral energy distributions (SEDs) as well as 1-D spectra. * According to the SSAP Protocol, the Dataset.Type value must be “Spectrum” * Data Model: * Spectral DM: Metadata information: position, time frame, flux, spectral frame, DataID and Curation, data serialisation as FITS. CoRoT light curves described with the Spectral Data Model can be managed with VO tools like SPLAT. * Time Series Cube Data Model: For our case (simple LCs) this new data model does not bring any improvement. * Data Discovery * Time Series cannot be discovered at Registry level. * Time Series could be discovered using ObsCore / TAP. * The discovery of SSAP Time Series services has to be a must. DataType = TimeSeries * TOPCAT: But Datatype is not included in the Match Fields options of TOPCAT. * Splat-VO does not have Time Series option * Conclusions: it is necessary to fix the problems related to * data discovery (registry) * data representation (data model). ---++ [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/InterOpMay2017-TD/TDIG-temporal-reqs-SSIG-BCecconi.pdf][ SSIG inputs on Time Domain (B. Cecconi, M. Louys, S. Erard) ]] * Solar System science cases involve photometry, spectra, images, polarisation. * Axes: * Time scales/formats: SCLK, SCET, UTC,… * In addition to temporal axes: rotation, period, * Data discovery or catalogue mining: EpnCore temporal queries * Use of temporal parameters for data selection / discovery * a specific epoch or interval * a specific sampling step condition * a specific exposure time (int. time) condition * select a time scale and/or time origin * … * EpnCore / ObsCore comparison of keyword, description, Unit, UCD, utype * Temporal time interval * Temporal sampling step * Observation exposure time * Observation time resolution * Time data products with time information: * Time-series (tables) * Spectrograms * Cubes (images/spectra) * Events * Data product content: * Often sparse multiD data with _time_ as main axis * Publishing time-series as: VOTable, FITS, CDF, … * Mandatory File + search metadata: * Time scale (+starting point/epoch), time origin (location) * Time coverage + sampling/resolution/exposure * Time-series: * Plotting tools: AMDA, TOPCAT (Time plot option), Autoplot (with SAMP) * Analysis: wide variety of methods (FFT, periodograms, lomb scargle,…). Analyse with IDL, python? * Data service? NASA/Heliophysics is working on an API for time series (HAPI). * Complexity? * Astronomy & Solar System: observational parameters can change over time * Use same time axis / time scale references ---++ [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/InterOpMay2017-TD/VizieR_timeSeries.pdf][Simple (?) Time Series in VizieR (S. Derriere)]] * Content of VizieR: > 10% contain "time series” flag * SED-viewer like tool for time series is difficult: * Heterogeneous formats * Missing characterisation / metadata or only in human-readable form * Catalogues: * Big missions: HIPPARCOS & Tycho light curves, Kepler, CoRoT, OGLE,MACHO, EROS * Variability surveys * Tables dedicated to individual object * Solar data * Kind of time series: * 70% are light curves * 23% are radial velocities * … * Several examples reflecting how heterogeneous data in VizieR is * Example 1: * One table for one target, JD versus RV (no coordinates) * Easily exported to VOTable, SAMP,… * Example 2: CoRoT * One catalogue row per target * Thumbnails * Link to FITS file * Example 3: * 8 targets in same table (no coordinates) * JD-offser & Phase (T_0 + Period) * Example 4: * Coordinates and target * Link to plot + ascii file * Missing metadata * Parameters: Param = f(time) * Time (JD, MJD, HJD, JD-xxxxx, phase) * Param = Y-axis (flux, magnitude, differential magnitude, color, counts, radial velocity…) * Extracting time series data: * cone search not sufficient (some cats. only have target name…) * add standardised parameters (TIME) to output, but nee to keep all original params & description (provenance) * Data Provider: * Some metadata and mapping will have to be added to VizieR * Only deal with large missions? but dedicated surveys to one source are very important. 90/10 rule (use popularity). * A time series standard should: * not mandate too many metadata (or it won’t be characterised properly) * allow for dataset-specific parameters: flags, S/N,… ---++ [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/InterOpMay2017-TD/TimeSeries.pdf][Asterics hackathon report (F. Bonnarel)]] <strong><br /></strong> * Metadata needed to describe and discover TimeSeries: * Spatial coordinate system * Time coordinate system: scale, ref. position, representation * Time, spectral, space and polarisation characterisation and statistics (raw or mean positions, raw bounding limits, std deviation) * Time sampling characterisation and statistics: * Mean sampling step * Sampling step limits * Sampling step