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Registry Working Group WP3 (Metadata Specifications)

Discussion of PR IVOA Identifiers v1.1

The Proposed Recommendation for IVOA Identifiers was posted 21 June 2004 in the IVOA document repository. Comments regarding issues that should be considered before this standard is elevated to an IVOA Recommendation should be posted here by 31 July 2004.

The above was never followed up. New close date is 20th Feb 2005.

When adding comments, be sure to include your name and the date and divide each with a "---".

I found a number of typos and grammar errors, and suggest that these be fixed. I have no objections to the document otherwise. -- BobHanisch - 09 Feb 2005

IETF URNs have a specific syntax described in RFC2141. The proposed syntax of our resource identifiers is different although the semantics are the same. That's OK, but we should avoid calling our identifiers URNs.

-- GuyRixon - 20 Feb 2005

-- Our identifiers are in two parts, the global part and the local part, separated by (typically) a '#'. We need names for these parts to aid discussion. I suggest naming the global part the International Virtual Observatory Resource Name (IVORN) and the local part the Local Resource Name (LRN). Formally, neither includes the '#' separator. These terms should be defined in a new section 3.1.3.

-- GuyRixon - 20 Feb 2005

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Topic revision: r9 - 2005-02-20 - GuyRixon
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