TWiki> IVOA Web>DocStdRFC (revision 3)EditAttach

IVOA Document Standards RFC

This document will act as RFC centre for the IVOA Document Standards 1.10 Proposed Recommendation.

Review period: 16 September 2008 to 15 October 2008

In order to add a comment to the document, please edit this page and add your comment to the list below in the format used for the example (include your WikiName so authors can contact you for further information). When the author(s) of the document have considered the comment, they will provide a response after the comment.

Discussion about any of the comments or responses should be conducted on the Standing Committee on Standards & Processes mailing list,


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  • "Adding" comments : by BrunoRino : I want to "add" a comment here. How do I do it?

  • Definition of Terms : by DickShaw : The term "technical report" in paragraph 1, sentence 2 of Sect. 1.1 has not been defined. It appears to be a synonym for "IVOA document" but this should be clarified.

  • Reference to Doc Standards Management : by DickShaw : It would be helpful to include a reference (and link) to IVOA Note 2004-April 25, "Guidelines and Procedures for IVOA Document Standards Management" since it provides useful, additional "how to" advice about developing IVOA documents.

  • Referencing IVOA Documents : by DickShaw : It would be very helpful to explain (or better, to point to another document that explains) how to reference IVOA documents in external publications. That is, this document should point to information about how the citation should read, what the most appropriate URL/URI is, and whether there is a DOI or other external system used for referencing, etc. As an example from another context, were I to cite the FITS standard in a paper or presentation, my reference list would include:

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Topic revision: r3 - 2008-09-16 - DickShaw
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