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Image Data Model Effort

The Image Data Model, currently under development, will describe multdimensional image and image cube datasets and instances. It will serve as the basis for the description of Image datasets in archives and VO queries, as well as the basis for Image data access protocols such as SIAV2 and related access methods such as siav2.accessData.

ImageDM-ObsCore Convergence

It was agreed in the fall 2013 interop to do whatever is necessary to bring the Image data model into convergence with ObsCore (e.g., ObsTAP), in particular making data models such as ImageDM and SpectralDM extensions of ObsCore, all sharing a common core data model. We are fast-tracking an updated version of both the ImageDM and SIAV2 drafts that will make a first cut at this convergence, sufficient to support ongoing development for the Cube initiative, while further development of the working drafts goes forward. An initial analysis of what is required has been performed by a subset of the ImageDM author group (FB, ML, MCD, DT) and the results are summarized here:

The consensus at this point appears to be that we finalize a set of Characterisation V2 Utypes, use these for both ImageDM and SpectralDM, and update the older ObsCore/ObsTAP document to comply. This will take a while, but all we need for ongoing Cube development is the updated ImageDM and SIAV2 drafts plus a summary of the revised Utypes planned for ObsCore.

Further updates will be posted here as this effort progresses. Discussion should be carried out on the DM mailing list.

Current Drafts

Latest version of the draft:

Previous versions:

Some related documents can be found here:

In particular, there is a new draft of the SIAV2 image access specification which is sync-ed up with the current version of the ImageDM.

The VAO Cube whitepaper relevant use cases and analysis addressing the problem of modeling and accessing multidimensional image data in the VO:

This includes a section on the ImageDM, mainly addressing issues pertaining to the image cube use cases.


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Texttxt ImageDM-ObsCore.txt r1 manage 16.2 K 2013-10-28 - 13:36 DougTody Initial analysis of ImageDM-ObsCore Convergence
PDFpdf WD-ImageDM-20130505.pdf r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 1365.2 K 2013-05-17 - 08:25 DougTody Image Data Model draft (still under development)
PDFpdf WD-ImageDM-20130812.pdf r1 manage 1224.0 K 2013-08-16 - 19:56 DougTody ImageDM draft as of 12Aug2013 (first fairly complete version)
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxls siav2-keywords.xls r1 manage 136.0 K 2013-08-16 - 19:58 DougTody Image (and SIAV2) data model spreadsheet
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxls siav2-obstap-FB.xls r1 manage 35.5 K 2013-10-28 - 13:42 DougTody ImageDM and ObsCore Utypes vs Char2 (FB)
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxls siav2-obstap.xls r1 manage 140.5 K 2013-10-28 - 13:38 DougTody Spreadsheet contrasting ImageDM, ObsCore diffs (DT)
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Topic revision: r6 - 2013-10-28 - DougTody
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