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June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting - Logistics Info Page

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The suggested hotel (Sport & Kurhotel in Bad Moos) is running out of rooms because of an overbooking problem on their side. Many apologies for this disarrangement.
In the following there is a list of alternative hotels within walking distance from the Haus Sexten conference centre.

Hotels near Haus Sexten

The following hotels offer 10% off and free W-Lan to all summer 2015 workshop participants.
Please inform that you are attending the conference organised by the Sexten Centre for Astrophysics.

All of them are within walking distance. Walking time to/from the hotel is highlighted beside hotel name.

Hotel Distance to Haus Sexten Contacts & Links Notes
Alpenwellnesshotel St. Veit/San Vito **** 5 minutes Europaweg/Via Europa 16
Tel. +39 0474 710390 - Fax +39 0474 710072 -
Hotel Waldheim ***S just in front, across the street Waldheim/Via Waldheim 1
Tel. +39 0474 710316 - Fax +39 0474 710182 -
Hotel Mondschien/Luna *** 5 minutes Dolomitenstraße/Via Dolomiti 5
Tel. +39 0474 710322 - Fax +39 0474 710252 -
Gästehaus Gruber *** 10 minutes Via Leiten 7
Tel. +39 0474 710229 - Fax +39 0474 710021 -
Hotel & Appartements Strobl ** 5 minutes Via San Vito 8
Tel. +39 0474 710371 - Fax +39 0474 710057 -
Strobl grants *10% off only from 14.06.2015 to 05.07.2015.
Otherwise, participants can freely use WIFI, but full price is applied.

There are other hotels within walking distance (a couple of minutes) from Haus Sexten, but no discount is offered.
Among them:

More hotels and apartments are available and bookable on South Tyrol Tourism Sesto web pages.


Here are some restaurants nearby Haus Sexten, suitable for lunch and/or dinner and located at walking distance from the meeting site. Lunch is usually served between noon and 2 pm while dinner time starts at 6 pm till 8:30 or 9 pm. Booking is recommended if a large number of people wants to have a meal together.

Restaurantl Lunch/Dinner Contacts
Ristorante Pizzeria Bar Riega lunch & dinner Via Dolomiti, 43 - 39030 Sesto
tel. +39 0474 710480
Ristorante Lanterna Verde lunch & dinner Via Waldheim, 10 - 39030 Sesto
tel. +39 0474 710140
Chiosco lunch & dinner Dolomitenstraße - 39030 Sexten
tel. +39 348 5933751
Ristorante Pizzeria Mondschein lunch & dinner Via Dolomiti, 5 - 39030 Sesto
tel. +39 0474 710322
Hotel Ristorante Waldheim dinner
booking required for lunch
Via Waldheim, 1 - 39030 Sesto
tel. +39 0474 710316
Ristorante Hotel Willy dinner
booking required for lunch
via Waldheim 8 - 39030 Sesto
tel. +39 0474 710414

Other solutions, probably better suited for dinner can be found on this local touristic gastronomical site that also lists restaurants in Moos/Moso, that is at 15 minutes walking distance.


A shuttle bus will be available daily (Monday through Friday) to connect the Haus Sexten conference centre and the Sport & Kurhotel in Bad Moos, which are about 2 km apart (see also the map below). Mid-way stops will be made as needed. Two buses will leave Bad Moos in the morning to reach the meeting site (8:30, 8:45), two buses will return to Bad Moos after the last session (17:40, 17:55). In addition one bus will leave the Haus Sexten at the end of the morning sessions (12:40) to go back to Bad Moos and from there return to the meeting site (13:45).

shuttle route schedule
Haus Sexten ⇒ Bad Moos     12:40 17:40 17:55
Bad Moos ⇒ Haus Sexten 8:30 8:45 13:45    


A taxi service within Sesto and Moso is available.
The cost is 2.00 Euros/person between 7 pm and 1 am. After 1 am the cost is a standard taxi fare.
The number to call is +39 340 9714480

Transportation from/to VCE

Dedicated shuttle transfers have been planned to help participants reach Sesto from Venice International Airport (VC) in the dates 13th/14th and back to VCE on 19th/20th. The information gathered through the participants registration led to the following shuttle buses composition. Please check them and report issues directly to the LOC.

Local Map

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Topic revision: r7 - 2015-06-08 - MarcoMolinaro
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