DataLink-1.1 Next

This topic collects proposals for modifications of the DataLink-1.1 specification in order to improve the next revision of the specification.

The discussion which occured between 1.0 and 1.1 can still be found here and of course on github.

* discussed during 1.0 -> 1.1 phase, but not integrated in 1.1 eventually :

  • service descriptor : URL could benefit go be templated (for example to pick up part of the path from the user or from the table and not only parameters). Proposals have been made but it was delayed to next version until some service implement it. (issue DataLink #27). Probably DataLink 2.0
  • DataLink underlying data model : is content_type, content_qualifier, semantiics triplet enough. Should we distinguish conveyed "information" and conveyed "realtionship" (issue DataLink #44). This is a discussion for DataLink 2.0.
  • Service descriptor inputParams enhancing distinction between required and optional parameters (issue DataLink #51). No obvious solution has been found at the moment.
  • Service Descriptor to be removed from DataLink and pushed to VOTable (issue DataLink #53). This is a major revision of DataLink but also of VOTable. Version 2.0. This may also be completed by introduction of the templating mechanism or even more by the use of PDL inside inputParams.
  • content parameter in datalink mime type. (issue DataLink #82). This is apparently to be solved in VOTable before DataLink1.1 becomes a REC
  • UCD for ID column in {links} service output . Is not the same as the UCD of ID parameter in any SODA service referring to the ID column in the {links} table. Is that an issue ? apparently not (issue DataLink #89)
  • interface version attribute in spec example . Should it be #links-1.1 or #links-1.0 (DataLink #96 - see also #62)

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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-03-14 - FrancoisBonnarel
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