Quantity Data Model Work Package

Background Material

Modeling Materials

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who CommentSorted descending
Compressed Zip archivetar Quantity01_xml.tar r1 manage 80.0 K 2004-03-18 - 21:57 EdShaya Various documents that test Quantity01
Texttxt QuantityUseCaseWorksheet.txt r2 r1 manage 12.4 K 2003-11-03 - 18:07 BrianThomas Use-case document to define
Compressed Zip archivetar units.tar r1 manage 200.0 K 2004-03-10 - 01:16 JonathanMcDowell Units model and software demo
PDFpdf units.pdf r1 manage 66.7 K 2004-03-10 - 01:17 JonathanMcDowell Units model
PDFpdf Starlink-Quantity.pdf r/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/IVOADMQuantityWP/Starlink-Quantity.pdf,v manage 63.1 K 2003-05-23 - 10:39 DavidBerry Starlink's experiences with Quantities
Compressed Zip archivetar Quantity01_xsd.tar r1 manage 50.0 K 2004-03-18 - 21:32 EdShaya Quantity01 XML Schemas
PDFpdf qty23.pdf r1 manage 196.9 K 2004-05-25 - 04:09 JonathanMcDowell Quantity model draft V0.23
HTMLhtml VOQuantity.html r1 manage 14.4 K 2003-05-21 - 17:28 RayPlante Metadata Dictionary for VOQuantity
Compressed Zip archivetar Quantity01_htmldocs.tar r1 manage 1260.0 K 2004-03-18 - 21:55 EdShaya Documentation and diagrams of Quantity01
PDFpdf DataModelQuantity.pdf r1 manage 105.8 K 2003-05-21 - 17:13 RayPlante DM for Spectra: Quantities and Coordinates
PDFpdf QuantityDataModelPaper.pdf r1 manage 715.1 K 2003-10-23 - 18:38 BrianThomas Basic considerations and model for Quantities
Unknown file formatxsd VOQuantity-v0.1.xsd r1 manage 7.6 K 2003-05-21 - 17:26 RayPlante An XSD for Quantities
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Topic revision: r13 - 2005-08-22 - MarcoLeoni
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