standard deviation * Total exposure time * Exposure time characterisation and statistics: * Mean total exposure time * Mean exposure time per step * Min, max and std deviation of exposure time per step * Characterisation on the time frequency axis: * Periodograms, period (s), Fourier coefficients and frequencies, phase,… * What are the dependant and indépendant quantities and what is their nature * Which mode are the data? Transient or periodic? Seen by periodogram or by Target class * Target name, class, subclass (SN, SB,…) * Type of data we call TimeSeries: * Temporal sequence of measurement points containing * A time coordinate + flux (or similar) / RV / position / spectra / images * Representation of these data: time + spectra / images are better represented as a regular cube with only one sparse axis or as an event list * Recommend a time representation for standard output? MJD? * Relative time for theoretical data? * DAL chair view for a TS discovery & access: * Extend ObsCore with a new TimeSeriesCore table * ObsTAP-TS can query both tables together * Extend “SIAV2” query interface to new TimeSeries specific query parameters * Archived TimeSeries retrieval or DataLink * Virtual data discovery (=TimeSeries produced on the fly) in SIAV2 = DsDisc. Access.reference is a SODA url * SODA expansions to TS * Cutout or time selection * Selection on time frequencies * Selection in exposure times * Time binning * Frequency or phase output ---++ [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/InterOpMay2017-TD/Time_Series_Cube_-_DM.pdf][TimeSeries Cube DM (J. Nadvornik & P. Skoda)]] <strong><br /></strong> * Introduction on OLAP cubes * Definition of Sparse Cube DM: * Can describe any time series axes * Is flexible * Is extensible * Time Series Cube DM: Separating Data & Information: * Describing meaning (Information layer) * Cube DM describes meaning on axes (data layer) without knowing all physical domain model * Changes to physical domain models (STC, Phot DM, provenance) wont require Cube DM to change. * Time Series Cube UML: * Cube DM: * SparseCube * TimeSeriesCube — data * ColumnRef * Quantity (holds stats for ColumnRef) * Axis Domain DMs (holds context for ColumnRef) * STC DM * Photometry DM * Characterisation DM * Gravitational Wave DM * Probability Distribution DM * Science use Cases (from E. Solano) * Discovery & Access * ObsCore * SSA * SPLAT-VO / TOPCAT / Aladin * Light-curve * Datalink * Cutouts * Open questions: * Add datalink to ObsCore * What to put into Quantity DM * Two kinds of models (real world model & application of data model for publishing the data) * What do I need to discover about the data cube * Datalink for cutouts of cubes seems like best option * Use cases… ---++ [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/InterOpMay2017-TD/dachs.pdf][Time Series, VO-DML, DaCHS (M. Demleitner)]] <strong><br /></strong> * DaCHS Annotation: * DaCHS is a general VO publishing framework. * Each resource is described using a resource descriptor (RD) with (among others) table metadata * Before VO-DML, DaCHS understood one DM: STC. Annotation used a variant of STC-S. * Plan is to move into the VO-DML age: * Independent task-specific annotations * Ad-hoc annotation language specific to DaCHS rather than XML on input * Not backed up by VO-DM… * Proposed NDCube Processing: * Client parses STC annotations * Client looks for ndcube:Cube-typed annotation. * Client inspects existing STC annotations on hjd * Client pulls the set of dependent axes from ndcube: Cube annotations. Let the user which to plot? * Plotting component looks or ivoa:Measurement-typed annotation of df to work out what to use as error in the plot. ---++ [[%PUBURL%/IVOA/InterOpMay2017-TD/TS_Gaia_Archive_JuanGonzalez_InteropChina2017.pdf][Status and plans for the TS and spectra distribution for Gaia DR2 & DR3 (J. Gonzalez)]] * Gaia DR2 content: * Main catalogue * X-matches with “main” catalogues * SSOs * Epoch photometry * Gaia DR3 content: also adds spectra * SSOs integration * TAP service adaptation for SSO handling: * UDFs def. for SSOs * Based on IMCCE Eproc integration performed for ESASky SSO search service * Possible ADQL extension with datatypes and functions to EPN-TAP? * SSO Data Model: * EPNCore V2 draft: Orbital params —> ephemerides table —> TAP interface * Time Series & Spectra: * DAL side: * Extension of DataLink through Custom Access Data Service * No protocol extension needed * Archive data distribution has mission specific features * DataLink recognition * On the fly data serialisation to requested formats * SSAP, ObsCore TS vs SVO TS-SSAP ? * DM side: * OK for spectra, pending Time Series * DR ~ April 2018 * Need to base in and extend current WIP (Jiri’s TS draft) * Applications: * Spectra (VOSpec, SPLAT-VO) * Time Series
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