GWS Sessions at the June 2015 Interop Meeting

This time we will have 3 sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, studies and discussions.

GWS Session 1

Th first session will start with presentations around distributed caching, data lab and encoding. In a second part of the session we will have a discussion concerning the VOSpace 2.1 update.

GWS 1 - Grüner Saal - Tuesday 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Mark Taylor HTTP Content Encoding 20 pdf
Santhilata K.V. Distributed caching for astronomical db 20 pdf
Matthew Graham NOAO Data Lab 20 pdf
Brian Major VOSpace 2.1 & discussion   pdf

GWS Session 2

The second session will start with UWS, the standard update and examples of implementations and prototypes.The last part of the session concerns Docker with a presentation and a discussion.

Concerning UWS 1.1 you can have a look at the Apps session 2: talk of Gregory Mantelet concerning the update of the CDS/ARI libraries. Gregory has also joined a package uws1.1.war to his presentation.

GWS 2 - Grüner Saal - Wednesday 11:00-12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Paul Harrison UWS 1.1 20 pdf
Mathieu Servillat, Cyril Chauvin UWS server at VOPDC 20 pdf
Pat Dowler Various GWS prototypes 20 pdf
Dave Morris Docker & discussion 30 docker / inner

GWS Session 3

During this session we will start with 2 presentations concerning PDL. It will be followed by a discussion concerning the update of SSO, including a presentation about an implementation of Shibboleth and OpenID.

GWS 3 - Grüner Saal - Thursday 11:00-12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Paul Harrison PDL Representation 20 pdf
Carlo Maria Zwölf New features in PDL implementation 20 pdf
Giuiliano Taffoni, André Schaaff SSO & discussion 50 ...
Mathieu Servillat Shibboleth and OpenID at VOPDC 10 (included in the SSO slot) ...

Special splinter meeting on Wednesday afternoon in Grüner Saal at 16:00

  • Subject: XML Schema
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf CADC-GWS-proto.pdf r1 manage 304.7 K 2015-06-17 - 10:11 PatrickDowler  
PDFpdf EvolutionPDLFramework.pdf r1 manage 919.3 K 2015-06-18 - 07:53 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf IVOA_2015.pdf r1 manage 514.3 K 2015-06-16 - 15:22 AndreSchaaff  
PDFpdf NOAO_Data_Lab.pdf r1 manage 1239.4 K 2015-06-16 - 13:04 MatthewGraham NOAO Data Lab
PDFpdf PDLSexten.pdf r1 manage 1449.1 K 2015-06-18 - 11:35 PaulHarrison Towards a new PDL serialisation
PDFpdf UWS1.1Sexten.pdf r1 manage 1004.3 K 2015-06-17 - 11:26 PaulHarrison UWS 1.1 progress
PDFpdf VOSpace2.1-2.pdf r1 manage 603.1 K 2015-06-17 - 07:18 BrianMajor VOSpace 2.1 Discussion Slides
PDFpdf ccoding.pdf r1 manage 54.9 K 2015-06-16 - 09:26 MarkTaylor Content-coding talk
PDFpdf docker-20150617.pdf r2 r1 manage 1735.5 K 2015-06-17 - 07:42 DaveMorris  
PDFpdf innerspace-20150617.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 145.8 K 2015-06-17 - 07:52 DaveMorris  
PDFpdf servillat_UWS_Sesto.pdf r1 manage 726.1 K 2015-06-18 - 01:40 MathieuServillat UWS Server at VOPDC
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