S3 (Simple Self-described Service protocol)

S3 follows the same dialog philosophy already present in TSAP (see below) but allowing more flexible implementations not only for theoretical spectra but also for other kind of theoretical data.

General information

  • S3 protocol (IVOA note)
  • S3 interface (an interface to check a S3 service, check if it works as expected or retrieve data from it)
  • S3 wizard: an application with a web interface designed so that it is easy to implement a S3 service without programming.

Model services using S3

S3 metadata interface to the models: (links point to the first S3 dialog step: the format=metadata one. Subsequent queries can be made using this information)

Applications using S3

  • VOSA
    • a web application developed using VO resources to fit observational data with theoretical models to infer physical properties for the observed objects.
    • uses S3 to access several theoretical isochrone and evolutionary track collections to, by interpolating them, infer physical values for the age and mass of the analyzed objects.
  • S3 wizard
    • an application designed to easily implement your own VO services for theoretical models.
    • Two inputs are needed
      • A set of ascii files containing the data corresponding to each model.
      • An ascii file with the name of every data file and the value of the parameters that characterize each file.
      • (User inputs about the meaning of parameters, data columns, curation, credits... All by a web interface.)
    • The application builds:
      • The database
      • A web page with forms to download files in ascci and votable formats.
      • A VO service able to answer the three types of queries

TitleSorted descending Author/s Meeting Date link
Simple access protocol for microphysics simulations Carlos Rodrigo [InterOpMay2008] May 2008 pdf
Introduction to microsimulations Miguel Cerviņo [InterOpMay2008] May 2008 pdf

Topic revision: r1 - 2010-05-27 - MiguelCervino
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