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June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting - Logistics Info Page

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Hotels near Haus Sexten

The following hotels offer 10% off and free W-Lan to all summer 2015 workshop participants. Please inform that you are attending the conference organised by the Sexten Centre for Astrophysics.

All of them are within walking distance. Walking time to/from the hotel is highlighted beside hotel name.

Hotel Distance to Haus Sexten Contacts & Links Notes
Alpenwellnesshotel St. Veit/San Vito **** 5 minutes Europaweg/Via Europa 16
Tel. +39 0474 710390 - Fax +39 0474 710072 -
Hotel Waldheim ***S just in front, across the street Waldheim/Via Waldheim 1
Tel. +39 0474 710316 - Fax +39 0474 710182 -
Hotel Mondschien/Luna *** 5 minutes Dolomitenstraße/Via Dolomiti 5
Tel. +39 0474 710322 - Fax +39 0474 710252 -
Gästehaus Gruber *** 10 minutes Via Leiten 7
Tel. +39 0474 710229 - Fax +39 0474 710021 -
Hotel & Appartements Strobl *** 5 minutes Via San Vito 8
Tel. +39 0474 710371 - Fax +39 0474 710057 -
Strobl grants 10% off only from 14.06.2015 to 05.07.2015.
Otherwise, participants can freely use WIFI, but full price is applied.

There are other hotels within walking distance (a couple of minutes) from Haus Sexten, but no discount is offered.
Among them:

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Topic revision: r1 - 2015-05-15 - MarcoMolinaro
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