DM session June 2015 Interop Meeting

DM Session 1 - Gruener Saal- Monday June 16 16:00-17:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Baptiste Cecconi EPNcore datamodel 20'  
Kristin Riebe Provenance DM status 20' slides pdf
Mathieu Servillat CTA Data Model 15'  
Jesus Salgado Source DM discussion    

DM Session 2 - Großer Saal - Thursday June 18 09:00-10:30

Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar ImageDM/DataSetDM 20'  
Mark Cresitello-Dittmar SpectralDM implementation status 10'  
Arnold Rots STC-2 15'  

Gerard Lemson/Omar Laurino/Tom Donaldson/Pierre Fernique

VO/DML, VO/DML mapping and implementation discussion    

Jesus Salgado/Omar Laurino

DM WG roadmap 5'  

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf Provenance.pdf r1 manage 2636.7 K 2015-06-15 - 16:06 KristinRiebe Slides for provenance talk
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Topic revision: r7 - 2015-06-15 - KristinRiebe
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